I heard on the radio yesterday that they are now teaching kids in school about "white privilege"

I heard on the radio yesterday that they are now teaching kids in school about "white privilege".

Has anybody here encountered this fucking bullshit in a school?

Everyone on the call-in radio show was complaining about it, but the black professor of who-knows-what gave an anecdote about how a bank asked for ID as proof that we need this course. Seriously? No statistics?

Also, she began every other sentence with "As a black woman...".

Jesus christ, Sup Forums, this onslaught of left-wing nonsense has to stop.

What are we going to do?

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Because Right Wing nonsense is so much better, ayup! You betcha!!

I think people should be taught how to recognize racism in its many different forms.

don't know that the school has to do it (parents certainly won't).

perhaps the way they're going about it is wrong, but don't deny that there is no white privilege. that's just how it is right now, white ancestors have set up a nice world, for whites, and not many others. of course, this changes depending on where you are in the world. there is no white privilege in china.

and they teaching white kids are born racist.


White privilege exists. Unfortunately, it's being taught in college campuses that white people need to be attacked constantly because of their white privilege, as though that were actually the solution.

White privilege is part kin selection, part economic stratification, part systematic racism.

>Kin selection
Humans have evolved to more trusting of people who look like them. It's just an underlying tendency that we all have; a preference for our own kind. This will happen in every facet of society, and in the United States that means opportunities for upward mobility will demonstrate this preference; to the detriment of anyone who doesn't have the right "look".

>Economic srtatification
We live in a capitalist society, there will be winners and losers. Rich and poor. If you were born rich, you'll most likely stay rich. If you were born poor, you will most likely stay poor your whole life. Upper class, lower class, middle class; while there is the opportunity for advancement, it simply is not -likely- for most people to improve their economic station.

This plays into white privilege because the "elites" have historically always been white. There is a demographic shift, to be sure, but that doesn't take away from the fact that there are more rich white people than rich ______.

>Systematic Racism
The criminal justice system has specifically targeted minorities for decades. Drug laws especially have been used to hammer the black community into the mess it is now. 60+ years ago there were judges, police officers, senators, and congressmen who were out and out members of the KKK. The laws that they forced on society back then were specifically meant to help them attack anyone who wasn't white. They weren't shy about it, either.
Despite them being gone, the laws are still in place, still causing harm, still hurting non-whites.


>posting bait to make my post look like bait

nice try, faggot

Nope. But if I had a school aged kid and they pulled any sort of this retarded far left shit. I would bring the school district to civil court so fucking fast their ancestors will feel my "racism"

weed used to commit a crime, who'd have thunk

it's not the gun that kills people.

No you wouldn't you lazy faggot.

As a white man, it is important to realize how lucky I am to be born like this.
I get everything I want on a silver spoon, cops will never hustle me or anything.
Nobody ever thinks the bike I'm riding is stolen which it of course isn't because I bought it using my money I earned in stock market.

Non of this would have been possible if I wasn't white, so I think I deserve to pay something back. Maybe higher taxes for me and remove taxes for non whites?

Christ what happened to strikeout? Shit keeps changing. I feel like a newfag.

Turns out life isn't fair and I'm under no obligation to level the playing field.
Welcome to planet earth.

>I bought it using my money I earned in stock market.

something fishy about this statement.

>Maybe higher taxes for me and remove taxes for non whites?

oh... that's why. this whole post is bullshit.

Can you even read you idiot? I'm a Democrat.

In group preference certainly exists, however it's not really the hatred of one race, but the preference to your own race.

Sup Forums hasn't allowed that shit for years.

it still works on the other boards I'm pretty sure

Remember.. Life has to be fair and regulated by the government. Nobody has free will any more. And it's legal to have an opinion but illegal to have facts.

Far left is a blight, and there needs to be a special camp to send them all.. With nice warm showers...

>Also, she began every other sentence with "As a black woman..."
I hate when niggers become self-aware and start talking about their shitskin and tiny brains to make white people feel bad.

>Far left is a blight
>so let's gas them
kettle... meet pot.

pot... meet kettle.

you are the same fucking piece of shit. how do you not see that?


He actually made a pretty good point and you just shitposted

At my school I vaguely remember them teaching it in kindergarten or early grade school.

>I think people should be taught how to recognize racism in its many different forms.
>don't know that the school has to do it (parents certainly won't).
>perhaps the way they're going about it is wrong, but don't deny that there is no white privilege. that's just how it is right now, white ancestors have set up a nice world, for whites, and not many others. of course, this changes depending on where you are in the world. there is no white privilege in china.
Retarded or bait either way thats the dumbest shit I have read all day

Nobody said anything about gasing them user. Far left shits normally have horrid bathing habits and they stink of shit.

>you are the same fucking piece of shit. how do you not see that?
He's the hard working piece of shit paying taxes and raising a family.

