Tonight I was at the Richard Dawkins event in Boulder Colorado where annabelle gurwitch was speaking with him...

Tonight I was at the Richard Dawkins event in Boulder Colorado where annabelle gurwitch was speaking with him. I've watched countless Dawkins talks and all of them were damn good. Gurwitch, however, was a fucking terrible host. She constantly interrupted Dawkins when he wasn't talking about the liberal progressive agenda and steered him towards only talking about that. Dawkins must have said 20 - 30 times that "he isn't qualified to talk about this" as he is a biologist and would like to talk about that, however, she, and eventually the crowd during the Q & A, just constantly talked about how Trump sucks and how everyone is the room is better than everyone else because they are more progressive. It was fucking disgusting and Dawkins was visibly confused as to why he was even in the room. I was confused why he was there as well. If Annabelle Gurwich wants to have a liberal progressive feminist jerk fest don't do it on the time I paid to come here Dawkins speak about science!

>annabelle gurwitch is a fucking liberal progressive cuck and she ruining Dawkin's talk in Boulder, CO tonight...

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Tell me about your relationship with your mother, OP.

Frankly, OP, I am confusted as to why you were there.
Are you some sort of atheist fanboi?

Perfectly fine. Have any real opinions to contribute?

KYS you fedora retard your kind isn't welcome here

Just like science and skepticism. Dawkins taught me how to think for myself when I was young and I've always looked up to him for that. I had the chance to see him speak so I took it.

Let k bud. I don't own a fedora and have a fairly successful life in most respects. Love the deflection though.

He's a prick tho, kinda

Aside from the fact that I'm sure he's a really fucking smart guy in his field, he ain't exactly a role model, unless you wanna be a biologist.

>Dawkins taught me how to think for myself
You cancerous neckbeard. KYS NOW!

>He's a prick tho, kinda
Because he's angry that creationism is being taught as an "alternative theory" in classrooms? Yeah, what a prick.

Fuck these guys, OP.
I'd be pissed too. I don't know what the trend is with Sup Forums and shitting on Atheism. Might as well shit on critical thinking.
Probably just trolling.

lmfao please quote me where I stated the reasons why I think he's a prick, clearly I missed where I said it was because "he's angry that creationism is being taught as an "alternative theory"", I'll wait on that bruh


When you don't give reasons for your statements, we can only make assumptions. Enlighten us as to why Richard Dawkins is a prick.

I wasn't shitting on atheism, I was shitting on his vitriolic misogyny.

People with imaginary friend who tell others that their imaginary friend will burn and torture them f-o-r-e-v-e-r for the crime of being rational...........good christians.

People who point out that having an imaginary friend is irrational..........pricks.

Religiotard "logic"

HAHA triggered atheists

>tweet from infowars guy

>likes a libtard like Dawkins
>hates PJW
what are you doing here on bro