Genuine question

>genuine question
Why do western countries suddenly care that their was a terrorist attack in another country? If it's your country, fair enough, you have a right to be concerned, but why should I, as an Australia, care anymore about the attack in Manchester, then I do about the several hundred attacks each year in somewhere like Syria?

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You are right... Nothing more than something which could be avoidable. What is necessary is ban to mudslime and their sons, and in a second time of religions.

because I have family in that country.

Let's say there's a suicide bombing in Iran/Iraq. No one cares because you expect it to happen. It's not a surprise.

When it happens in a first world country in a nice city, it makes you feel afraid to go outside. This was done at a place where crime like this doesn't happen.

When you hear on the news that there were 20 shootings on the East Side of Chicago, you just think "I guess another day in Chicago".

But, when you hear about a shooting in a gated nice community, it's alarming because it's not something you expect to happen.

>what are allies
>what is sympathy?
>why is it easier to be sympathetic towards those who share your culture and ideologies?
>why are news sites more adamant about flaunting those who share your culture being attacked?
maybe because there's more views/money involved this way..

Because of white Racist hypocrisy, everyday in colombia 40 children die due to crime related cases, but since trump says only muslim and latinos are bad they follow their leader like the good inbred little white racists that they are.

Fair point, but why should I care more for the victims of the Manchester attack than I do about a poor Middle eastern town that gets bombed? They are all still people.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

Project much, fucking cry baby psychopath?!

Colombia is Latino.
It's in south America. Are you fucking stupid?

Because the uneducated people of these third world shitholes don't know any better. They're raised to believe everyone who doesn't closely follow their batshit insane religious views are infidels that need to be killed.

They really do believe they're doing this for a greater cause. For some people, it isn't about caring about the deceased, it's just a fascination with tragedy. They see something awful happened and they want to know more. The same way people can't stay away from a car wreck or have always to know every detail about drama going on in other people's lives.

When you hear
>Explosion in Manchester kills 19
That's really bad.

Then you hear
>Explosion in an Iraqi market kills hundreds
People shrug it off and say "just another day in mudslime town."

Who gives a shit about kids in columbia? Europe is White Western Civilization being ravaged by subhuman shitskins

wow, what an incredibly surface and low iq thought

hope you get well

I frankly don't give a shit anymore about any of this, I didn;t care when there was a shooting in my city and I didnt care when 9/11 happened.

as long as im not involved or anyone close to me i dont give a fuck who or what gets bombed

It seems like drawing the line at country borders is a bit arbitrary. Why not say "if you didn't get hurt or killed then why do you care"? Why does country have anything to do with it?

When it comes down to it...people are going to die. All the time. Everywhere. From bad shit. Either care about all or none. Or pick and choose. Either way, I don't give a shit about your moral dilemma. Do you ACTUALLY care about the bombing in the UK? Do you ACTUALLY care about the slayings in the Middle East every day? If you do, you've answered your rhetorical question. If you don't....take your bait elsewhere.

>I didnt care when 9/11 happened.
Sir Edgyton is here. How old were you? 3?

le white brotherhood. They have the same skin pgimentation as you so you are basically blood relatives.

Personally I don't give a fuck some tea chuggers died.

>it makes you paranoid
Sounds like an issue you yourself needs to get over.


a lot older than you kid
I was glad they got bombed, about time those fuckers got payback for all the shit the americans pull

Look you wake up and find out one of your roommates took a shit in the toilet and didn't flush it'd be weird but you'd be like whatever that's where shit goes.
Walk into the kitchen and find a shit on the counter though, now we need to talk.


Terrorist attacks used to be VERY uncommon in 1st world countries.

thanks! I knew it would trigger, zero doubt! and mission accomplished, trumpfagboys butthurt much.

Because we know it was muslims who did it and we hate muslims too.

Personally, I just hope each time one of these useless pieces of shit blows themselves up, that the country it happens in finally gets sick of it and sets an example by rounding all the shitskins up and dumping them back in Africa where they belong.

Niggers of all creeds hate us and we hate them, they can fuck right off.

Because white pride is truly worldwide.

tru dat

Columbia is fucked up because of Colombians. Western Europe is fucked up because of sand naggers

because white people died

>I, as an Australia,
Because Manchester is part of the British Empire, just as Australia is?

True. Colombia is a shit because my people have their heads filled up with shit.

because it's an attack on actual humans...normal white people that contribute to the world's progress and civility, instead of savage brown people that never amount to anything more than violence.

Tribalism my dude.

It's just harder to empathize with people that don't look like you.

It has nothing to do with looks, it's actions.

It's a fucking hoax wake up for fucks sake

This. Americans are a bunch of pussies

>think of it like this
If you find shit in the toilet it's normal, however if you find shit on the kitchen counter there's a big fucking problem

wheres your tin foil hat

Tell that to the relatives of people who were killed.


>edge lord jeopardy

I'll take 'why should I care about humans, Alex'

>this concept is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

Uh, what is apathy

>ohhhh, I'm sorry. The correct answer is empathy. Looks like you're going to have to put your mouth on this !
>audible loading and firing of a gun


my personal favorite is the amerifag "oh no the kids!!!" reaction.

then the cunts spin up the drones and drop much larger bombs on children, wives, civilians, etc.

hypocrisy at its finest

French here, i dont fucking care about whats happening in britfaggotland, a fucking nuke could explode there i would be more than happy, im with you OP,may that stupid island sink with every retards that are on it

>They are still people
>are still people
>are people

There is fuck all outside of big cities, I live in England, Europe is fucked by Muslims is a Murican, meme the ones who wear burkas conservative etc are a minority, turks/moroccans etc mainly drink and are quite westernized they like football etc

Ew, be quiet foreigner. Id hate for your roof and some rooms to "disappear" over night.

