So who here still honestly claims to be an atheist and is over the age of 16?

So who here still honestly claims to be an atheist and is over the age of 16?

Why do you give a fuck about what others believe in? I've seen religious people and atheists who were complete cretins. So why does it matter? Everybody is a hypocrite one way or another. Everybody lies and has their own agenda. Being one or the other doesn't make you a better person. Your actions do. So why does it matter?

Like, what do you want me to say.
Yes? Me? I volunteer as tribute?

>t. Triggered fat atheist

I'm agnostic, if that counts; but I don't think it does.

How did your god help you?

No youre actually a rational human being

There was nothing about that user's comment that was triggered. It's true, really. Religious or not, we're all human, with our own flaws.


If anything I'm agnostic, I don't know if theres a god or not, and quite frankly nobody does until they're 100% dead so don't worry about it because eventually we'll all be. It's difficult in my mind to comprehend there being a god but idek. Anyone else think this?

Lol ikr I just turned 19 and have been saying I'm agnostic since junior year of highschoole because Who fucking knows and who fucking cares. This is why I'm agnostic. Known religions don't hold up against facts. But they teach morals and created a great system where ungrateful cunts like you can seem smart openly and without fear. Since atheism is a religion. Believing something about happens after you die is the most ignorant shit ever. Be open minded. Science doesn't and won't have all the answers just like *insert known religion here*. Just cause you the process of life doesn't mean you know the process of the universe. Pick your favorite theory and run with it. But don't act smug or force others to share your opinion. This is coming from real conservative and not some big government republican twat. You and most atheist love science when its handy except for when it challenges your world view. ie abortion.

It doesn't matter what you are as long as you keep some level of agnosticism to it

Sorry for weird stuff in the letters I copy and paste it cause I use that argument alot

See I would agree with you if it wasn't so fucking clear to me that people started believing in a divine force that promised them paradise in the afterlife when their lives were shitty and largely comprised of suffering.
Like sure there's loads of theological arguments both for and against, but what religion came about during a period of prosperity and good quality of life?

Totally agree. Hell, even after we're dead we may not learn anything. If there is a god, I'm certain it's something outside of our traditional view on what a god is and likely outside of our comprehension.

At the end of the day, though? Who cares. As far as we know, this life is all we'll get. Live it up, live and let live, etc

Usually not. I don't feel the need to broadcast my beliefs to people.

my official opinion is that i don't care

Actually I'm agnostic, but whatever.

I would be a theist, but it's hard to believe in something that doesn't exist

basically no one will EVER be able to prove or disprove the existence of god...

so... this

Our species should blow up mars again.

LMAO I swear, that is probably why the planet Mars has no life on it.

>tmw you realize that our ancestors were probably responsible of wiping out all life on mars.

Tell me, do you still talk to your invisible friend?

That's the long and short of it really. It doesn't matter


>must provide proof of absence before belief of absence
>t. Doesn't understand Russell's Teapot

religious people pushing religion, is just as bad, and the exact same thing, as atheists pushing their atheism.

that's nonsense right there saying they're equivalent

When you die you just fade into a thoughtless sleep
Until proof of afterlife exists thats what im sticking with

They're all life stances. they all preach an ultimate goal in life, and tell you what's important in life.

Atheism is just a new religion, without a diety.

Me. Reading a copy of the "Atheist Manifesto" right now, actually. Cuts pretty deep into the three main/Abrahamic faiths (and yes, that includes Islam).

Religion is the opium of the masses.

Agnostic with diest leanings.

Why do you think God exists? The crazy fuck told us to wage war against the martians, and we fucking did it.

You keep on forgetting that us mortals are nothing, but toys to these corpulent fuckers.

The jews are the ones that supervise the desecration, and destruction of planets user.

How could you have been so blind for so long?

You're getting too close to the truth, user.

except atheism doesn't say any of that. It's not a belief system with rules and codes and prophecy, it's a single stance on whether you think there is a god or not. There shouldn't even be a word for it. There's no word for someone who doesn't believe in fairies or gnomes or leprechauns. There's no word for someone who doesn't collect stamps. But I'm also an afariest and an astampcollector

Why do you think God exists? The crazy fuck told us to wage war against the martians, and we fucking did it.

