How do we stop islamic terrorism in Europe?

How do we stop islamic terrorism in Europe?

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2 ideas,
Ban no go zones in France and England.
Ban forcing women doing anything (burkas).

Stop being fucking pussies and kick them out

Fuck political correctness

How do you think the native population of any muslim nation would react if Europeans flooded there illegally by the millions and then started setting off suicide bombs that even target the children of the native population?

Oh yeah, also expanding Mohammed criticism, openly, like any other religious symbol.

Alot of them already have citizenship. This could be a problem.

Jesus was gay though, that's something

ban jews and muslims from europe.

We bury dead terrorist with pigs so that they may not go to heaven.. its worked before why not now

First, take their dick out of your mouth.

This is quite smart.
Seconding in reality.

"Oh oh, we got a gay dude,
Not my turn to throw him off the roof, I did this last Monday."

Rename Europe, then then can't bomb Europe anymore.

At this point it will be civil war. There is no doubt. Suck a demographic shift will never be tolerated after a critical point even by the biggest cucks. The chance of actually defeating muslims in our nations lies in the ratio of natives to muslims and those who side with them.

it can't be stopped


why do you think there are many more terrorists attack in muslim countries ?

I think working on improving education standards is a good place to start. Hopefully the children of radical parents can be educated enough to not be radicalized themselves.

It's a fact that a person's education is inversely correlated with how religious they are. Sure there are exceptions. But for the most part the more educated a person is, the less religious they are.

You don't see educated muslims carrying out attacks. Most educated religious people mostly just carry out traditions, they aren't really faithful.

Allah is a pig.

>Be Poland


Lots of troops dipped the tips of their bullets in pork products so that when they shoot muslims they go to hell.

Plus it is great psychological warfare against them. The enemy is using bullets that might prevent them from getting their 72 virgins.

Stop Europeans from pissing off ethnic minorities to the point of war.

That is beyond retarded.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Give one example. One.

Yeah those damn Swedes have been so imperialistic and evil. The violence against them is totally justified.

And smart

I think it is awesome.

If I was shipped off to some desert shithole and sitting on my ass 10 hours a day just waiting for some suicide car bomb attack I would dip my bullets in pork grease. Why not?

yes maybe but i don't see how it is helping us fight those arabs

We don't want to fight arabs.
We don't /want/ to fight.
But, we're fighting an extremist religion.

I was thinking something like drastic punishment for terrorism: Terrorists kill themselves that they don't fall into the hands of the enemy, therefore we're not able to punish them anymore, but i'd say in that occation you could extend the punishment to their family and friends. Punish the people attending the same mosque for not making sure he doesn't become a terrorist.
Of course that would also punish unrelated people, but in the end of the day i'd say it's more effective at scaring the shit out of potential terrorists.

Pulling our penis out of the Middle East

That's one of their laws.
We're not the same.


>It's a fact that a person's education is inversely correlated with how religious they are.
Well, it's mostly second generation muslims doing the attacks so far, they got good education already.

It's very retarded. Islams rules about pork are very spcific. It's a sin only if the muslim willingly and with his full knowledge exposes himself to pork. Getting shot with a bacon wraped bullet does not send them to hell in their minds so in reality this action would do nothing. Muslims are even allowed to eat pork in critical situations like starvation for example.
Know thine enemy before you shitpost.

Stop funding Israel. Read Michael Scheuer(ex cia) book about osama bin laden

I'd say: if a dog needs the whip, he gets the whip.

Besides: There's a number of muslim rules i'd happily comply with, for instance that "don't fuck over the needy leading to a zero intrests banking system"

Muricans right. So uneducated. So stupid. Im glad they arent like Europeans.

This, ...but sadly, not possible :(

I could kill half a million people if I had the jurisdiction, but, I can't agree wholeheartedly currently

all I'm saying is that coating your bullets with pork does nothing to undermine the enemy. This isnt a rpg where you get +3 dmg vs muslims. A normal bullet will do the exact same job.
t. Balkan person who knows how to remove kebab.
Also Bulgaria found the solution for this mess

I mean, rockets, of course

Europe could be saved by stopping resources from going in no-go zones.


