So guys I've been thinking

So guys I've been thinking.
What happens when the outside lava on the sun solidifies like it has on earth?
Isn't it going to be dark all day and we will only have a bit of moonlight at night?

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oh shit this is actually hilarious. +1 OP

I hope you aren't serious


What? Are you retarded? It's made of plasma.

I know you're trying to shitpost, but this will really happen one day. When the Sun consumes the last of its hydrogen, it will swell to a red giant and consume the Earth. But when its heart contains enough iron, there will not be enough negative pressure resulting from fusion to keep gravity from compressing the Sun to the point where it explodes as a supernova.

What remains after the Sun explodes will be its heart, which is known as a white dwarf. Contrary to popular belief, a white dwarf is not a star; fusion is no longer taking place. Over a very, very, very long time the white dwarf will cool first to a brown dwarf and then a black dwarf, at which point it will be completely inert and cold -- just like your description, OP. Of course, this is so many thousands of billions of years in the future that all the stars in the Universe will long since have gone out as the final embers of dead stars cool into a final and eternal Heat Death.

>>white dwarf, brown dwarf, black dwarf.
So... It becomes a nigger?

So many errors mr astrophysicist

Do elucidate. I'd love to hear your middle school Dunning-Kruger critique.

If it was plasma it would be green idiot. Does it look green?

>What happens when the outside lava on the sun solidifies like it has on earth?
>Isn't it going to be dark all day and we will only have a bit of moonlight at night?

What do you think happens every night, retard? It becomes dark every night because the Lava cools. Then Jesus re-melts it every morning.

Sun will not become a supernova

You have played too much Fallout.

he'll be

see , it'll form a white dwarf but not a supernova. those are only for super fucking big stars.


you are lying

a nigger can't read so, you are the nigger.


whoa, Aristotle is a btard
I clearly read it, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it

Not a supernova, but it will explode. It'll blow off its entire photosphere as a nebula, leaving only the inert core. In other words, it's only the scale of the explosion which is wrong.

Thinking of starting a youtube channel with a filthy frank-like theme to it. Any idea of how to do that without seeming like a complete clone?

You have all been fooled, there is no sun.

fuck wrong place

Ummm, no, there aren't.

Hold on. I never even thought about the moonlight. It the moon like a mini sun?

It reflects light from the sun. That's why it's darker during a lunar eclipse or a new moon: the Earth is interrupting the light that would otherwise be going to the moon.

(Why isn't there an eclipse for every new moon, then? The orbits for the moon and earth aren't in the same line, so eclipses only happen when the moon is on the intersection of these orbits.)

Then why can't we see it in daytime?

You can see the moon during the day, but you don't go outside so you wouldn't know that

You can.

You can. Depending on where you are and the season, in the early evening you can see the moon rising in the sky.

>negative pressure
>when sun consumes last of hydrogen

wtf, bee

how come we can't see the sun in the daytime?

none of this fucking matters because the earth is flat

The only part of that which is only slightly inaccurate is the scale of the explosion which blows the photosphere away.

>implying the sun is a star
>implying "satellite images" are real
>implying you can't just zoom in on any star or planet from earth and see strobing color geometry nothing like the computer graphics we've seen from NASA - sanskrit for deception

I cant answer because my computer is broken, I have no internet, and I am grass.

>So guys I've been thinking.
No you haven't.

>signs your argument is shit tier

Fuck you, pleb! Your argument suffers from Assmasterson-Billybob syndrome

I should know better than to waste my time explaining science to a bunch of fucking idiot children.

Nothing much, it will just become a bit darker, but the moonlight would be enough to sustain life for a while. When the moonlight gets magnified if almost as bright as sunlight.

grats u can recite the publishing corporations' textbook

You're an imbecile, like the rest of the kids who've hijacked my Sup Forums. Some of us are professionals with formal education rather than a pack of shitposting middle school teenyboppers. I should know better than to waste my time trying to educate you cretins.

>formal education
When did this start meaning fool convinced they have knowledge and are done looking?

The sun is an atomic reactor run by nitrogen...

>common knowledge

>only have a bit of moonlight at night?

not sure if b8

dumb fuck
nitrogen isn't fissable
the sun is a natural liquid fluro-thorium reactor

Is this what the Australian educational system has come to?