Hey Sup Forums just moved into my first apartment and it turns out is has cockroaches. any advice?

Hey Sup Forums just moved into my first apartment and it turns out is has cockroaches. any advice?

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amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0049I6CT2/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1495689272&sr=8-5&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=roach gel&dpPl=1&dpID=31P51PwDjpL&ref=plSrch

Call me papi. Or satan. Or both

kill yourself


amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0049I6CT2/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1495689272&sr=8-5&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=roach gel&dpPl=1&dpID=31P51PwDjpL&ref=plSrch

get a spray to kill fruit fly,
its had the highest content of active ingredient because it had to be dispersed in the air,

turn the can upside down so its a stream of liquid instead, spray the shit of every corner .

how much of it have you huffed? I see how you type.

tu parle françcai toi ?,si oui bah va bouffé du Q

Get a cat. They usually have fun hunting them and mice. Great city pets.

get scorpions.

dem snip snap doggos best way to control roachs

Get some of that blue "Roach Proof" powder. Lay out a news paper sheet, sprinkle the powder all over it, and shove it under beds, dressers, the fridge, stove, that sort of shit. That shit works, son.

the small ones or the big ones?
if it's the big ones move


>tu parle françcai toi ?,si oui bah va bouffé du Q
no, the only good french are the female variety but they sound like whiny children when they talk. Hence, it's obnoxious much in the same way french-canadian are.

I'm only living here for the summer then have another place lined up, so it's not worth buying a pet to get rid of them

call ICE

Don't leave food out, put toothbrushes in a plastic bag, roll up towels and put them at every entrance, and fumigate the shit out of it monthly.

After a while they will go away.

You need to isolate your appartment from your neighbors as much as possible. If you have a window AC unit they could also be coming in from there.

Move out of Germany

you can always eat them.

small, alot look like they are babies from the ones ive seen

in US

Apartment buildings suck.

It doesn't matter if you keep your apartment totally clean and spotless. If your neighbor is a slob he will breed cockroaches and they will spread through the walls. Same with bed bugs.

Cheap apartments can be a real nightmare.

Thanks, I don't think I'll fumigate since im only gonna live here for a few months anyways, but the other advice ill keep in mind

There is nothing you can do. Poison will never kill them all. Even if you killed every last one in your apartment it would be a couple weeks before more came from the neighbors. You'd have to fumigate the entire building at once to have any chance. So this is a conversation about management. Clean everything. Clean under everything. Clean inside everything. Do not leave food or trash out. Buy a variety of poisons, traps and baits. Use them all simultaneously and keep them fresh. All you can do is thin out the numbers and hope that you ultimately encounter fewer.

Getting a scorpion is not a bad idea. At least when you catch a roach throwing it to your scorpion will make you feel better about living in a third world shithole.

The best way to eradicate the cockroaches is through the use of concentrated poison gas

small roaches are the worst kind. Harder to get rid of and more numerous.

Double smoke bomb the place with all your shit inside to kill the one living in your stuff.


I never realized there were so many types of scorpion for sale. I kind of want one now.


Yeah, lived in USvets housing for a while and it was a nightmare. Neighbor would bring in prostitutes and would only take his trash out once a month. I watched a bunch of videos on how disease is spread by cockroach and found a way to keep it cockroach free.

Fumigating isn't too bad. Just set it off when you're at school or work. Make sure to seal the shit out of your room before you go lol.

Hope it all works out!

>kill the one living in your stuff
This is a very legitimate concern. Especially for small german roaches. They hide in your shit. They can cling to your clothes to infect places you visit. They will hide in your moving boxes, clothing, and furniture when you move to the next place. Honestly I'd consider renting a uhaul overnight and bug bombing it with all of your stuff inside.

have them deported back to Turkey.

You better leave everything you put in that appt in that appt or you're bringing them home with you.

that's what those ones that hide in your shit are?

I had practically a library ruined by those fucks. Didn't discover them until moving out. I knew about the bigger ones that would come in through cracks in the walls and under the doors, but I just thought the hiding ones were babies.

these are cool

It depends. If they are really small and transparent then they are probably silverfish. Horrible fucking creatures. Just as hard to get rid of.

i have a tangerine leopard gecko but it looks more like an enigma leopard gecko

No these were little brown ones.

I'm all moved out and threw away 70% of the books, keeping the important onces because I'm planning on going to OCS.

Honestly, have the place sprayed for your own piece of mind.


I live in a ghetto shit hole apartment and for a year I suffered with these fuckers. I tried everything else and nothing worked. Then I got a giant bottle of the shit that you can puff out and puffed that shit along every crevice and hole in the place, even along the ceiling and the lower walls. Took about a month to start seeing results and by the end of the third month they were completely gone and I haven't seen once since. The shit is basically like shards of glass to them and it gets in their bodies and shreds them from the inside. Trust me Sup Forumsrother, this is the only way.

I have had cockroaches for like 6 years and I move to a new apartment each year, THEY ALL HAVE ROACHES.. it doesnt matter how clean you keep your apartment, they will never go away so goodluck

I concur with this user. mix it also with food grade diatomaceous earth. If you can, mix in some neem oil and if they eat that it prevents them from breeding. Cockroach genocide in 1 month

Move, chances are the people you live near are dirty fucks. Doesn't matter how clean you are just move.

Call the kurds

Get used to cockroaches

Even better is a product called CiMexa, its silica gel powder which works the same way. It cuts those cocksuckers all up but isn't harmful or toxic to you or your pets. That shit even got rid of bedbugs for my family a few years back when a dirty bastard man slept in our house for a night. Anyway It's cheap as fuck, you need very little, and it saved my ass

call an exterminator

those snip snap doggos are best doggos

What if you get a box of borax once a month. They are like $5. Spread it on every surface with a thick layer by doors, windows, and outlets. Vacuum occasionally. It won't end the infestation but they won't be able to move through your apartment quickly or in large numbers.


diatomaceous earth

Roaches can eat just about anything, but die without water in a week. Reduce any open access to liquids in your house. This includes sinks and drains. Cover them when not in use.

plastic wrap the shitter

underrated post

This thread makes me want to avoid poor people.

You should, they are disgusting and should stay poor and live in poor areas so they don't come near us

Those chemicals can cause brain damage tho.

Bleach and ammonia together is the only way, mix in a tub on the kitchen floor with a fan to push the fumes around

Boric Acid, they eat it and slowly begin dying... the rest of them eat the dead and the boric acid keeps working.

Also use a dehumidifier and keep your apartment around 68*F, they don't like cold

Use tape traps. They're very effective.

Bay leaves. They hate the smell. Leave some in corners behind furniture and you won't see a roach again. They will still be there in your building of course but they won't go anywhere near the leaves. Also make sure to kill any ou encounter on the off-chance they haven't nested and settled in yet.

The sad truth is that you could do all of the advice in this thread at once and it will work for awhile. They will just come back. Either survivors or from other apartments.

Learn how they fight, learn how they lost their past battles and then develop your strategy:

i had a billion little german roaches between an oven and a kitchen counter. Previous tenant had stuffed sheets of cardboard there and it turned into some weird city of roaches.
Poured boiling water in there. It kills them instantly, leaves no poisonous residue you just sweep em all out.
Boiling water: works on all insects.

>added to the list of things I will do if I am not getting my deposit back anyway. I'll order some roaches online, keep em chilled until I move out. Good luck renting roachtown.

smoke the roaches

Capture one and give it a stern talking to , it will then return and pass the message back to its colleagues and they will leave within 2 days