Is suicide ok?

is suicide ok?

Who are you asking?

It means Oklahoma.

Suicide doesn't have an abbreviation.

for you, yes

Is it ok? Sure
Is it pathetic? Yep
Change your live, move, meet new people. Stip being a fag... Unless you have a terminal issue or something along those lines, in which case purchase a shit ton of drugs and have fun

fucking kek

anyone who will answer
by your logic I also should have capitalized the letters
but you hardly know me...
easier said than done.

Define ok.

It's really not... 5 years time you can have a completely different life. Stop being so pathetic man


Is that the chick that was banging her stepdad?

5 years is a long time. my experiences have told me that moving doesn't change much.

i have no idea

Why wouldn't it be?
Is the earth overpopulated ? Yes.
Next question

Can anyone provide a reason why we should not be allowed to take our own lives if we decide it's not worth it?


o.k. is not a definition. are you askign if I personally would be upset? If its socially justified? If you have religious reasons for asking?
Youre being too vague.



> in b4 bait

Yes, anyone retarded enough to do it deserves to die, if planned out the person must write out a letter stating they have left to a remote area and are now dead and assure them there is no need to waste money on looking for them or a funeral as they're body will not be found, still pathetic but at least as little amount of resources are wasted

Because life isn't a static thing you faggot shitlord. A few years down the road you may a different person with a very different mindset, perhaps even decently happy or content with life.

I mean, I get the point of suicide if you live under severe chronic pain and such, but otherwise life CAN get better little by little if you work on it... it's even a bit easier when you have people supporting you.

In the vast majority of cases, suicide is the coward's choice.

can you just answer all of those questions then?

funny how that goes in reverse when people do the opposite of support you...

Because killing yourself is stupid. We don't even know how to describe a conscience, a life, what is the concept of "now", etc (what happens if you cut a plant in two parts, do you have 2 lifes now?) . We are just a bunch of molecules grouped together following simple rules defined in our adn, our brain is just an interconnection of neurones and stuff, but it feels real, why does it even feel? Why are we conscious? If you want to kill yourself just because you are depressed that's really stupid, you have to abstract yourself a little and think what are you really, are you just going to kill yourself because you have problems interacting with society? We are the same species that some years ago was climbing trees in the jungle and hunting mammoths, you are just an homo sapiens that had focused his mind all his life in society problems and relationships. Just tell your friends to go fuck themselves and do whatever you want with your life, don't think about anything. Sorry for my English

Then just end it... If you are so pathetic that you believe you can't turn your life around, then you probably don't deserve life to begin with.
Everything can change in 5 years, especially in America. (I'm taking a guess at you being American based off of your writing and lack of self worth)

The simple fact is you come off as someone who made some small mistake and are too lazy to change so you got depressed and now want to end it.
Wanna be "o.k."? Get off your ass, move, get a new job, meet new people, live...

Is that a fact or just a very skewed personal perception?.

If you and the people around you agree that some people are bringing you down, what can you do to fix it?. Can you get away from them?. Can you try live on your own?.

I've had my share of issues with dysthymia, depression and some anxiety... all I have to do to see a bit of light is remembering that things have been better, and that there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to make them just as good as they were before.

It's pretty bad, you can even die because of it.

its aight

Depends. If you have people around you that it would hurt it's incredibly selfish and the coward's way out. Otherwise can't blame you. Try playing an MMO instead it's a great way to find people to make what time you have worth it.

only if you post pics

fuck life, yes it is

Selfish is not allowing your loved ones to decide what to do with their own lives. A coward just listens to what society says they should do instead of standing up and questioning the norm.

Never understood why someone will say its cowards way out. Seems to me you have to be brave as fuck to say screw this im out

No its not okay.

Your a fucking mental pussy, learn to evolve and enrich yourself, better yourself.

If you cannot find anyway of doing this.
Then fucking end your life.
If you were serious about death you would do it.
Stop reaching for attention on Sup Forums!

so much this


No, selfish is putting your own wants, which are irrational, ahead of the emotions of your loved ones. Trying to justify disagreeing with suicide as selfish is like trying to cure alcoholism by drinking gin

Suicide Girls are okay. But suicide in general is not that great.

So, in your opinion, suicide is an exercise in rebellion. What are you, fucking 12?.

It is a cowardly thing to do since it's the ultimate way of running away from everyone and everything, instead of facing your reality.