Bcs hey lets protect the jews in the middle of all the muslims. And pay the price; getting terrorism

this thread has instantly disqualified itself by using propaganda shoops

stop being Sup Forums cucks and learn2debate

Who gives a fuck? It's relevant to the topic, how does that disqualify anything?
Don't you have any ideas about the issue?

> french fag here
I must set the record straigh: there are no no-go zones in France. I've been living in Paris since I was born. Although there are a lot of popular districts, they are not what FoxNews tell. Women can live there carefree.

OP is obviously here to validate their worldview, not partake in civil discussion

this thread can go to hell, there's enough Sup Forums cuckoldry already

stop being part of the problem

This thread sure is better than the other generic threads that are up right now.

Stop meddling in muslim countries. Pay protection tax to IS and it will stop

yeah the whole site can go to hell
it's overrun by bots and 15 year old russians


destroy the jews.

Islam is not religion It a dogma hiding behind religious speak...WE MUST KILL THEM ALL

That fucking video!!!

om nom nom

This is the most retarded thing I have ever heard. It's forbidden to eat porn but even muslims can eat it if there life depended on it so it isn't a sin.
Also muslims that die as martyrs for the religion go directly to paradise. No burial rites necesarry, no other rituals either. The only thing you'd do is waste food for your troops.
Even when a muslim is killed ny a woman he still gets to go to paradise


> It's forbidden to eat porn
You've been on the internet for too long m8.
Your brain just autocorrected pork to porn

Pork* whatever

One of their laws? Pretty sure muslims dont have that law

muslims have the same laws as everyone else in their country


Resurrection of pic related required.

This is one shitty fucking problem, because the only way to destroy islamic terrorism is to put a dictator in power. Or go the dystopic 1984 route and have semi-militarized areas and bunch of checkpoints everywhere.

Either one can be done by giving POEU similiar execution power as POTUS, and selecting a known dipshit as POEU. It's a rough road ahead and even from view point of a centrist this is absolutely the leftists fault.

The solution to no-go zones is regional martial law: if you don't let the police operate properly in the area then the entire community will be punished by military force. It goes back to medieval castle strategies: if you don't submit we'll starve you to death. If you try to bumrush out you'll be shot.
In practice we'll have to give rations, but in exchange the regional martial law must be set so that there must be atleast 3 months of peace before the lockdown can be disbanded.

Think it as a big boys naughty corner which intention is to get the community act against terrorists.
Because that's the problem: the community is supporting the terrorists.

The only practical alternative to this is literially creating a law which punishes regional blood relatives or spiritual relatives by nullifying their citizenship. This sounds very harsh but do continue reading: the no-go zones are primarily formed by a bunch of families living together and trying to take over a region. This living closeby enables them to do ant-trade and bomb manufacturing. Seperating them by law is impossible, but they can be seen as partial accomplices in crime. A person who fails to prevent their nearby living family member from committing serious crime against humanity is involuntary accomplice by default; it's very likely that you knew about the crime but you let it happen anyway. This should be a crime which nullifies your citizenship and allows the government to ship you out of the country.

if only...

stop importing terrorists

Turns out that Anders was and is right about a great many things. He may have been a mass murdering fuck head but his manifesto is coming true.

they're not imported


turns out anders and one lonely user are both retards

Brexit!1 and Trump!

They'll stop terrorism!1!!


God bless those crazy fuckers

I guess it was propaganda that blew up those kids in Manchester.

Terror attacks on mosques.

Yeah I'm sure you would.


Does she have autism?

>failing so hard

As soon as they enter the country, the must take classes on sexual education and appropriate behavior. Next they undergo deprogramming cult therapy. Should.

>>build walls
>>jews inside , sadly...

what about language and civil rights education?