I wish Trump was Fascist. He literally is just using common sense

I wish Trump was Fascist. He literally is just using common sense

Other urls found in this thread:


>Fascist movements build their base not from the politically active but the politically inactive, the “losers” who feel, often correctly, they have no voice or role to play in the political establishment. The sociologist Émile Durkheim warned that the disenfranchisement of a class of people from the structures of society produced a state of “anomie”—a “condition in which society provides little moral guidance to individuals.” Those trapped in this “anomie,” he wrote, are easy prey to propaganda and emotionally driven mass movements. Hannah Arendt, echoing Durkheim, noted that “the chief characteristic of the mass man is not brutality and backwardness, but his isolation and lack of normal social relationships.”

>Paxton singles out the amorphous ideology characteristic of all fascist movements:

>Fascism rested not upon the truth of its doctrine but upon the leader’s mystical union with the historic destiny of his people, a notion related to romanticist ideas of national historic flowering and of individual artistic or spiritual genius, though fascism otherwise denied romanticism’s exaltation of unfettered personal creativity. The fascist leader wanted to bring his people into a higher realm of politics that they would experience sensually: the warmth of belonging to a race now fully aware of its identity, historic destiny, and power; the excitement of participating in a wave of shared feelings, and of sacrificing one’s petty concerns for the group’s good; and the thrill of domination.

>There is only one way left to blunt the yearning for fascism coalescing around Trump. It is to build, as fast as possible, movements or parties that declare war on corporate power, engage in sustained acts of civil disobedience and seek to reintegrate the disenfranchised—the “losers”—back into the economy and political life of the country. This movement will never come out of the Democratic Party. If Clinton prevails in the general election Trump may disappear, but the fascist sentiments will expand. Another Trump, perhaps more vile, will be vomited up from the bowels of the decayed political system. We are fighting for our political life. Tremendous damage has been done by corporate power and the college-educated elites to our capitalist democracy. The longer the elites, who oversaw this disemboweling of the country on behalf of corporations—who believe, as does CBS Chief Executive Officer Leslie Moonves, that however bad Trump would be for America he would at least be good for corporate profit—remain in charge, the worse it is going to get.

>Hannah Arendt, echoing Durkheim, noted that “the chief characteristic of the mass man is not brutality and backwardness, but his isolation and lack of normal social relationships

I can relate to that. I have absolutely no stake in modern society, but a leader like Trump would indeed serve as motivation.

tfw no gf is a powerful force.

Oooooh so the reason I'l not a liberal faggot is because I'm an over worked socially awkward low paid and under educated loser easily susceptible to brainwashing yet somehow avoided liberal shilling and propaganda that was crammed down my throat 24/7 for decades. At last it all makes sense.


It not really clear to me why Trump is fascist.

So in short: Muh Communism

It's time to make the globalists pay. I really want them to feel some pain.

It's not a an external force, user.

It's clarity.

Damn. Was Goebbels the proto Sup Forumsack?

I know Hitler was awkward and shy during his time in Vienna.

I think the problem is that these people see "fascism" in action as offensive (although as admitted here they know it is born as a reaction)

While actual "fascists" see it as purely defensive.

Fpbp, as always.



Trump’s Storm Troopers and the Possibility of American Fascism

> He may not be Hitler or Mussolini, but his campaign should have voters worried for the future.


Come on, just show me the -berg, -stein or -man in the author's name so I can tl;dr this shit.

Holy fucking shit, he's not a god damned fascist. Are you seriously more willing to alienate the poor people you're attempting to feign sympathy for than admit you don't actually know what a fascist is?

>Donald Trump Is TV’s New Normal. That’s Insane.


>On Tuesday night, one of our two major political parties was captured—or rather consumed—by a bigoted quasi-fascist and fraud, a dangerously unstable demagogue. The consequences for America and the world—if he wins, of course, but maybe even if he loses—are unknowable and perhaps unimaginable. The degree to which, by changing the Republican Party, he will also permanently deform American politics can only be speculated upon, but his primary victory will, decades from now, likely be seen as one of the defining events of 21st-century America.