Pic related is what the left does to children.

How is a bank asking for an ID part of racism?
I've been asked for an ID many times in different branches of my bank. They just want to make sure that I'm not some faggot trying to steal someones money.

Actually kill yourself sympathizer. Prejudice and racism is based in fact. I never said it didn't exist.

kill yourselves niggers

There is a bunch of white people living in trailer parks who disagree with your notion of the west being built for the benefit of white people.
It's structured to benefit rich people, which come in all colors.

Great post. A lot of people don't get that. It's important to recognize that while some will misuse the concept of privilege to attack people, it does actually exist. People can be racist as fuck and being white in America just makes life easier.

>It's structured to benefit rich people, which come in all colors.
*to benefit Jews

Fix't it for ya.

That is your opinion though, not mine.

You can do the research any time.
I would steer you on the right path, but I'm on my phone. Sup Forums folder isn't accessible.

You're one to talk with the inane shit that comes from the right sometimes. Conservatives are way more wary of facts and scientific evidence than the left are.

Not an argument. This is just a shitpost.

>Has anybody here encountered this fucking bullshit in a school?

I hear from such cases day after day but I never see any of it in person.
Either I dodged this stuff unwillingly / coincidentally in the last decade or some people look out for such extreme cases to present them as "normal".
The first one is quite unrealistic, which leads to a conclusion most people would accuse me as beeing a "libtard", if I would write it out here.

>getting political on Sup Forums
>raising a family/having kids/having a girlfriend/ever touched a girl

choose one.

Far left, right, up, down, doesn't fucking matter. All can't think for themselves and have no material facts in their arguments.

The fact that the left tards are pushing their agenda publicly is the issue.

I'm just against the idea of singling out a single race to blame, sure there are many wealthy jews in power, but just like the idea of white privilege, #notall.
Focusing on race is a diversion, it's class that is the factor.
And no I'm not a communist who hates all rich people.

>steer you on the right path
>by posting pictures out of my Sup Forums folder

oh god I don't have a reaction image that displays how hard I'm laughing.

Fighting racism with racism. Logic!

The big, bad world doesn't owe anyone anything, and it's not anyone's job to make life easier for anyone but themself, unless they choose to do otherwise.
You can spend your life crying about it, or you can be realistic about it.
It's all up to you.


People who use the term white use it because they suffer from success envy.

I am a white skinned latino, and I get slapped with white privilege all the time.
People assume I'm a white guy. I go into late night taco joints, and the cooks are cracking jokes in Spanish about the "stupid gringo" thinks he can handle spicy food.
I keep my mouth shut until I'm leaving, then I tell them not to judge a book by its cover, in fluent Spanish, of course.

This is a white country and whites work harder.

>blacks: it's all the whites fault!
>whites: it's all the jews fault!

Balck people commit more crime there is no white privilege.

Just because he called out the left wing doesn't mean he supports the right. What we are all kicking around and getting at is a new national understanding. A new political party, perhaps

Growing up as the white "minority" in Chicago public schools, I gotta say this white privilege they are teaching is just promoting racism AGAINST whites, and is only growing the racial divide..

Niggers commit murder and get away with it.

Democrats are still right of center.

>white country
>don't even make up 50% of the population
>whites work harder

lol do you pick food from farms in the blistering sun for 10+ hours a day for less than minimum wage?
I'm not saying your desk job isn't hard... but come on...

those two things are not mutually exclusive.

because they didn't kill a white guy. when it's black on black no one really gives a fuck.

There is no white privilege it's an excuse made by negros who suffer from race envy and success envy.

Actually it is.

You did post bait

Im liberal and im getting tired of this shit too.

They been losing me for a long time over pc bullshit (i know it seems this way, but trust me most of us are reasonable and are fine with alternate opinions as long as its based in reason and is properly informed) but i really lost my shit when my province started agreeing at a legal level to allow sex to be removed from birth certificates.

Kind of important information for, you know... Doctors..

Lol bait

How do you know it's "not all"?
Do you really know?

Why is it impossible for you to differentiate concepts applied to isolated groups?

Not all black people are niggers. Fact.
All niggers are sub-human scum. Fact.

See how all and not all can be applied to two different groups? I get that you grew up under liberal indoctrination from school like I did, like we all probably did, but not all groups are equal. They are not the same.

Equality is an artificial construct perpetrated by weaker individuals to ensure their survival in a world of limited resources which is populated by otherwise superior competitors.


it's a double-edged sword. you cannot fix what you do not know is broken. but to bringing awareness to it often exacerbates things, and fuels more racism on both sides.

When something happens a lot people get desensitized to it.
It's not really racism, it's outrage fatigue.
When a few people die it's a tragedy, when many people die it's a statistic.

Can I get some of that privilege? My life is fucked.

Nothing wrong with racism. Racism is actually proven correct by science.

No he didn't, just made excuses for black failure.