You keep on forgetting that us mortals are nothing, but toys to these corpulent fuckers.

The jews are the ones that supervise the desecration, and destruction of planets user.

How could you have been so blind for so long?

Then lets use those dubs to our advantage to dig deeper!!!


>and is over the age of 16
what is the basis of this meme? Most kids that age just believe what their parents tell them which includes whatever retarded religion they are a part of

I wouldn't.

GOD may be false, but the NSA is real.

Joke's on you: I actually BECAME an atheist when I was 16. I'm 28 now.

how you can be a functioning adult, and believe in a fairytale magic man, and live your life by his rules at that is beyond my comprehension, be an independent person you faggot.

We have the power to destroy planets.

We have the technology and the resolve to do the impossible.

It could've been possible that after we most likely destroyed mars, that we were planning to conduct a terraforming operation on it, but didn't know how.

Its possible after that, that our ancient, and technologically civilization fell, until we all became subhumans ourselves, and had to start all over again user.

BUT HEY, at least we don't have to wage an intergalactic war with an alien species again user!


you're the best


Then that is why you'll never rise above.

>tmw when you realize that user is nothing but another lamb
>tfw you realize being a predator, means its going to be a lonely existence
>but its ok
>at least I'll have lamb tonight

raised an atheist, i see no reason to change that now

none of the religions seem particularly likely to be true, how would i even begin to chose which to convert to? Should i worship zeus? jesus? buddha? tao? shiva? isis? king henry viii? the pope?

What if you gave zero fucks about any kind belief system? Be it theism or atheism.

Where would that lead you Sup Forums?

>people who think theism and atheism are belief systems

STOP. Seriously. You're going to get some black helicopters around your house if you keep this up.
>tfw you've frequently had dreams of life thriving on Mars millennia ago, and recently have been having recurring dreams of alien life existing *inside* Mars
>tfw you read Barbara Marciniak's work when you were younger and it's all starting to make more sense

I do, but only in the shadows.

>not attending the church of atheism every sunday and saying the not lords not prayer

shiggy diggy



Why would I want to live my life as a slave?

I'm ok with being a monster.


hyu-mons are the real 'monsters.'

Then tell that to the victims at Manchester.

>Those 19-22 victims
>and over 59-120 injured

Those people hurt by the predator were nothing more than people waiting to be slaughtered.

Yes humans are monsters, but only a select few.

The rest are cattle, whose only purpose is to be butchered, and devoured... by monsters.

im satanist its fun

explain you mean 'monsters' or actual monsters?

I meant of what the user was referring to user 2.0

it's still a line of thought though.

But I get why you said it.

Still something u can wrap your ego around though.
Was trying to make a point to where u could not do that anymore.

Believing in ego is Freudism, so that's not helping you escape ism's

it matters because there are real idiots out there that use their religion to justify their actions. what part of west vs islam have you missed in the last decade?

Are you just stupid?

Or is this Bait?

And yet, every conclusion on how to live drawn by those during periods of prosperity and good qualities of life saw those periods promptly and brutally ended.
And exceedingly often by people who had discovered a belief for a divine force. Now I happen to not believe there is any such thing as a divine force, but I do believe the lessons about life and humanity we learn when life is at its hardest lead us into prosperity and keep us there, and should therefore be retained. I don't believe in God, but I would much prefer a Christian society to the weak, divisive, soulless disaster the west has turned into.

lvl 40 here.
Not sure if I apply, because I'm not entirely sure there is no absolute being, but I'm 100% sure the bible is bullshit.

To a Taoist, there is only one thing in the universe, and all the things we believe to be separate objects are a part of that one thing. To say that this one thing, which we call Tao, is not God would be rather inaccurate. The Tao that was not God would not be the true Tao, for the Tao is all things.