Brave would be fighting on ya twat. Ending it with no care of what happens afterwards is undoubtedly the cowards way out

Nope. Its selfish

>life is shit
So what. It's shit for everyone at some point.

Yes, fucking do it OP

Bet you won't do it because you're a coward

*hiss* do iiiiiiiit

Lol look at this edgy fuckhead.
Depressed people actually have less electrical activity in their brain, the amount of activity is depressed, understand? Motivational talk, your contempt, promises of a better tomorrow, these are things that make sense to a mind that is not depressed.
This angry little shitbird takes for granted the way all his thoughts and actions are directed towards the future, as if that isn't one chemical imbalance away from being snatched from him.
Comfy and mean, kids on the fucken internet i swear.

If you're Muslim or liberal it is.

Kill yourself and find out!

I wouldn't do it because i enjoy life... I truly feel bad for you if you put your wants ahead of others. Incredible selfish of you

You're scared

Being depressed doesn't mean you don't realize the state you are in, and it also doesn't mean you can't seek for help. Being there, done that. It absolutely sucks, but you can get through it.

You're pathetic and projecting doesn't change that. Move to a different city and start new...

But why bother? Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everyone's gonna die.

can anyone repost?

What would your solution be towards depression?

Instead of attacking one persons opinion and defending and making excuses for people with depression.

What will you do to help?
Whats the solution?
Are you helping with a solution?
Or will you just defend and make excuses?

Lol i never said i want to do it. You came at me with some cliche bullshit about being cowardly. No you're not gonna tell me that a person chooses to kill himself having no idea if there is an after life is a coward compared to the person who chooses to stay in their miserable existence. Maybe you could argue its selfish but not cowardly

You attack me because I'm high on life!!

Its a tough world cunt face,All I see is another virgin pussy defending a weak piece of shit!

I see threads like this a lot and I usually just scroll past them. But I'm going to explain my beliefs on suicide, for anyone that might give a shit. I've thought about it a lot. I've had the thought of "I should kill myself" pop into my head but I've never been able to take it seriously. My logic that I can't get over is this: I didn't choose to live, so I can't choose to die. I'm not a very spiritual person so I'm not going to sit here and preach about the afterlife or whatever, but I do believe in experience the bad and the good parts of life. If I'm willing to accept the positives no matter how great, then I I have to accept the negatives no matter how heartbreaking or horrific. That's sort of what I believe the point of life is. Just to experience the fuck out of everything good or bad. That doesn't mean go out and make terrible choices or live like a "yes" man, it just means to just not think you have it figured out and be able to adjust to different circumstances... I'm getting off track. Basically no, I don't think suicide is ok. I think it's cheating yourself out of very valuable experiences and understandings of the existence you are experiencing right now.

Depends on your definition of "ok". If you like death, then sure. It's ok. Otherwise? I would say no, it's not "ok". Death is is a bit too permanent for my taste.

Afterlife is irrelevant. They could choose to work hard and change their life, or they can choose to kill themselves which would hurt anyone that truly cares about them. The latter is most definitely cowardly as well as utterly selfish.

>What would your solution be towards depression?
If and when someone close reaches out in any way, listen, then pressure them to eat right and sleep regular. Any kind of exercise in the day that warms you up for a few minutes helps with sleep. Also with appetite.
Always listen, be prepared to tell them to get up, balance severity and mercy ya know?
You were close enough for them to reach out, you stay close enough to not dismiss them or minimize their concerns. Pressure them to take better care of themselves and be aware of what they are doing.
We are social animals, the idea of the superior individual who needs nothing from anyone else is a miserable myth invented by the robber barons of the late 19th century to make them seem not so fucken awful.
Bottom line, there's no solution. Depression is like a mark on you forever, you have to deal with it always.
When someone wants to check out, nobody can stop them.

it is frowned upon

Lol you can keep say definitely all you want doesn't make it true. Going into the unknown takes bravery most definitely

Every situation is different. Ultimately only you can decide if suicide is "ok". I hate some of these fucktards that try to paint the world in black and white - ie saying it is always the wrong / selfish / cowardly decision - get it through your heads all situations are diferent, it is your choice to live or not.

What the fuck kind of question is this. Of course suicide is technically ok. sure people say it is selfish because you aparently make others suffer at the thought of your departure from this world. the goverment made it illegal to control population because lets be real here. if you were a failure,fugitive or terminaly ill, would you kill yourself? sure people would mourn but after a few years people would forget and carry on. and people come from all walks of life . personally i dont know you so its your choice nay your semi-constitutional right to enjoy yourself. just make sure you know what your doing and dont and up botching it and becoming stephen hawking.