>and fuels more racism on both sides.
Your *entire* belief structure is centered around the belief (read: not fact) that racism is incorrect.

What evidence do you have to support racism is the incorrect course for a society to take?

Negros want special rights

have you ever met a jewish person?

not that user, but I've met several that were poor, if not poorer than myself. this anecdote only goes so far, but it is evidence enough to prove not all jews are wealthy and powerful. I think this post describes the situation pretty well, for any group in power.

>>Kin selection
>Humans have evolved to more trusting of people who look like them. It's just an underlying tendency that we all have; a preference for our own kind. This will happen in every facet of society, and in the United States that means opportunities for upward mobility will demonstrate this preference; to the detriment of anyone who doesn't have the right "look".

-92% of workplace deaths are male, so will we teach female privilege?
-highest income by race is Asian, so will we teach Asian privilege
- Blacks are allowed to be proud of their race, so what about Black privilege?
- What about Rich privilege? The single most supportable argument for a privileged class.

This is nothing more than religious indoctrination. Just like Sunday school kids are taught they are born guilty because of 'original sin', whites are now being taught they are born guilty because of 'white privilege'.

It's fucking bullshit, and those who support it are corrosive.

I'm just of the opinion that all races and classes contain assholes within them.
I've met assholes of all colors and creeds, people aren't equal, that is just a life fact.
But all groups have rich assholes within them, that try their hardest to avoid other people joining them.
It's a rich political class that functions through the illusion of democracy. Basically going "What do you mean we don't have a democracy, you get to chose between these two rich people, who have marginally differing views".

It's race and success envy.

In the eyes of the law everyone is equal this white privilege nonsense is a way to make excuses for black failure.

They are far left.


>have you ever met a jewish person?
Yep. Got a jewish friend that has a dentistry practice.

How dare you.


It shows that negros are lower intelligence levels than whites. It's proven time after time.

Yeah teaching "white privilege" is stupid, but you complaining about it just makes you sound like a nigger.

so does everyone.

Democrats are far-left you mong.
The moderates are right now. No one wants to be associated with ANTIFA and BLM.

this guy knows what's up


Whites make up 75% of the population when you count the white Hispanics who count themselces as white.

Whites built this country and everything you see today was crated by whites. This country is great despite negros not because of them

What broken is black culture

If you think democrats are in any sense leftist, then you really have no idea. They are at best centrist while skewing rightward.

This lack of perspective makes Bernie Sanders seem like an extremist, when he's actually somewhat leftist.

Publicly funded colleges and health care are not radical leftist ideas, dude.

Homeschool your kids you fucking goon. Or if you're wealthy send them to private school.

racism is illogical, you have prejudice towards an entire group of people, where as the individual should be judged as such. an individual. because each individual may or may not fall in line with the prejudice you already set for them, but you would never know because of that prejudice.

and it's very difficult for racists to realize it's not the race that they dislike (or hate), it's the culture. if black people acted more like white people, would they have as big an issue with them? or would their ancestry still be an issue?

racism/specieism has played a huge role in our development as humans. most people fear snakes and spiders, don't trust outsiders, etc. not all can harm you, but enough do to make this a strong factor in who gets to live long enough to reproduce or not. but living in a civilized society, this level of prejudice amongst your own species serves no purpose.

noting habits and culture differences is OK. being aware and skeptical of possibilities is good. threatening to kill someone for the color of their skin or actions of their ancestors/neighbors is absurd and unnecessary.

Sanders is a far left Marxist. The world is moving right just look at Europe.

Fucking retard

wow. that guy must be rolling in dough... A DENTIST?

does he ever tell you about the secret rich jew dentist meetings where they discuss the downfall of the goyim?


Racism is scientifically proven to be correct. Black people are proven to have the lowest Iq of any race in the world. They carry cerstin genes that make them more violent than every other race in the world. In short yes white people are better than blacks and that is racist and racism is proven correct with science.

>Whites built this country and everything you see today was crated by whites.

chinese and blacks built the majority of the railroads in the US. without them it would have never become the superpower it once was.

>level of prejudice amongst your own species serves no purpose.
actually it does serve some purpose to ensure that you are safe.

The Murray and Hernstein study published as "The Bell Curve' shows that, as a group, blacks score lower than whites in the U.S. on IQ tests, even when all the standard excuses are ruled out.

However, individual results vary so much that taking the results as a group is really not all that meaningful, and it certainly doesn't support the conclusion that blacks are less intelligent.

In one interesting case, U.S. soldiers in Germany, which included several black soldiers, father children that grew up in the German culture and the IQ tests of the blacks scored equal to the whites.

The drug war gets more blacks because they blatantly abuse more drugs than any other race. Their entire culture is based around drugs. Nobody other than other blacks force them into the drug trade.

It's their own fault, laws are not racist just because one race violates more of the .