>And yet when people look back at Tuesday night’s results a generation from now, our larger cultural response—at least as seen through our television media—will seem incomprehensible. On TV Tuesday night, there was hardly a whimper. CNN, MSNBC, and Fox contented themselves with bright chatter about Ted Cruz’s hurt feelings, about Donald Trump’s political skill, about the feckless, pathetic Republican establishment. None of the commentators I saw mentioned the import of what was happening. Large chunks of the media have spent so long domesticating Trump that his victory no longer appeared momentous. He is the new normal.

That's because he isn't.

>American Fascism: From the 1920s to Trump


Pretty much the same. With Trump I have the potential for a rich and fulfilling life. With the Shill nothing will change, in fact everything will continue getting worse.

>We have arrived. Teeming, huddled. We have arrived to the edge and our shadows are now cast over the precipice. We have arrived at the threshold of mass American fascism. It is a discriminatory ideology as well as a state of mind and we as a nation have collectively arrived at that grim station. Unmistakably, we have arrived as evidenced by the very fabric and sinews of the divisive policies and personalities of the presidential forerunners: Clinton and Trump.


>Politics Not As Usual: Is This The Age Of American Fascism?


>Regardless of the outcome of the American presidential primaries, or even the result of the general elections next November, a frightening phenomenon is under way. The US has decidedly moved to the Right, in fact the Ultra-Right; class differences are more pronounced than ever before, thanks to decades of neoliberal policies, the kind of capitalism that has concentrated the wealth in even fewer hands; racism is on the rise and the unmistakable signs of fascism are evident whenever Donald Trump holds a campaign rally.

>Not that Trump’s opponents are any less frightening in their rhetoric, but the man who has won 316 delegates in the Republican Party’s primaries has proven to be a liability to a party whose supporters are known for their overt racism and hate speech. Sure, there are many hurdles yet to be overcome, but Trump’s winning streak is already raising alarming questions about the future of the Republicans and the future politics of the entire country.

>The fear of the Trump phenomenon should not be confined to a discussion concerning politics, but understood as a reflection of a societal shift, whose roots are many, and are now all converging to steer US politics towards a whole new direction. Even if the Republicans lose the elections, the trend is likely to continue - if not accelerate - under a Hilary Clinton administration, who is loathed by the Republicans and also many Democrats.

Still better than Hitlary

>Trump Rides The Wave of American Fascism


>Trumpismo! and American Fascism


>Trump’s not Hitler, he’s Mussolini: How GOP anti-intellectualism created a modern fascist movement in America


>This Year’s Biggest Superhero Movies Are All About America’s Descent into Fascism


>A few days ago, many people were shocked—shocked!—at a pair of new studies that found that many Americans have authoritarian tendencies. They want a strong leader, who can sort out “those” people. This went against everything we had lazily chosen to believe about America! But it’s also pretty apparent if you pay any attention at all to the headlines about police violence and the rise of a certain would-be strongman. And that makes it especially fascinating that this year’s two biggest superhero movies appear to be, at their root, about the seductive power of fascism.

>corporate power
>implying all these implications
It's not JUST "corporate" power, it's the international monetary system, it's the marriage between government, business, and banks. It's about globalism, "free" trade", and the PEOPLE getting shafted by both parties who claim to have their interests at mind but do the opposite.

This. Why do I feel a sort of invigoration with Trump that I haven't felt with any other presidential candidate ever?

>If, at the heart of Mr. Trump’s rhetoric, which is regularly compared to the politics of Nazi Germany, there is a coherent philosophy, it may well rest upon Mr. Trump’s constant allusion to the U.S. having become a “weak” and “scared” nation, indeed the reason why his campaign promises to “Make America Great Again.”

>Yet many wonder if this notion of an “angry America,” an essentially pejorative assessment of the grand strides made by the Obama administration after the Great Recession, could ever set the tone for a successful Trump presidency, terrifying as that prospect may seem to many Americans.


>Trump supporters are poor
>Trump voter's average income was reported as over 70k in exit polls
>this is more than Hilary, Cruz and Sanders (lol no surprise) voters
Fuck off



>In the past weeks, as the American polity – myself included – has finally come to terms with the fact that Donald Trump is not a flash in the pan, there have been a rash of “how did we get here” pieces. In the Times, David Brooks characterized Trump as the rise of an “anti-politics” and “anti-compromise” strain in our heretofore healthy American democracy. Vox’s Amanda Taub wrote an intriguing in-depth piece on Trump and the rise of American authoritarianism, with historical analysis that stretches back to World War II. And there have been many more where those came from. What a large percentage of these pieces have in common is the staunch belief that Trump’s rise runs counter to the American democratic tradition and today’s political establishment.

