Be me

>Be me
>Be pudgy beta fag
>Working at subway
>Go out back to toss trash and feed the crow that hangs near the dumpster
>I call him screamy because he's loud af
>Toss him some old bread
>While i"m watching screamy eat I see a rat
>It's moving really slow and it has a limp
>Feel bad for the little guy
>Toss him one of the less gross tomato's from the trash
>come back the next day and see the rat again
>start calling him ratbro

>Be a few weeks later
>Feeding ratbro and screamy each day
>Ratbro's limp starts to heal and he generally seems more healthy
>Start hanging out near the dumpster after work
>Pick up some bird seed and rat feed
>Do this for a few months
>Love ratbro and screamy
>dont have any real friends besides them

>Go out to feed ratbro and screamy
>Ratbro sees me and starts crossing the street
>"Is my little man hungry? come here buddy"
>As he is halfway across the street a truck passes by
>Oh lord no
>Nononononnononono please god no
>The truck moves and i see ratbro crushed like a tube of toothpaste
>Start to sob
>Screamy lands next to ratbro and starts nudging him with his beak
>I pet screamy while crying for ratbro
>About 5 seconds pass before screamy rips out one of ratbros eyes and eats it
>I'm in shock
>How could this little shit eat one of our friends?
>Rage boils up in me
>Grab screamy and hurl him into the side of the dumpster
>Stomp on him
>Realize what i'm doing
>Begin to shake
>Lay next to dumpster and cry myself to sleep
>They were my only friends
I dont know what to do guys.
I just want to an hero and join ratbro in rat heaven but i"m to weak to do it.

Go on..

I'm too stoned to process. Can't tell if true or bs


At the end of the day, does it really matter?

>true or bs
He just said that he grabbed a crow. This would not happen. They are incredibly intelligent and a wild crow would never allow this.

What else?

dude its just nature doing its business. life is fleeting and you should not take everything as a tragedy and instead of that take the best of what you got, in that case, it was a rat's eye. Screamy was trying to teach you a lesson about life and shit.

Nothing much else. got up next morning, walked home and cleaned up. posted this after a while.

This is the most best thread I've read on 4 Chan in years

They would if they were trained to think you were there to feed them.

A wild crow is still going to be very cautious of all animals larger than it. I doubt a fat fuck would be able to move quick enough to grab a wild bird.

>fell asleep next to a dumpster when you had a home to go to.
>befriended ratitoulli and Reno
>want to an hero because one dies and you murder the other
>this is why you have no friends

You sound really unstable user. I think a talk with a shrink is in order

ratitoulli and Reno made me kek
also maybe you right.
doc visits probable important too, think i got bit in my sleep.

He said was petting it a second before.

there is every chance in the world i bought food from a place that employs other people doing the same shit as you

are you seriously trying to tell us that you slept next to a dumpster while on your shift? tsk tsk

"That boy needs therapy!"

>Start hanging out near the dumpster after work

Samefag here
I used to be an introvert but one day I woke up and said Fuck this shit and started forcing myself to socialize. Best advice for making friends is listen to peoples interests and try to relate with the ones you can and over time you'll pick up other people's interestsand become even more likeable.

Kek yeah I forgot that one. Lolololol


Fucking tard.
Crows and ravens eat dead animal.
You know ravens and crows will remember you if another one of them has seen you do that?
They're really intelligent and can communicate with eachother. Google it up.

Calm down tantrum timmy. Shouldn't you be in bed anyways. I'm sure you have school in the morning.

make fucking real friends and if you cant after many, many attemps then do an hero you imbecile