Famous movie quotes

Famous movie quotes

"You should not traverse !"

We require a larger ship

Sketch me like one of your northern european lady friends

>I see deceased persons.

Living things eventually find a way to bang.

I enjoy the scent of burning gas and soap in the early day

Chocolate boxes are like life. You never know how it's gonna be.

Move quickly Forrest, move quickly.

Bless my soul, It's Harry Potter!

Say hello to my silly willy

I have the elevated ground! It's finished, Anakin!

i am not even scheduled to be here this day.

When in doubt, have intercourse with them

I'll return promptly

You come to me on the day of my offspring's love joining ceremony.

"You're a large man. " "Only from your point of view."

Would you like to acquire more knowledge?

I'm becoming of excessive age for this!

The first rule of fight club is: you do not speak of fight club

Better believe in ghost tales, miss Turner. This is one of them.


It would be my pleasure to announce that the sensory stimulation initiated by the noxious odor created as an after affect of burning napalm is quite appealing to me.

The first rule of the Jane's Austin book club is: you do not speak of the Jane's Austin book club

> Fixed that for ya

It's a trickery!

Holy dog excrement, Texas, only steers and strange men come from Texas!

Are you deified?

I am the progenitor of you and your sister

I will return

Am I the only person present who cares to observe and follow regulations?

I am man of a certain flying mammal.

Western European

Wield your inner spiritual vigour Luke

It's all done Anakin! I have the best elevation!

We're here to shave Ryan Private's

"I'm the man dressed as a nocturnal mammal with hematophagy behavior

You're a big guy

France is in Western Europe, you daft cunt


Who hath wrought thine maternally incestuous serpents on thine maternally incestuous sky carrier?!