>Brooks, for example, talks about our politics as “an activity in which you recognize the simultaneous existence of different groups, interests and opinions” and “try to find some way to balance or reconcile or compromise those interests”. He talks about the Constitution as a means “to help you reach these compromises in a way everybody considers legitimate.” To Brooks, and realistically, to most of the American people, the legacy of the founders is a politics that provides “a way of ruling divided societies without undue violence.”

>In this narrative, Trump and his ilk are outside of the American political mainstream and their desires are anathema to the vast majority of us trying to adhere to the American political model. As Secretary Clinton put it recently, “Donald Trump is not who we are.”

>But what if he is?

fascism is common sense

>>Fascism rested not upon the truth of its doctrine but upon the leader’s mystical union with the historic destiny of his people, a notion related to romanticist ideas of national historic flowering and of individual artistic or spiritual genius, though fascism otherwise denied romanticism’s exaltation of unfettered personal creativity. The fascist leader wanted to bring his people into a higher realm of politics that they would experience sensually: the warmth of belonging to a race now fully aware of its identity, historic destiny, and power; the excitement of participating in a wave of shared feelings, and of sacrificing one’s petty concerns for the group’s good; and the thrill of domination.


>People who support are uneducated outcasts!

OK, I think the media is taking 4chans Meme Magic a little too seriously. There are plenty of Trump supporters out there, outside of the internet, who live perfectly normal and even exciting lives. Plenty out there who are educated too, considering Trump won some of THE most educated and wealthiest counties in the country during the primaries. Too many to count in-shape, normie Chads and Stacies as well.

Seriously, the media needs to stop focusing on Sup Forums and Stormfront like its Trumps only support base, because thats far from it. They might be the most vocal, but there is a very large, very incognito silent majority.


What a fucking disgrace of a website. GOP anti-intellectualism has nothing to do with Trump's popularity. He's getting voters who hate the GOP, who hate the Democrats, who are sick of being promised change and a better future only to watch as their country is sucked dry by the policies of politicians who have no interest in the good of the nation. Trump is popular because so many Americans are tired of being lied to and coerced into supporting policies against their interests. Trump is popular because both parties tear our culture apart, pulling it in increasingly unconstitutional, radical, and insane directions. In the race to the bottom for the sake of votes, the ordinary people have been forgotten.

The problems that Trump has identified and set out to solve have been caused by both parties, and any article that has the audacity to claim otherwise is divisive propaganda whether the author realizes it or not.


Sounds wonderful.

>the only way to stop Trump is start acting like hippies

I just hate Mexicans how hard is that to understand?

yeah but how do you tell a liberal he's not a fascist, because to them there's no difference between nationalism and fascism.

Part of the reason I[m voting for Trump is to see what these people do once they run out of arguments. It's endlessly fascinating to see all of their arguments flop Once "you're a racist/sexist/fascist/Islamophobe/xenophobe" no longer works, what do they do?? What happens after that? I'm very curious to see.

Stop worrying about what liberals think. They are your enemy. There is nothing wrong with Fascism.

>Confusing national imperialism for fascism
kek poli sci cucks

>How Trump’s ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Is Bad for Other Men

>'Trump is championing traditional gender roles, and that means we’re likely to see a resurgence of them'


They don't have anything other than that, watch them slip into historical irrelevancy.

truthdig used to be a great site, until it started to publish JIDF propaganda



Is it any wonder an asian guy wrote this

What a load of fucking garage. Whoever wrote this should fuck off out of the country.

it does matter to me when people don't understand what fascism really is.

If only he was.

Aside from the SAS putting a cap in my head i really have no fear or love for our government.

Kill yourself.
Stop painting the Trump train as some hitler-lite, fascist garbage. You fucking human scum.


Now that's a maymay I haven't seen in a while.

