I got a headline - masked faggot terrorises city!

>I got a headline - masked faggot terrorises city!
Different time I guess

was that actually a line? cool




Has there ever been a more perfect casting? The Raimi movies are worth it for this alone.

So why was there so much Muslim hate in the movies? Was it to get back at whoever did 9/11?

Idk it just seemed kind of forced, like it wasn't even part of the plot

Mad phonebill goes berserk and we don't have squirrels???

>"We need to think of a name!"
>"Doctor Shipman?"
>"Good... But it's taken!"

>He stole that guy's pizza! Just like how my race is responsible for 53% of all crime despite making up only 12% of the population

Wow Raimi, how did you let that scene get into the final cut?

>Hey Petey, I heard your family was so poor that you don't even shit on the sidewalk

I really don't even get this one. Why would rich people shit outside??

Someone should edit this to a meme. Im to retarded to do it myself.

Nice outfit. Did your husband did it for you?

i fucking kek my socks off in these threads but i'm shit at writing these memes

please provide me with cosy night time keks in my bed anons

J. Jonah Jameson: My god, he was a hero. Spider-man truly was an asset to this city. He was...
J. Jonah Jameson: [the Spider-man costume is gone] ... a thief! A Jew. Get me Spider-man now! I want him gassed!

Jesus fucking christ raimi

If Disney had a truck load of money could they get Raimi back for some Spidey Cinema? Im tired of their pleb directors line up

Yes. The original teaser of the first movie had Spiderman traping an helicopter in a web between the twin towers, and iirc they had to do some minor changes in the final movie because of the 9/11.

was that scene in the movie or just the trailer? Like is there an original cut with the two towers?


>[discussing his son's wedding with his wife over the phone] Flowers? How much? If you spend any more on this thing, I'll out you to the 3rd Reich like the hook-nose you are! Get plastic for that candy-ass!
As a kid I thought he meant she was fat

He is rumored to be on the shazam movie

I would literally get a boner

>The Human Spider? That's it? That's the best you've got? What kind of corn holing nigger fucker do you have to be to come up with a name like that?


Pissing on an Ant Hill is still the best RaimiPosting. It's actually well written enough that it could be a real line of dialog but yet still so stupid. I want this user to write a fan script


That time storyboards for deleted scenes got leaked

>Ben Garrison