How many days would it take for my body to start to slim down after not eating?

how many days would it take for my body to start to slim down after not eating?

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i too would like to know this

depends on what you do. exercise and doing stuff helps. usually takes a few weeks to actually see results.

28 days. legit

youll fuck your shit up that way and you will look like a gaunt zombie.
500 calorie deficit d00d

so if i literally dont eat for about 2 weeks, 28 days top or more, thats when i would start to see results? i really dont care if i end up a skeleton. i can work up from that and build muscle

true dat. ima doctor

yes 28 days and no eat no fap, you will lose fat and can start bildin muscle


500 calorie deficit COMBINED with a good weight lifting regiment and some cardio.

You REALLY need to lift weights judging by your body. I mean no offense by this, only to help.

Eat healthier, lift a bit. 2 Months you'll be fine.

Problem is, your metabolism will drastically change if you do not eat anything for a couple weeks. If you start eating regularly again, it can literally kill you from "re-feeding" syndrome. Meanwhile, you're burning off some of your muscle as well as your fat to keep you functioning.

what do you mean i really need to lift weights judging from what about my body?

i can't afford a gym. i only got dumbells to work with at home. and don't you have to eat more than you expend to get muscle? like if i wanted to gain muscle, i'd have to eat a shit ton of burgers a day or something

You're a fucking idiot, so I encourage you to do this. Please starve yourself.

what if i just use a multivitamin?

thanks for your help

Don't do it. Not worth. It's better to build fitness slowly and make a habit out of it. If you starve yourself, you'll just get fat again later.

If you burn more calories than you bring in, and dont eat like a retard, you'll be fine..

few weeks. Then you'll get all manner of issues with weight gain and digestive upset when you go back onto food.

Or you could not be a completely vacuous, anorexic bimbo and read up on a sustainable way to maintain your fitness at a higher level.

Research what "macros" are, figure out what your calorific requirements are on a daily basis, start swimming and lifting heavy things in a consistent manner.

You're better off doing the Alternate Day Fastening diet.

Every other day, have a 500 calorie intake limit for the day. Drink plenty of water, do weight lifting, some cardio, do something.

You dont need a gym to work your muscles more than you clearly havent. Pushups and squats with something semi heavy around your house will get you half way there. You have never lifted in your life and it's easy to tell.

but thats too hard, takes too long. trying to get fit for this summer which is close.

lets say i stop eating for however long, and when i need to eat, i do it slowly, as in broth one day, next day salad, next day eggs, and then go on to do the things you said? what would be wrong with that?

Don't listen to him, you look fine OP.

Just live the rest of your life how you look now, it'll be great!

>like if i wanted to gain muscle, i'd have to eat a shit ton of burgers a day or something
exactly my point. If you think eating burgers is a way to make good muscle gains: you're clueless.

You're sat in front of the largest repository of information known to mankind. Sort your ignorant shit out.

i read the /fit/ sticky. literally says the exact same shit. you can eat burgers with just the patties which is protein. whatever you eat doesnt matter as long as you use up more than you expend

Damn, I can't believe I used to think this way.

>but thats too hard, takes too long

Fuck off and give me my 5 minutes back of having actually bothered to respond. You want to be fit? You'll have to expend effort. Being scrawny and malnourished is not being fit.

Nigga don't just not eat. Do a thing called intermittent fasting. You basically go about 1 or 2 days consuming only water, then go a couple weeks eating nothing but lean meat and vegetables, then fast again for another 1 or 2 days and repeat. If you start feeling dizzy and disoriented (not weak and exhausted) start eating again. Just flat out going anorexic is unhealthy and will kill you. Even morbid obesity is healthier than anorexia.

i dont want to be fit then, i just want to lose fat.

You have to actually move for that to be correct. Also, you'll look and feel like shit.

Fasting is fine for like 1-3 days. Don't expect to go for a month. Shit isn't going to work out.

skinny fat is worse than fat

A month,eat right,walk,jog on a track and you will lose alot.

Eat vegetables, not burgers you clueless dumbass. If you want to gain muscle while losing fat you HAVE TO MAINTAIN A HEALTHY DIET WHILE WORKING OUT. Ive done so myself. I water fasted for 2 weeks lost about 10 pounds and gained it all back in a week. It hurts you more than it helps. Hit the gym, set your diet to a protein with very little carbs standpoint and lift weights, youll lose 3-7 pounds a week and you will feel amazing.

This has to be a troll

You'll lose weight faster eating a caloric deficit and excerising than not eating. You'll also lose mental acuity if you're starving but based on your posts so far that shouldn't change much

Also exercise. Its okay to eat a little fruit if you need energy to complete the exercise, and cardio is best for burning fat. Don't start lifting until you feel you've gotten rid of about half the fat you want to get rid of.

Muscles require more calories than fat. Ergo, starving yourself means your body will get rid of muscle before fat.

Stop being a facile little bitch and do yourself an actual favour: get in shape.

