Name my band Sup Forums

Name my band Sup Forums

bull cut cunts

skin cancer

Coffee Creamer Cunt Kids


The little Canoe fuckers

Big Jimmy Band Featuring The Shit Skins

Mullet Malitia


Race War When

Spanish People are White

4 masters and the illiterate shit logs

Pet and master

Collectively 3 inches

hoping for puberty

Famous Amous and the Skins

Shit Steve and the anus thieves

spastic colons and the mud bunch

lord of the flies: resupply

Hide the Fatty

7 cocks and the cum dump

The Boys Who Stare at Scrotes

No Pubes

Man Oars

Sagabona kunjani wena

bleach skinned

Black & White

One of us almost has a girlfriend

Lost In 'Nalo

Circle Jerk

Highlights and Hawaiins

Autism meets poverty.

Questionably Brown

Maybe they won't notice I'm fat if I wear a shirt and the everybody who notices anyway

Lakeside Twinks


Sup Forums

This is pretty genius

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