Do niggers go to heaven?

Do niggers go to heaven?


There is no such thing as heaven.

Wish I could say the same about niggers.


they go to black haeven which is cooler and more fun then white heaven

There is kfc water mellon kool aid drank and other shit for every one

Also white women for every one

they also gotz rims cars for every bodyzz

Nah because they're actually the lost tribe of Israel so they become Angels and will exist on a celestial plane.

Without darkness, light can't exist

if u white and u belive in haven u a nigger

only niggers belive in heaven

the real question is do whites. Jesus wasn't white.

this is a good question

apparently christianity is very racist only jews are suppose to be jesus chosen people but he saw how messed up they were so said fuck you crackers and said i liove whites now

also only whites go to heaven asians go some where else some reverend was loling that there are asian christians now they ain't goin to heaven fam lol

As a nigger we don't we just rot

nigger don't like your tone

Everyone knows niggers find the afterlife only after they nail 5 white blonde sluts. Then they may find peace.

All animals go to heaven
All whites go to hell

False, actually.

Yes. They do. God is black.

It gets even worse: some Gospels look like Jews are the ones to be saved, others don't.

I'm a non believe and even I know the answer is no
Why did you leave me for Tyrone SARAH YOU WHORE

Yeah,its at the back of heaven.Same us the busses.

As slaves

No only humans have souls