>Don't lift until you're half as far as you were

If you'd like to take longer losing weight then take this advice

Just started reading this thread... after reading this comment, you're a fucking retard. You don't deserve to look better and you never will with the way you're approaching the problem. You need to EAT HEALTHY and work out, weight train, BUILD MUSCLE. That's what will make you look 'lose fat' and look 'healthy'. I'm not trying to be a dick but I think you should research more than posting on this faggot ass board. It's not hard to find information, just avoid the obvious 'get-rich-quick' schemes to getting-healthy-quick. It takes time man. You can't just change in a week or two, it takes weeks, months, years in some cases.

Or just sit there and stop eating, and look at pictures of people who are fit and say 'man I wish I had those genetics'... it's up to you.

but i don't have gym shit around me. how many people here actually hit the gym and aren't just saying it? i got dumbells at home. and whats wrong with a burger with just the patty? its still protein

from what i read thats not true.

>samefag here

More I think of it, I really should get my fatass to start following my own advice.

And once you're where you want to be in terms of fat, figure out how many calories your body burns each day while regularly exercising, and consume about 10-20% more than that each day to build muscle, and make your daily calories about 50% carbs, 25% protein, 25% fat. Im not talking about getting your carbs from candy and protein from pizza either. You have to put good food in your body.

It would take 6 months if you were very dedicated but more likely a year

You realize it's muscle that burns calories right? You build muscle with weights and do cardio. You're metabolism will go through the roof.

More muscle = more calories burned per workout. You want to start building muscle asap.

Is better to do cardio because that's what burns calories. Weights are for building muscle, cardio is for losing fat.

The fact you try to make it so black and white shows you don't know what you're talking about.

you look skinny fat, you'd benefit more from lifting while in a recomp

Its not a good idea to weight train if you're not putting carbs in your body. OP is more worried about losing fat than building muscle, and not eating carbs helps lose fat.

did you get that from your sister's gossip magazine you little fruit?

Usain Bolt, lean as a motherfucker and fastest runner on earth...and he lifts.

Having more muscle tissue means you burn more calories period. Pick up a book

You are too fat.
Just give up on life.

my body apparently burns 2773 calories a day.

It's doable but if you try any physical activity you will fuck yourself up... Once your fat deposits will go (which will be around 2k depending on your BMR) your glycogen stores will go... You'll look straight outta Auschwitz

If he wants he can weight train, he just shouldn't be fasting while doing it. He also clearly lacks the motivation to both lift and not eat carbs, judging from what he's said in this threadm

500 is super low. Most men can take off a ton of weight with a 1000 calorie diet. 5 pounds a week at least. Stop drinking alcohol too. 1200 is usually my target, and that takes weight off quick. Cardio or walking will burn a ton of calories. Shoot for 4 miles a day. Walking burns a surprisingly huge amount of energy.

Personal Trainer and Crossfit coach here. Ask anything you'd like. The not eating thing will not work for you. When you eat, your body burns the calories for energy. When you go a long time without eating and then eat again, your body thinks it's going to get another long period of no food so instead of burning it for energy, it stores it as fat for later use. Again, it will not work. There is only one way to lose fat (safely.) Eat quality food and burn more calories than you take in.

oh my christ, really?! It's simply thermodynamics.

energy stored = energy in - energy out

you want to lose weight, you have to expend more energy than you take in. Carbs are not the only source of energy in your diet. Your body *NEEDS* carbs to function properly.

Starving yourself is a terrible idea. It simply allows your metabolism and will eventually put you in starvation mode, which can take months to come back from and you'll be putting on weight the entire time.

Go to /fit becauss goddamn.
Eat at a calorie deficit and lift.
Your body will look worse if you starve yourself you autismo

>your body thinks it's going to get another long period of no food so instead of burning it for energy, it stores it

im OP, and you are wrong. the body doesnt work that way.

Then you're a fucking idiot who needs to fact-check what he reads.

Go starve yourself now. We all know you lack the willpower to not eat for 48 hours

He lifts for strength and power, if you're not an athlete there's no reason to lift for strength. There are different ways to lift weights, what athletes do is low rep, high rest, high weight workouts. What people trying to put on muscle do is high rep, low weight, low rest workouts. Those two lifting styles do very different things for your body. You'll put on almost no mass doing the former, you'll put on a shit ton doing the latter.

but i went 72 days the other day.

also see No, fasting does not mean you burn protein for glucose. Your body will run on fat.
Yes, your brain needs a certain amount of glucose to function. But no, you do not have to EAT the glucose to get it there.

So what's your point? You were still incorrect. Nice damage control though

Cardio is your best friend OP. That and cutting carbs and major sources of sugar. A buddy of mine was clocking almost 300 lbs when he graduated high school and decided enough was enough after that. All he did was cut sugary sodas and carbs out of his diet for a while and in less that two years he dropped almost 100 lbs without changing his lifestyle.

