How do I change Sup Forums ?

How do I change Sup Forums ?
I don't wanna be the piece of shit I am right now
I want to become someone else
I want to learn more and work out more and be a better person in general
But even if I try I can't
What am I doing wrong?
How can I truly change?
Help me Sup Forumsros

you are fucked mate.

you are worthless, and will die fully aware of it.
welcome to humanity.

I still want to believe!

What are your challenges, user? Are you procrastinating? Stuck in your head? NEET or whatever the fuck the lingo is? Social anxiety? Awkward?

You haven't told us what you are or are not doing now, so we don't have anything to compare it to.

OP im the same.
You gotta atleast have the monies so you have a safety net to try new things
If you're economically strapped, well, sorry bud!

If you want to become someone else than you're fucked. Become yourself, faggot

I'm sorry
Not a NEET and not really awkward
Just really lazy
I really want to do things like working and learning and stuff but I just can't get myself to do them

I just want to do it and then keep browsing the web or doing anything else but what I should do

Also if it's important I am not obese or anything like that

On a "spiritual" kind of elvel I guess I am being held back by myself and I started meditating and stuff but gave up on that too

you can't change who you are

even doing all that wont change you. unfortunatly

I don't want that
I can if I can get myself to try hard enough
Breaking the beta

Stop being a bitch then and just fucking do it, stop whining.

OP sell drugs.
It's entertaining and you'll make friends of both sexes!
Plus you migh become respected and rich.

Beware a positive mind. Fight it. See life as an competition. Don't depend your luck top much on other humans. Don't give a fuck what other think. Don't surrender when you fall back. Don't let life kick you in the balls. Sucess in things, it will make you feel positive and will boost your confidence. I feel the same. And this evening i will meet the women i like, maybe I will suceed and ask her to do sth together :).

Okay, a few more questions. How old are you? Level of education? Any mental illness with your or your family (depression, bipolar)? How are you financially?

hey man, if you wanna change i recommend getting off Sup Forums - it's honestly a scenario of the vocal minority and it's usually a case of the blind leading the blind. most people on this website is just here to shitpost or have fun or to lurk, really.

contact someone you trust, or a psychologist (might take a few tries) and be skeptical of everything and use rational reasoning. e.g, don't trust generic PUA like red pill. this can all be confusing at first, but with time you'll get it for sure man.

Thanks and good look with her fam

Just do it. We all feel the same laziness. I know what you mean and im currently working at it. Just do it and you will feel better too.

Pretty stable financially
19 just finished High-school

Honestly I don't browse Sup Forums that much
Maybe /wg/ from time to time and Sup Forums - /fit/

Well good luck
I am still trying

Do something that makes you feel fulfilled. Whatever you do, start doing it now. Tomorrow is the day that never comes.

First of all start small. If you put out a list of 500 things you want to start on you won't end up completing any of them. Your brain just can't process that much and it's too easy to get overwhelmed. Make out a short list of a few items you can work on NOW. You mention your general level of health and education. Here are some thoughts:

Listen to some self improvement podcasts. Stay away from the daily news if you can because it has a negative bias. I'm not advocating sticking your head in the sand forever, just that news can make you depressed and make the world seem worse than it is.

Here are some podcast that I listen to and have gained a lot from:

The Art of Charm (started out as kind of a Pickup artist thing, but has grown into much much more and there are a lot of in-depth interviews with smart people on there)
The New Man (Tripp Lanier)
The Mental Illness Happy Hour (to help you connect your situation with others who have been through the same, help you feel like you aren't weird for feeling the way you are feeling)
The Art of Manliness
Radiolab and Freakonomics (lots of good episodes on why we do/think the things we do that run counter to conventional wisdom/thinking).
Waking Up podcast with Sam Harris
iprocrastinate (He's dry, but he's got a lot of great strategies for overcoming procrastination-like JUST GET STARTED)
Jim Kwik's Kwikbrain podcast, teaches you about memory/learning techniques
I'm thinking about picking up Jocko Wilnick's podcast, ex-navy seal and proponent of extreme ownership, esp. of failure.

Me too. It's an everyday thing. You need to fight your laziness every day again.


As far as fitness: Walk outside 10 minutes a day (not to mention the sun will do you good and motivate you). That can be the beginning of doing more. DON'T get into a grind of hours of exercise. Investigate HIT or HIIT (Interval training). That keeps your workouts short and interesting. Pick one program and STICK WITH IT, but try a few things to see what you like. Crossfit, traditional progress/weightlifting, calisthenics, find what works for you. You don't have to have a set in stone goal other than just improving your health.

just do it

Thank you so much
I'll get into it right now
What's your favorite tho?

Another thing to think about is a lot of people search for their 'life's work' or their 'purpose'. Such distinctions are bullshit abstractions and the root of a billions worthless inspirational memes that no one follows in real life. You may find you like doing many things in life, not just one. I didn't find my career until I was 30 (I work at an ISP, sysadmin and network dude because we are tiny). The only way to find out is by doing different things.

I will say that many people find inspiration in service to others. It is starting to become a focus in my life as I've gotten older. Making an impact in other people's lives can be incredibly rewarding. But before you can do that you have to work on you. Seek out an older mentor relationship with successful people.

You're welcome, user. You are still young. Hang in there, don't be afraid to make mistakes and to OWN them.

Right now I am heavy into the Waking Up podcast. Sam dives pretty deep on philisophical and moral issues and I find that incredibly interesting. I wish I had more exposure to philosophy and learning techniques as a younger man. Just learning how to think, how to ask critical and pertinent questions can be a big help.

I think if I were you I'd focus on learning how to be a better learner. Read more. Pick up audio books, play them on 1.25-1.5 so you can tear through them faster. If you really like them buy a hardcopy and make notes.

Learn about memory palaces and memorization techniques, and how to read faster. All of that is in Jim Kwik's podcast and facebook group.

Stay off of social media if you can, user. That is a time sink and Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and all of the rest are only interested in keeping your eyes on the app for longer and longer periods of time.

Shit, I forgot about the Tim Ferris (4 hour workweek dude) podcast. Another good one.

Start out by picking what might interest you from the podcast episode descriptions, but over time branch out. Listen to people you normally wouldn't want to listen to or find interesting because you never know what gems you may pick up from their interviews.

You are a real help my man.
I feel much more motivated
Thank you for the time and also I will be checking them all shortly.
I have plenty of books but never finished any or as I recall only one

Audiobooks will change your life, user. I'm on the road at least a couple of hours a day and they fill my time once I was caught up on all the podcast episodes I wanted to listen to.

You are again welcome, /bro.

Cheer up emo duck

>Don't give a fuck what other think.
Yes, this is SUPER important. Most people's thoughts are buried in their own shit. As long as you aren't a total fucking spaz-out and annoying neckbeard-feminist-sjw-atheist-nazi-teapartier, you will be fine and most people won't notice how awkward you THINK you are. Trust your feelings.

I never listen to what others shit-talk
I don't care about that stuff