Yo I need an opening joke, will post whatever nudes I get when I get them

Yo I need an opening joke, will post whatever nudes I get when I get them

you are the joke

I would berry my dick so far inside your ass who ever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur.

What bees produce milk? Boobies

I'm gonna try this on sluttier looking girls

Classic tbh

Why did the feminist cross the road? To suck my cock

What's black and sit on top of the stairs?

Stephen Hawking after a house fire.

I should really try dark jokes on women, what do I have to lose right?
I knew a bunch of Hellen Keller jokes but I can't remember them

What's blue and rapes women?

Me in a blue suit!

2 dubs in a row! Yay me!

Hory sheet! 3!!

Proof! What happened with OP anyway?

What is black, fast and screeches 'hoe de dough'?

A black man trying to catch an elevator.

I'm here, trying to decide which one to send, that guy got like a million dubs so probably his

Fuck off to Cuckbook, faggot.

Or this:
What's the best part of having sex with an eight year old in the shower?

Slicking her hair back and making her look six.

Probably this one tbh

H8ers gonna H8

Whats the best part about sex with a five year old boy?
Watching him break down on the witness stand.

Why cant hellen keller drive?
Because she's a woman.

What do you do to a deaf, dumb, and blind girl after you rape her?
Break her fingers so she can’t tell anyone.

guy walks into a bar, looks like you, has to leave and send texts bcuz of microweenis wavez deflected by the waveguide material known as your face. only gets laid in theory, never in life without ATM machine activity.

What is the difference between a man who is unfortunate to wander in their territory of the barbaric worshippers of Bori the ancient empire of Acheron and the other hand is no longer a fierce survivalist society? A lot of people know about the Black Kingdoms north of Cimmeria.


A man enters a pharmacy and asks for birth control pills for his wife and his seven year-old daughter. The pharmacist is a little shocked and says, “Your seven year-old daughter is sexually active!”
“No,” replies the man. “She just sort of lays there like her mother.”



this is now a get thread, if this is is dubs tell her "how many cops does it take to arrest a mexican? 9, one for the mexican, the rest for the oranges he was carrying"

>Wanna hear my lame opening joke?

How many fingers in your profile picture?
As many as I am going to stick into your pussy!

I was talking to my Grandfather at my 30th birthday party, ”Wow 30 years, you know what I haven’t had in about 30 years?” he asks.
”A hard penis.” I said sending my friends into laughter.
”No!” he replied winking, ”A baby sucking my cock!”

Dubs, tell me a joke so I can post one already

For some reason I like the fishy odour of certain girls, is this weird?

Do you have pet insurance? Cause I would destroy that pussy.