>Why do I feel a sort of invigoration with Trump that I haven't felt with any other presidential candidate ever?

because he's doing what you want to do. he's giving the finger to the system and unlike you or i, he can get away with it. he IS getting away with it. he's more than getting away with it, he's kicking ass. and those asses are in major need of kicking.

after being on the receiving end for so long, doesn't it feel good to be on the winning team for a change?

is there anyone on this board (other than shills and leftist scum) who wouldn't want to do what he's doing?

losers aka gentiles...

who can take out all the kike loans they want but will never get above the glass ceiling of the shnoz ethnocracy

>These Americans want a kind of freedom—a freedom to hate. They want the freedom to use words like “nigger,” “kike,” “spic,” “chink,” “raghead” and “fag.” They want the freedom to idealize violence and the gun culture. They want the freedom to have enemies, to physically assault Muslims, undocumented workers, African-Americans, homosexuals and anyone who dares criticize their cryptofascism. They want the freedom to celebrate historical movements and figures that the college-educated elites condemn, including the Ku Klux Klan and the Confederacy. They want the freedom to ridicule and dismiss intellectuals, ideas, science and culture. They want the freedom to silence those who have been telling them how to behave. And they want the freedom to revel in hypermasculinity, racism, sexism and white patriarchy.

I'm completely okay with this.

mfw when Trump is inaugurated


Who else joining Trump's Imperial Guard?

>an American """"""" citizen """""""" actually wrote this

LOL, freedom of speech shall not be infringed

the klan and the confederacy are both examples of pharacees khazar ashkeNazi big nose controlled oppositions created to blame all the distasteful genocide of manifest destiny on the gentile ethnicities in america

when these people say "educated" they mean "indoctrinated". if you went to school and the brainwashing didn't take you're still uneducated to them.

all that butthurt


God damn these fucking journalists and elites are so out of touch with reality. People are supporting Trump because they're sick of the bullshit of the neocons, but even more so because they're sick of the progressive agenda being rammed down their throats. We're sick of politics being injected into everything.

The smartest of us realize this massive instability progressive politics and political correctness have caused. Doesn't matter if you're educated or not, people are realizing how much this garbage has changed the way people live their daily lives, and the way these elites have stagnated the economy.

t. Trump supporter with a BSc

>check'd dubs

Hi Faggot. Care to explain what we are supposed to do with anything these websites write. Do you expect us to actually read or take anything they say seriously?

These are ALL millennial cuckoldist tabloids.






There has been an extremely fascist social order in place for decades now and it has ALLl come from the left. Any idiot can observe the behavior of leftists when conservative speakers come to speak at campuses. Any idiot can observe the behavior of protestors outside of trump rallies. Any idiot can see the censorship in the media of non-left agenda news coverage.

How truly mind fucked do these writers have to be to suggest that TRUMP is the rise of fascism.

Holy fucking shit I want off this ride.

>These Americans want a kind of freedom—a freedom to hate. They want the freedom to use words like “nigger,” “kike,” “spic,” “chink,” “raghead” and “fag.”
Well, yeah, hate is a basic human right. Fuck off thought police fucks. Unless I'm actually hurting someone, which is far less than the niggers, spics, and kikes do to this country by the way, then you have no right to police me.
>They want the freedom to idealize violence and the gun culture.
Ah, it's a "we're going to roll everything I don't like into one big strawman" episode.
>They want the freedom to have enemies,
So beyond retarded...
>to physically assault Muslims, undocumented workers, African-Americans, homosexuals and anyone who dares criticize their cryptofascism.
>They want the freedom to celebrate historical movements and figures that the college-educated elites condemn, including the Ku Klux Klan and the Confederacy.
Erasing them from history is a 100% worse than studying them and taking the good from the bad.
>They want the freedom to ridicule and dismiss intellectuals, ideas, science and culture.
Oh I'm sorry that you faggot kikes have replaced the church with science and then treat all science as the word of God which is infallible. I'm agnostic and this pisses me off. Here's a hint: The core of the sciences is to be constantly questioning them, constantly refining our understanding of the natural world. Once you come out and say that if you question the sciences and intellectualism that you don't deserve your freedom, that you should be reeducated or shunned from society, it's absolutely disgusting what these so called "liberals" want to do.
>hey want the freedom to silence those who have been telling them how to behave.
There's so much double think here it's insane.
>And they want the freedom to revel in hypermasculinity, racism, sexism and white patriarchy.
That's kinda what Western Secularism is supposed to be about, freedom.


