One of these threads

One of these threads

I absolutely hate myself. Day by day I feel like it gets worse. College is empty and meaningless and I probably would have dropped out already if it didn't mean I'd be fucking poor the rest of my life and my parents would be incredibly disappointed in me.
I've been told I'm a decent looking guy but my hair is thinning at only 21 years old which has shattered the modicum of self esteem I once had.
I try to minimize the time I look in a mirror because I cannot stand the sight of my own face and it often ruins the rest of my day.
Getting out of bed and doing anything at all is often a challenge and given the opportunity I'll lie in bed all day.
I have a qt3.14 gf, a decently sized friend group, and a big loving family that all seem to really care for me, which scares the shit out of me because I think so little of myself that I don't know how someone could care for me at all. I live in constant fear that my gf will just leave one day even though there really is no logical reason to think that at all.
I numb myself with weed on a near daily basis and sometimes come to work a little high because that's the only way I can tolerate it.
You guys are the only ones I want to tell all this to because that last thing I want is the people I care about being worried about me.

There's probably more but I'll stop complaining. Go ahead, folks, what's on your mind?


I guess your feeling is normal. Everyone has at some point this kind of sensations and moments of self doubt.

But as you said in your last sentence, stop complaining. There are human beings in much worse situations than this, that its offensive to even complain.

My advice, whenever you feel like everything is just too shit, stop thinking about that and do something else, go out to run, play some video game, study something new, do some painting, go for a walk, travel to another place. Just live, and dont focus on all your complaints.

Oh and if you dont know what to start with just try to make a list of daily stuff that makes you worried or dissapointed about yourself. Then analyze all of these points, you know, search for a root cause and find an action that will change that root cause.

When i was a kid i was alienated from other kids by this one asshole.
Then again later.
And again.
And again today.
Every time i seem to make some friends some asshole always ends up alienating me.
It's not something i do.
They just do it for fun.
And i can't do anythig to prevent it from happening.

Every other month for about a week I get the fucking strongest urges to an hero.

Upon reflection I have literally nothing to complain about compared to most folks. Life has treated me ok I suppose. I just cant fucking be bothered anymore.

OP, I know that feel.
I know exactly that feeling.
You are not alone.

Mate I know how you feel. I'd never kill myself but sometimes I feel like I wouldn't be slightly sad if I never woke up.
Seriously though, what's the point in going to work, getting promotions, just to get the money needed to survive so you can go back to work and start again?
I know we're not the first to think this but you'd think of all the cunts asking what the point is someone would have come up with an answer.
I suppose all you can really do is try to enjoy what you can when the opportunities arise.

That sounds a lot like my life 3 years ago, except it all went downhill from there. I can relate so much with your weed abuse, i used to do it not to get high but noit to feel anything even if for just a couple of ours.My girlfriend left me and i was stepping away from my friends and family, never got professinal help or took medication. I regret most of the decisions i made since then, and often conteplated suicide.
The bottom line is, the choices you make,will affect you somehow in the future, everyone has doubts and everyone suffers, thats nothing new, what makes everyone different from one another are the actions you take in response to said problems.
I really do hope that you do not commit to the same mistakes i did, mistakes that i'm not able to correct and are more difficult to corret with each day that passes.
Again, i really do relate to your problems dude, stay safe...

My family just keeps fucking me up , i just make a small mistake , 10 minutes later , i was the one who caused ww2 and burned the jews ... , My brothers keeps calling me idiot and an ignorant for being ... Beta , i have a job but everyone hate me I'm a bit social now but no one would talk to me , i didn't go to the uni cuz i don't think I'd wast time and money on would make it worth it , my family thinks im a retarded or mentally ill , and i learned 3 languages by my self
I'm thinking of moving of my family house and go to another country , far away from them

Relatable tbh.


This happened to me , A lot.
I did absolutely nothing to him.
i told my friends he has cancer and he just needs some friends ,
I convinced him to shave bald
AND HE DID IT , HE THOUGHT THAT WOULD MAKE THE 9TH GRADE GIRLS GO CRAZY ON HIM , man it was fun in 8th grade when i was young pice of shit

I just found out that a girl I broke up with nearly twelve years ago has become VERY successful in the fashion journalism industry.

It absolutely kills me to see her being successful because she's the most vapid, quotidian and tedious person you could ever meet.

When I say successful, I mean SHE'S A FUCKING EDITOR FOR VOGUE

sounds like a serotonin deficiency
you could go on drugs or change your lifestyle to include shit you actually enjoy
exercise will help because it releases endorphins, makes you feel good

Bored of the life I have with my gf who I really do love.

>fashion journalism
i don't know what you were expecting

>that feel when you're years too late to a fandom and it's 95% ponies and mixes with other fandoms now

You humiliated me in front of all of our peers, and now I'm going to rape the ever living fuck out of you. I'm going to make every hole of yours bleed. You will be pregnant with my child and I will publicly shame your ass for the rest of your fucking life bitch.

i might have testicle cancer. my right nut has dots. feels like a morning star. but too scared to tell anyone cause its a genetal issue. im a 21 y/o beta living at my moms house. havent touched a girl yet

Pedo user here. Strictly non-offender. Won't even touch the virtual stuff.

I really hate being alive. Existing as I am. It's fucking awful. There's no-one I can talk to about it, nothing I can do to change it. It's like a curse. You'd really rather die. The only reason I haven't killed myself is because I don't feel like I deserve to die for something beyond my control.

But I used to feel like I could at least post freely here. Here, of all places, I could at least just be myself. Until I got banned, that is. For fucking nothing. Just making fun of another pedo. Now I know better. There is nowhere for what I am. We are undesirables. We are expected to be killed or just kill ourselves, and there is no other stead for my kind in your world.

I didn't do anything wrong. I never asked for this.

I started shitting blood and slime well over a year ago. I never looked it up or told anyone, I just silently hoped I had gotten cancer so I could finally die. Unfortunately I am still alive and well, though still shitting blood. I guess it's just hemorrhoids or some bullshit.

Yep ,
It's cancer
I have it too
My brother have it too
My other brother have it too
My other brother also have it too
123.. yep and the 4th one had it too my father grandfather .... Had it too , just to be sure got to a doctor , and make an ultra sound photo , just to be sure

op from this ^^

i feel the same way. ive shit blood too but figured i just had a hemroid cause i shoved an icycle up my ass when i was 14. it was a rather large one. atleast 12 inches. but icicles melt in warm places so ice dildo quickly turned into ice shank.

That's hilarious.

Sorry about your butt.

yeah. but the blood shitting stopped a few years later. now im fine. i get poop with small blood spots on them. once in a while.

I despise being alive because I can't find a qt shemale to split open my butthole with her feminine penis (no homo!) :( why evan live Sup Forums!?

I should be happy I've just got myself part time work I'm studying things I like in uni and I have myself a girlfriend who I love but I find myself bored with life all the time things are too stable I think I'm bored and want to run away somewhere but I don't want to hurt all the people around me I love

>Dad dying of cancer, only couple days left
>Sad as hell and want to cry
>Cant, because I have to be strong for rest of fam
>Kids asking questions about why pawpaw is dying
>Not sure what to say or how to say it without being sad and crying
>Damn this sucks

i want my latina wife to cuckold me the thought of her sucking cock is so hot.. i post her on b all the time she has never found out

I have pretty much fuck all to complain about, my life is pretty average. I have some friends and get decent grades and my family are middle class and not abusive but I still want to kill myself every day because I'm a little bitch who gets sulky about the tiniest things and I hate myself for it.