Are you the governments lapdog ya little piece of shit?

No it doesn't... Lol you can keep say definitely all you want doesn't make it true.
Dealing with the "known" and working towards bettering yourself is far far more brave than abandoning everyone you know who care about you. Suicide is selfish and cowardly, far more cowardly than any bravery you perceive it takes to kill yourself
Side note i think i got the most insane captcha to date

not taking a ban for you newfag

What you're describing is selfishness. The point your making about loved ones. Clearly it takes a brave person to do this. Definitely

well, some people know absolutely nothing so dealing with the quote on quote known is kind of a unreasonable argument to make. life sometimes can throw things you dont know at you and make your life complete shit within a matter of hours. also. this afterlife shit, if it is real than there is an unknown after what we already dont know now. JFC.

why you ask?

Selfishness and cowardice aren't mutually exclusive
So what? Something bad happened to you? You are effectively in the top 10% of the world economically and have access to some of the best cheap resources in human history. Within a few years you can completely 180 your life.

Do you have proof bush caused 9/11

jesus christ that capcha

suicide might be noble if you're a samuri in feudal japan or you're the oldest and weakest of three people starving on a boat in the middle of the pacific.

it's also the end of fucking everything, which I think nobody in their teens can understand. you don't get a second life, you don't get to start a better character. I was in my 40s before I found real true happiness, and I'd fucking given up before my 30s, having been depressed since like 11 or 12. but I wasn't going to miss whatever was going to happen and I finally found actual contentment.

anyway you're all faggots and should all kys you fucking edgy cunts

i do.

why you ask?

Is a a kamakazi a coward? Suicide bomber a coward? Would a warrior say you want to live forever!? Because dying as an old man takes bravery? Going into the unknown takes great bravery. Clearly most definitely exclusive

Im not talking about me im making a generalization. having money or not having money does not drive home why a person could want to dismiss themselves of the face of the planet. Sure trauma is a huge factor and it always is but money is never a permanent fix
to the void for what most commonly is usually seen before a suicide: the loss of a loved one.

yes. watch the netflix series 13 reasons why, where a rich girl have some troubles in school then kill her self. So if ur a whinning little ego bitch , kill ur self

>Is it pathetic? Yep
And why aren't you dead yet?

exactly my fucking point rich and poor off them selves from time to time.

It's not suicide. We're all going to die anyway.

what would you suggest we call this? not prolonging the inevitable ?

Are kamikaze/suicide bombers cowards? No they are brainwashed
Would a warrior want to live forever? I doubt anyone truly would want that
None of what you said is anything more than drivel. They aren't mutually exclusive. Killing yourself because you don't like life is pathetic and cowardly...
The fact is the reasons this child has are virtually nonexistent historically outside of the western developed world. Living so luxuriously compared to human history has made us pathetic morons who can't comprehend that their life isn't over

Ending your existance. You can decide when you want to die and how you want to die. Your choice.

or how about :finding your final destiny?

only if you die

You're confusing selfishness with cowardice and its silly definitely. Its selfish to your loved ones but definitely not cowardly

Is that not the point of suicide dipshit.

Coward: a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things
Courage: strength in the face of pain or grief
Pushing on is courageous, killing yourself is cowardly. It's really not that hard to comprehend. Again, any perceived courage of killing yourself is vastly outweighted by the cowardice of giving up

most people are retarded and fuck it up dipshit

So a kamakazi pilot killed himself cause he was a coward? Sure that makes sense

In your case, it's mandatory.

What you call it is irrelevant. Objectively suicide is cowardice...
But in the end, maybe you should just kill yourself coward

Are you illiterate?

Suicide is bad ass

Of course 'completely different' can include 'much worse'.

Get over yourself nerd. They were brainwashed ?? They weren't brave men taking one for the team? They knew exactly what they were doing. Just because you repeat some cliche bs doesn't make it true. If you had the thought if killing yourself you wouldn't cause your scared just like all the failed attempts. The person that goes through with it is brave

Hottie. If I was step I would be moving on her too!

Just kill yourself bud
The japs legitimately believed their emperor was god and for the suicide bombers; muzzies believe they will get a vast trove of virgins. Yes they were brainwashed... The remainder of your post is the most projecting I've seen in a while.
It's been fun lads, you guys have convinced me that both of you should kill yourselves regardless of the semantical argument we've been having