This is especially relevant



Adult human beings wrote these articles. Grown-ass men and women actually believe this, or at least peddle it to others who do.

Nah m8. It's just fucking common sense and a little bit of critical thought. It's just that this new left crap is totalitarian as fuck and doesn't seem to see the irony in it. They've created this false morality shit literally based off of marxism. All this self destructive ideology that serves no purpose but to make the west weak and open for the taking.

Archive, dumbass.



This is just an attempt to get the Nationalist Movement labeled Fascist by the Media.

They were talking about Trump? This whole time, I thought they were describing Hilary and Co. Not even joking.

The cuckservative neocons don't legitimately oppose anything the neolibs want. Trump is winning because there's only one Party in Washington--the Establishment Party--and Trump is the only one who isn't an insider of it. It's also why they've spent the past year vehemently trying to stump him at every corner, and why kike neocon puppeteers would rather see a Hillary presidency than a Trump presidency. Shillary will do everything they want, anyway, she'll just do it with a (D) beside her name and bunch of smug assholes who think their shit don't stink the same as Dubbya's.


>spooky scary face

Is Sup Forums the right's equivalent of #BLM?

Honestly? They quietly stop being SJW and grow up and become normal.

these old left types ALMOST get trump, but they still get hung up on identity politics like a bunch of SJW faggots

if you could convince them to stop being so gay about minority issues they could almost be on our side

are we a bunch of niggers supporting criminals?

>chris hedges

>people again proving they have no idea what the word 'fascist' means


Trump isn't fascist at all, this is fucking retarded. You might as well have called Reagan, Nixon and even fucking Ross Perot and Bill Clinton fascists.

Hardly. The entire left is one big echo chamber of false and half truths. At least on Sup Forums you can get a dialog of people presenting an argument and people either critiquing it or outright refuting it with facts.

BLM is entirely fueled by sensationalism and media sponsored propaganda, it's a one way avenue where people are brainwashed to act and believe a certain way because someone else told them to, and there's no counter argument presented. That's why when you debate or argue with a leftist they have no real points and eventually resort to "you're a ____ist" and "are you serious?". At least on Sup Forums people present a half thought out point before calling you a faggot. There are enough Redditardists who browse Sup Forums to at least try to present a counter argument before they're laughed out of the forum for being misinformed. The same cannot be said for any shape or form of BLM. Anyone who doesn't agree with the herd is outcast and labeled, then it's open season on anyone with the black mark and they're never to be taken seriously because they don't agree with the hive mind.

The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.
James Baldwin

> fascists wanted their countries to be great
> Trump wants his country to be great
> Therefore, Trump is fascist

Flawless logic.

> declare war on corporate power and engage in sustained acts of civil disobedience
There are lots of places I could do that now. What this fuckhead doesn't understand is that words and civil disobedience are the victory dance of people who have already won the power. People don't want to fight. They want to win. They don't care how much power to corporations have so long as they aren't fucked over.

So the left finally admits they're the ideology of the spoiled ivory tower class and they threw poor and middle America under the bus a long time ago?

>college educated
They keep repeating that phrase as if it means anything.

Damn near everyone in this country is "college educated" and it doesn't mean jack shit. You would seriously have to be borderline retarded, no, full blown retarded, to be incapable of gaining a college degree. It has been dumbed to to the point of absolute meaninglessness.

t. MSci holder voting for Trump
PS that shit was easy too the difficulty of college is vastly overstated.

>if you are right wing white and care about stuff then you are the same #BLM, tumblr, a SJW and other things you hate

Just another variation on leftist shaming tactics, but with more nuance than simply calling someone a racist

The primary difficulty in college was getting pussy

>every populist/nationalist is a fascist

this is a nice meme

too bad it's completely ridiculous and only rooted in pseudo-history

>They want the freedom to have enemies, to physically assault Muslims, undocumented workers, African-Americans, homosexuals and anyone who dares criticize their cryptofascism.
lel. Remind me again who goes to whose rallies to assault people? Who abuses their positions to shut down voices in debate they don't agree with?

Niggers, women, and jews.

Ahh, another "W-why is Trump winning?" article in which the author comes up with every possible answer except the right one.