This little slut sells her porn. Just thought I'd share

This little slut sells her porn. Just thought I'd share.

Kendra Colder
kendracolder (dot) tumbIr (dot) com

She needs a sandwich

Kendra, Sup Forums isn't supposed to be used for advertising. Stop it now.

She wants $50 for ONE of her videos lol



bitch, get some chicken and waffles or something, and lay off the heroin for a while

I can hear them talking in the real world

Yeah, but they don't understand

That I'm happy as hell, with my heroin girl

Yeah, with my heroin girl

She's sexy but her videos are crazy expensive




Found Spidey out in the field, about a mile from home

His mask was warm from the sun, but his webbing was cold

Where can I buy your overpriced videos?

MOAR skinny slut

Nice MILF ...


I feel like /b is at least 50% poorly disguised porn ads these days. SAD!

You're not even trying op. sad!


Anyone have a link to the free vids? Obvs not worth paying for

I'm not paying money to see this little cunt

I'd check them out for free

Bump for moar?
