Global warming is a fucking lie and everyone knows it...

Global warming is a fucking lie and everyone knows it, this will be earth in a hundred years but every fucking moron is talking about how the poles are melting

>100 years.
plz nigger you are as retarded as algore.
>"Mt killamanjaro will have no snow by the year 2016"

it's called the earth's natural cycle, to think that the insegnifigant shits that live on it could cause it to change drastically is like a downsyndrome kid injecting himself with cow blood to get more chromosomes.

>posts banana

No; not everyone knows it.

Do you mean climate change? Global warming is just a small, fluctuating statistic within that larger problem. Increased frequency of hurricanes and tornadoes has had a much larger impact on peoples lives than global warming but since temperature change can be explained to a monkey it's easier for the yellow press to use as news fodder.

Notice how it always used to be 'global warming' will kill us all, global warming blah blah global warming - until it was shown that the average global temperature was falling. All the ecobastards went quiet for a little while and then came steaming back with 'climate change'

it's all a reciprocal cycle of bullshit between ecobastards and fucking politicians

What is really happening in the world?

Natural cycle, earth gets hot and humid for however long, then an ice age, warming and cooling the way it has always done and probably always will.

How do you know it has been like that always?

When I was growing up in the 90s I remember Global Warming and its threat and CFCs and such. Now its called climate change which is a grand sweeping term, no shit the climate is ALWAYS changing and yes man DOES impact it but not the the extent that most are trying to say. Im all for diversity in power generation if it makes sense and its efficient but the problem with most tech like solar and wind is that it only works at certain times/places/conditions and the USA is a LARGE country and demands alot of power. It is unfeasible to drape solar panels and windmills across the entirety of it, Even if we change our lifestyles the bigger issues is that we live in the same world with India, China and alot of other emerging economic blocks that will not follow suit because they need CHEAP power not exo power.

Don't know for sure but the evidence seems to confirm. Evidence of past ice ages, tropical temps worldwide.

Glacial expansion doesnt work like that you retard.

So in other words you cherry pick the statistics that conform to your opinions.

The same ice core data suggests that there are changes happening now that aren't congruent with natural oscillation of global temperatures, CO2 levels etc.

So no global warming? Did the nothern ice sheet pack up and move then? Goolge Earth retard.

And please explain how the evidence of past ice ages tells anything about climate? That's geography son. Tropical temperatures worldwide? Do you think some motherfucker looks at the weather forecast and puts that down into statistics about global climate trends?

>ice ages
>geography son
What do you think makes ice ages? Im pretty sure you are really dumb. If you really care just do a simple google on what ice core samples and prior ice ages can tell us about the climate cycles.

Evidence of ice ages you said. Ice age, glaciation period, glaciers. So you're not talking about land formations that glaciation produces? Do you mean the chemical and radioactive signatures in methane and other carbohydrates trapped beneath the permafrost that was created during the last glacial maximum? All these suggest an anthropogenic influence today.

Oh yes, I mean geology, not geography, sorry.

And if you're thinking about using those geological phenomena that take thousands of years to change to explain that the rapid changes post the 1950s we've seen in greenhouse gas levels you're really lost in the woods.

The UK is getting heatwaves that are getting increasingly hotter and hotter every year. Checkmate, atheists.

If we see those changes happening in thousands of years, and now it's accelerated to the level it has STRICTLY since the industrial revolution, then we clearly have a massive influence over it.


It's not a phenomena that can only be validated on a geological timescale, the effects are immediate with the levels of greenhouse gasses being released. With that logic the Chicxulub impactor didn't hit the Earth, cause a global winter and wipe out the dinosaurs since it was such a brief event. Come on man.

because glaciers do melt and temperature gets higher you beardless foreskinless little faggot

Or how's this, do you find out if someone farted by smelling it or by detecting fecal particles accumulating over the years in the walls?