It's not an s.a. cunt it's a somali mudslime cunt yuge difference

he means S.A for for the state of south australia retard

As long as the pakis stay in england i dont care


>insinuating I'm not American

it's 2:20 am my time. figure it out

No one died idiot

how do you people like you exist? I can only hope for your sake youre trolling

You'll probably get shot/blown up long before the uk sinks

So we can say i told you so in reference to our earlier statements involving the benefits of a 10th crusade.


Simple: Because it means it's spreading and if it's spreading it'll eventually spread to where you are.

it has, australia already got fucked up in the sydney siege, I'm waiting for the next one tbh, were still on high alert

All this shit is an attempted counter-crusade, we had it coming



It's a hoax.


>why does A care about what C does in B?
Because if you don't stop it in B, C WILL do it in A
It's not that difficult

because with all the media coverage we MIGHT get a huge boost in hate crimes around the world and a comeback to right wing nationalism that caused a whole lotta shit to dealt with to our grandparents, who now watches us from the sky and shake their heads in sign of disgust.
i mean, it MIGHT.

Shit in toilet nothing to be concerned about
Shit on dining room table we have questions to ask don't we?

If we can get them to commit atrocities worthy of the bankers that really control the world's governments, such as trade embargos and pillaging the assets of the wealthy, then we could actually initiate a movement to annhilate them.

you didnt even quote something he said you fucking retard

ishnu allahu akbar

Because you share racial, cultural, and historical ties.

I don't care what happens in Nigville if it doesn't impact the West. When shitskin problems come to us, there's a problem.

honestly, i find it disturbing we willingly use 3rd world countries as a dumping ground for our problems, and its been that way forever...i hate most countries in western Europe(except germany and scotland), i have a little bit of sympathy for eastern Europe...until it happens in my country i wont mourn a single life

we are all going to die, be it cause some sandnigger caused it or i make some stupid choice leading to my own death

frankly, i'm waiting to die, but if i get the chance to make my final moments worthy of a news report i'm going out of my way to make sure that happens

fuck britain


>but why should I, as an Australia, care anymore about the attack in Manchester, then I do about the several hundred attacks each year in somewhere like Syria?

Are you white?

great solid evidence you have there mr tin foil hat man! you really blew the lid off this whole thing faggot

police look like they're standing still in a photo! yeah fuck its a hoax

When they blow up a South African stadium full of nigs we will not.
We need to blow thus thing up during the Hajj

Underrated post

As long as the jihadi halfwits keep doing the shit they're doing politicians can maximize focus on terrorists while simultaneously killing far, far more citizens through their shitty greedy policies

I wouldn't say a hoax but Theresa May has a had a nightmare of a week and dropped in the polls.

Not a single person will give a shit about your final moments, just end it quietly now

the man on the p.a is trying to keep people calm, and you think that proves this is a hoax? haha, they didn't even know it was an terrorist attack at that time, you don't want people over reacting and trampling all over each other do you? what do you want him to say? GET THE FUCK OUT CUNTS LETS MOSH EACH OTHER TOGETHER AND BLOCK ALL THE EXITS... fuck you keep ur tin foil hat on cunt

Its quoting an old Sup Forums screencap

not until i play this horrible FF7 remake that's meant to be coming out, that should give me a few more years to be alive

i'll care about my final moments, then i will be a myself, for myself

I don't know if yourself counts, but godspeed. Should be shown at e3.

i do count man, but that sounds like something some life affirming twat would say

First World Citizens > Third World Rubbish

These people were just out to enjoy themselves. A lot of them were kids. It's infuriating. Why do terrorists target concert halls? These people did nothing to deserve this.

You take them in, you give them homes and they repay you by killing your citizens, killing your children. Pissed off.

I simply hate niggers pushing their bullshit onto others and causing harm to so many people who did absolutely nothing to them, just for political bullshit that benefits no one.

It's like someone killing a fuck load of chickens, birds, or any other animal, just to prove his dominance over the "inferior species" or to send a political message. It's not something admirable, it's just repulsive.

What sandniggers do is nothing more than a display of an inferiority complex towards people who are better off than they are, and who are more sophisticated than they are, which wouldn't be so bad if they just did it out of spite, but doing it for a "cause" automatically makes everything they do sound gay.

Why should you care, you ask? Because a nigger is being a nigger, harming other individuals because he hates being a nigger himself so he wants to destroy everything that isn't a nigger.

You're confusing the migrants that are fleeing war zones and the lunatics that are bombing places.

and every one of these nutjobs either came as a "refugee migrant" or are the relatives of them.

Wetback detected


my dream

Terrorism then:

> We will retaliate, close our borders and build walls to protect our people.

Terrorism today:

> Our hearts go out... We condemn... Troubled minorities...

Where is the responsibilities at yo?

white people are more important than browners

There's a political aspect to it, kinda like a "this is what will happen if you let in a large number of middle eastern refugees in your country." Which is true. Do not let is a shit ton of refugees in your country. clench your anus and tell them you're not letting them in.