Can you solve this?

Can you solve this?

Other urls found in this thread:

D and 3?

Just the D

D and 7.
Also f if you don't take the fact as given.
But you can only prove truth for this set.


no more bumps required

D, F, and 7. You need to turn over the D to verify that there is a 3 on the other side, and the F and the 7 to verify that there is not a D on the other side. The 3 doesn't matter, because the statement doesn't claim that a card will have a 3 on one side if and only if there is a D on the other.

Claim: OP is a faggot.

What is the smallest number of dicks op must suck to verify this claim?

1. D.

The claim only has to do with the D card. The rest are irrelevant to the claim.

Actually just the D and 7. I didn't read the part that said that there is always a letter on one side and a number on the other.

D and 3 literally fucking prove the claim
are you retarded

All 4.

No, because 3 doesn't HAVE to have Done on the other side
Also, what if 7 has D on the other side?


0, it's already plainly false

None. Place them on a glass table. Then you don't have to flip any.

If D does not have 3 on the other side, then you would only have to check one card to prove the claim's invalidity. Otherwise, you will have to check another card.

The cards you choose are turned over at the same time. Read the OP.

0. Posting this thread again is enough proof for the claim.

I know, but in the event the result of the first card invalidates the claim, there suddenly is no reason to check any others.

1 lol

wait no 2. d & 7


I thought this was gonna be one of those troll threads where there are two decent answers like (1+4)/5 or at least odds of opening doors or whatever. But there's not even a trick to this.