Remember when you guys were saying literally just yesterday that Amber Heard was gonna piss away that 7 million dollars...

Remember when you guys were saying literally just yesterday that Amber Heard was gonna piss away that 7 million dollars within a year?

Well it hasn't even been 24 hours and she already has

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>omg guys she donated her money to charity ahahah what a fucking loser

>I'm not a disgusting gold digger I swear
Though sometimes I wonder if Depp's media people just did a better job than Heard's

we all know that this is just money laundering... she could as well donate to the Clinton Foundation, but it wouldn't give her those "good human"-points

What's the angle she's trying to play here?

I have no doubt that she is going to walk away with more money than she had 6 months ago but is she just trying to drag Depp through the mud now?

Ice queen

7 million from her 50 million settlement how generous!

wtf I love Amber now

Where's this 50 mil number coming from?

>Hey Elon Musk. I'm totally not a gold digger. You should marry me.

She's making a risky gamble. Let's hope it fails miserably.

Goood..... goooddd.....

being closer to broke is just one step closer to doing skinemax movies for lil amber


can you not read? Her settlement was 7 million, and she's donating the whole thing.

just a publicity stunt as a reaction to all the hate she received for making false claims of abuse against depp and being a gold digging whore. 7m is nothing when you're with elon musk btw

"Money played no role for me personally and never has"

Funny, you're not legally forced to accept ANY settlement. If it had no meaning to her, she would have declined and let him keep it.

Instead, for a year of her life, the year she was married to one of the sexiest men alive (according to various polls over the years), she gets $7m.

Now she's doing the whole 'hur dur it meant nuffink to me', well don't accept it then, bitch. 99.9% of people won't check to see if you made donations to the charities you claim to do and even if you're called on it, you can go

>b-b-but waiting to see who deserves it the most!

All the while that $7m is sitting in a high interest account, possibly offshore in the Cayman Islands or Panama, while you live a comfortable life on the interest alone.

Depp earned $100m in the year they've been married, so, since this meme of 'hur dur woymen get 50% for literally no reason' that Sup Forums likes to spout gets assumed. Despite that never being the case and my friends have had personally experience where guys have gotten more money than the woman.

Sarcasm works better when you can read otherwise you just look like a dumbass.

>Sup Forums likes to spout gets assumed.

Damn you found me out

This site is literally all me

It will be her own "charity" where that $7 million can be saved, collect interest and go untaxed.

>if she wasn't dating elon cucksk she wouldn't have donated shit

I hope Elon's secretly mates with Johnny and this is all just a ploy
>Yeah baby, I'll support you. You should donate that $7m to look good for the your career doesn't suffer
*2 months later
>lol fuck off

Wasnt it rumored that she asked him for a loan and he said it felt like a shakedown

Yeah, just now, by you.

gossip girl faggots, all of you

thread reported

>Depp earned $100m in the year they've been married, so, since this meme of 'hur dur woymen get 50% for literally no reason' that Sup Forums likes to spout gets assumed.

This does happen though and she initially asked for 200 million, which IS half his estate. Good lord.

>Despite that never being the case and my friends have had personally experience where guys have gotten more money than the woman.

Dubious anecdote.

That's a lie she is using for NOW.

She wont do it.