Who is the most powerful person in the world?




Hillary Clinton



Depends on how old you are






The Filipinos.


Richard Murphy of 18th street

trips, must be true, I come for you then.


Swift gtfo of Sup Forums

Sadiq khan

George Soros

Ben Garrison.

Someone we aren't allowed to know



The executive order and being commander in chief is a bitch

This, along with his friends.

Merkel. Seriously she has planted the seeds that will either grow into a civil war and ethnic clensing or destroy thousands of years of European culture. That's power.

François Hollande

Soros? Rothschilds?

Probably somebody we've never even heard of.

I'd bet I'm not too far off, though.

Forgot the pic

Honestly, in the current world with the free flow of information, whoever is loudest is most important.

Power is the ability to control people.

If you consider the power to give orders most important, then POTUS is probably your best bet.

If you consider the power to control people's thoughts and beliefs most important, then Kim Kardashian is pretty significant.

king salman bin abdulaziz

People watch her out of some basic human curiosity/interest in other peoples lives, she doesn't have a loyal fanbase of people who would follow what she says. I think the more powerful celebrities would probably be vocal/opinionated celebs. But even still a celeb with a large group of loyal fans has nothing on some seedy CIA higher up that could manipulate the world to create genocides or fortunes of billions.

nope, they couldn't even swing the london mayor election

probs Putin

Despite his unimpressive physical appearance, he fucked this woman. He's got a sick game

and that was enough for you to forget they exist, or even if you know about them now, you think them toothless.

manipulating people must be so easy when you have the funds and connections for it

Darren from down the road, knocked some cunt right out and just kept going, took me and 3 other guys to get Darren off him, the poor cunts face is munted now.


I think he's the only one who can launch a nuclear strike without asking permission to anyone else.

François Hollande can

she's not impressive either, Pierre

this memelord

Someone, who we've never even heard of.

Right now, Donald Trump. Objectively.

Other countries already make the mistake of thinking he's president already.
He's fought with Mexican druglords, Mexican presidents, actors, and even the Pope
He's had the media in the palm of his hand for almost 12 months and he's playing them like a god damn fiddle.

Obama has become the biggest lame duck of all time. I honestly haven't even seen him on the news in at least 3 months. What is he even doing?

>powerful people do something

>powerful people don't do something

Sup Forums

God, is that you?


pick any person on earth you wish, and think to yourself, how many people could that person call to arms? who would go to war, for Merkel? for Obama? for the Queen? hardly anyone.

now imagine Trump tweeting a call to arms

Kim Jong Un.

Politician don't have the real power.

Have thought about this, it depends on how you define "power."
I was thinking about how both the Queen of England and her husband lived to be so old. Their doctors don't just treat them for the money or even just the prestige, most white Brit males in their 60s have a genuine...she represents patriotism in the flesh to them, so they are going to go above and beyond anything to make sure her health is OK.
I think that helps explain why she, her husband, and mother lived to be so old. HEr father probably inspired same type of devotion but technology not available.

Also, Kim Jong Un. He can literally do anything he wants, basically absolute king of his own country, which is pretty cool.

Guess Sultan of Brunei is pretty much the same, though he's fucked while oil is still so low.


He's without a doubt part of the group that pulls the strings but it's hard to say if he's the most powerful


I wish I had it man. I found her on /gif/

There is no 1 group pulling the strings. Nobody is in control.

The one with the will to push the button

Rarest I've ever seen! What do you think of her

Not sure who but it's obviously a Philippino.

Its definitely somebody we have heard of. In what civilization in all of history did the peons not know their rulers and to also worship them for their almighty superiority?


Still better than your women, shitskin

oh my word


Highest of test to you, my brother

Why did I lose to this?

Who cares if he's playing golf all day now unless something important happens.