

Damn I failed again...




I'll try again, hope it It'll work this time



this is now.... a LOLI tread!














For this next trick, we pretend the loli posters are the orphans.







If I get banned for "spamming" in a thread about these images I'll literally kms























So one day I was driving home from my fucking hard day at McDonalds. I was a fucking retarded little piece of shit intern there. It's pleasant, I know. Then, realization hit me like a brick.

"I NEED TO BUY FUCKING MILK!" I yelled on the top of my fucking lungs.

I swear to motherfucking god I burst someone's fucking ear drums. Maybe it was your ear drums, you little bitchy ass cum spitting motherfucker. Anyway, where was I? Oh, right. I had to buy milk and well, if you're an average 199,768 year old like me, you know that it's an pain in the motherfucking ass to buy one jug of white ass liquid we call 'milk'. But, wait. If cows give us milk, then shouldn't it be called Cow piss? It's something called fucking logic, and nobody uses it sadly.

I parked my old ass white Lamborghini in the motherfucking parking lot and walked inside the store. I pushed and shoved everyone out of my way, because the milk I need is to fucking precious. I grabbed the milk and ended up grabbing some eggs. I was thinking of HowToBasic when I got my fucking eggs. I spent $1,998,234 dollars on just eggs and milk. But, I didn't have to. I just wanted to spend that good ol' fucking waste of paper money!

I walked back to my car, but then I noticed it was gone! I looked at the other side of the parking lot and saw that bitch named Jeff Le Killer driving away with my car while drinking 88 bottles of fucking liquor. I stood there with a fucking jug of bleach- I MEAN MILK and my HowToBasic eggs. But, want to know the scariest part of all?

This title is misleading.

and this isn't a true story.

and a skeleton popped out and killed me.






The ultimate revenge would be if all the loli spammers got banned and the posts shotgunned like the fateful thread that me and all of my spidey brothers got banned for posting in early May.

Mods, please hear my plea. We finally made our own thread, now let us be safe in it.



O-пaньки! Кaк нacтpoeниe?


Stop doing it to us and we stop doing it to you




we shall stop


This is war, spideys. We might have been trolls before, but now we must become full fledged soldiers

just stop the loli

I don't believe that you're a spidey. You're a loli spy. Gtfo with your gay shit.

You can't speak for your collective
you WILL lose


Nah, loli is life





You can't defeat us. No matter how much we're banned, how much we're shotgunned, we will always come back.

Look at what OP said


Same here brah


This time, we have an advantage. People are never banned on their home thread. I'm an innocent man trying to share my collection of spiderman memes and we've been savagely attacked.





So sorry, next time stay the fuck out of our loli threads

Хyлe ты ayкaeшь?


i will stay out




Someone's triggered.



Fuck lolis

get out fag