Any human who professes to know what the universe is and claims to understand the character of God is greatly overestimating his own faculties. It seems to me that most people are in it primarily to avoid facing the reality that decomposition is inherent to all composite things. We want to believe there's a way we can weasel our way into existing forever.

>what religion came about during a period of prosperity and good quality of life?

34. Agnostic

You'd think one of these all mighty powerful beings would just stop by once in a while and introduce themselves.

>You and most atheist love science when its handy except for when it challenges your world view. ie abortion.

Not sure when abortion and science conflict. If anything, abortion conflicts with religious fucks.

He means energy drinks, obviously.

Also conflicts with nature.

Ah...well yes, those can lead to renal failure.
>AND they're designed by humans

Nature is the greatest aborting force of all. 2/3rds of all pregnancies are spontaneously aborted

That's not an abortion dingleberry. Yes babies die in the womb and animals kill their young, but that's not abortion. Never heard of a bear who got raped by another bear wanting their rape bear baby out of them so they don't have to raise it

its literally impossible to "give zero fucks about any kind belief system"

if you are thinking you are thinking in the form of a belief system, the only way to not have a belief system is to kill yourself or become a vegetable

as comrade zizek would say
>we are all eating from the trashcan of ideology

Spontaneous abortion is the biological term used. Abortions can be either artificial or spontaneous. They both have the same result, the termination of the pregnancy.

Hell, why use words at all.

It's a trap.

>a religion created by a mentally ill man who tried to cure himself by writing extensively (like the most prolific human to have ever lived extensively) and creating a cult

you know what, scientology does sound pretty based now that you mention it

Called a miscarriage...

>bears dont understand the concept of rape
>therefore nature does not condone abortion
literally what


At what time in history a religion starts sounds kind of irrelevant to me. As long as people don't let it get in the way they can believe whatever they want.
I mean is not like many of the greatest minds in history didn't have some form of spiritual belief.
In my opinion the real problem begins with fanatics.

go fuck yourself

with m&m's

Tell that to all the terrorist attacks waged by Muslims all for the sake of their god Allah

I always feel like these religious hate threads are always Christian/Islamic based. Do Buddhists get a pass or something?

Me. I'm not militant, I just don't believe in a god. Since when does believing on faith indicate maturity anyway?

I'm agnostic. Is that okay?

Yes, those are the fanatics I was talking about. What's your point?

I've met one real Buddhist in my entire life. I'm sure they believe in some kind of woo, I just don't know what it is. Also, they're way less inclined to proselytize.

Agnostic atheist or agnostic theist?

Buddhists, in this case, go both ways. There is theistic and non theistic.

Me. Started identifying as atheist around 10-11, 29 now.

What about it?

>do the asians who quietly meditate and eat vegetables / americans who take psychedelics and keep to themselves get a pass?

uh yeah, who gives a fuck about them, they arent doing anything, literally thats what their religion is about not doing stuff for half an hour at a time

almost all atheists are "atheist agnostic"

Meaning, they don't believe in a god but still acknowledge that it's impossible to know for sure


I'm not an expert but I thought that even the non theistic forms of buddhism where based on spiritual beliefs

Who gives a fuck? Both sides have extreme idiots.

>The Big Bang is just a theory with no heavy proofing


>an ultimate being created the universe and just suddenly fucked off recently after creating ebola for africans to suffer

those are your two choices on how the universe was made, let people believe what they want and we'll so who was right at the finish line, mmkay?

"Spiritual" is such a poorly defined term as to be meaningless.

Do you what what happens when you experience something called "Satori"?

this, there's a difference between believing and knowing

there are practically no "strong atheists" that claim to know that there is no god, almost all simply rationally conclude that there is likely no god

Now ask a Christian if they simply believe or know if God is real...

>>The Big Bang is just a theory with no heavy proofing

this is what brainlets actually believe

This is true, but I'd reply by saying that the modern vernacular definition atheism has changed. When 99.99 percent of people say athiest, this is what they mean.

oh shit, just googled this

I thought I was agnostic, but apparently I'm atheist agnostic


dull edge being the new cutting edge. Why is the world fucked?