It's a shit form of protein with bad macros.

>from what I read that's not true

oh, the immensely accurate source you read that led you to your current predicament: enquiring of an anonymous image board how best to lose weight in the most retarded manner possible.

Honestly, if you want further advice in the echo chamber fashion you clearly desire; go ask a 14 year old girl trying to fit into a size-0 prom dress.

Vegetables have enough carbs to keep your body functioning as it should. The point of drastically reducing carbs is that it forces your body to burn fat for energy.

I don't need to read that. I'm not the moron asking how long I have to starve to lose fat. I know because I practice what I preach and I'm just fine. I would assume that article is referring to intermittent fasting, anyway.

Why are you still in this thread fatass?
You're either trolling very successfully or you already know what you want. So why you here?

>crossfit coach
stopped reading there

>crossfit coach here

but you're still wrong.

it's not, and you are wrong.

it's my thread dumby.

What was your point? Those two ways of lifting are just as different from each other as they are from cardio.

The fact you're unable to consider that anything that goes down your gullet is calorie intake, and that you're equating that calorie intake to carbs alone, leads me to think you have not got a fucking clue.

Vegetables have enough carbs. Fabulously ambiguous and exactly what I've come to expect in this thread. Please read up on macros before trying to advise someone else.

That's why I said to do it after youve lost some fat. Building muscle lifting requires a huge amount of calories, which also puts a little extra fat on your body.

You told the fat kid not to lift weights to lose fat.

I pointed out that lifting weights is better for losing fat

You replied with the different ways you can lift weights and then pointed out that they're different.

So... I'm still right and you're still wrong

if you follow this, you will slim down.

You don't want any advice. Fuck off. Stay fat. Just keep starving. Die fat.

Im not talking about what it burns now. Im talking about what it burns when you're exercising regularly, as that's the state your body *should* be in.

OP, please listen to the people saying you need to lift weight. If you don't have a gym, do things like pushups, body weight squats, etc. You can add your dumb bells when you can lift more. If you can afford it, order a bench and bar from amazon or some shit with some plates if there's no gym near you.

Food wise, yes, you need to eat less (calorie deficit) to lose weight, but you also need to eat HEALTHY.

This means:

LEAN meats (skinless chicken breast, lean ground beef, turkey, tuna steak, etc)

Whole eggs are fine, even lean bacon can be OK if you don't eat much of it.

Good carbs (brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, etc)

Whole fruits and vegetables - none of that shit in syrup or any of that garbage

Condiments - stick to shit like mustard (0 cal) or use things VERY sparingly. Most condiments have massive sugar in them, sugar causes weight gain

Sugars - stay the fuck away from sugar as much as possible

Dairy - stay the fuck away from dairy as much as possible unless you're bulking

Drinks - water, tea, carbonated water, stay the fuck away from all soda, even diet. stay away from milk, milkshakes, etc.

Stay the fuck away from anything you don't cook yourself from scratch. No fast food, restaurants, pre-packaged meals, or insta-meals or any of that nonsense. Eat real, whole food.

This has to be bait.
How stupid do you have to be to just stop eating because you wanna lose fat, if you stop eating you'll lose fat, and also muscle, and healt.
Are you 14 by the way?
Have fun while you don't eat, also have fun killing yourself in the procces.

I'm sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about

Let's get that yoyo started.

you're still wrong, edgy mcgee.

>what is false consensus effect

You're mentally impaired in some regard, please fix that before trying to engage in this manner of discussion.

op here. i laughed while reading this.

If you starve yourself to lose weight you are going to mess up your body. It will start eating away your muscle, not just your fat. Additionally the moment you start eating food again it will turn it right into fat because it thinks that it will need it in the future in case you starve yourself. In the end you'll just be the same weight except it will be harder to lose it the correct way.


you can eat at maintenance and still build muscle

you are not right about anything you said before.

The rest of us are laughing at your fat child's body

i'm laughing too. (:

i went on a water fast for 3 and a half days and lost 5kgs

this is the same garbage the other idiots spewed at me.

Leave him alone, i dont think he had very good parents.

What? What was that supposed to prove? First of all no, you don't need to gain fat while lifting regularly. Secondly, lifting from the start is only going to benefit the fatty more because he's actually building muscle tissue that consumes calories.

I'm not telling him to lift heavy so I have no idea why you think you're right

You're right. We're all idiots.

Do the other thing buddy: starve yourself and post pictures again when you're devoid of any muscle mass and weak as a kitten.

Then I'll laugh and laugh at how "wrong" I was.

lol. uh, thanks ?

here you go

If this isn't bait then I legitimately feel for you buddy. I used to be really fat and ignorant as well. It gets better! Keep trying! You might even get a few looks from girls this summer if you start lifting tomorrow :)

You look like you swallowed a spare tire OP, I would take advice from these people before I kept doing what I have been.

only eats muscle if you have no more fat