What did you say, white boi? Say that again, couldn't hear you all the way over there!

>What did you say, white boi? Say that again, couldn't hear you all the way over there!

*crackers shit their pants*



Why is his face 50 shades more black than the rest of him?

you heard me little negro.

it's a base tan

>I effortlessly unsheathe my katana, which I have dubbed "The Nigger Slayer"

Let's see how elegant Asian steel fares against crude Negro muscle, shall we?

Face darker than his body. Why?

go home nigga

It used to be funny but this Aussie shitposting is getting out of hand


>Pulls out a gun
2nd amendment bitch

He has track marks all up the vein in his left arm.
They go from the wrist to the crook of the elow.

you should've chosen a threatening pic with that shitpost


that's a pretty big bulge

your cut from the team jamal, and thus your scholarship is now void. please leave our campus, these officers will show you out. back to the cotton fields for you, im afraid. next time, watch you tone in the presence of white man.

>*crackers shit their pants*
i diddnt know crackers came with pants or shit

Not anymore, because the leftists cucked you all.


you had one job.

>Cracker fantasies

Is Farouk still fucking your sister, Eric?

>niggers have literally nothing to call whites other than whyte boi or cracker

lol darn you called me a boy and a cracker? i can call you a boy and a piece of walking shit. how the fuck is cracker supposed to be derogatory? holy shit niggers are dumb.

>Hey look somebody just left their bike laying in the middle of the sidewalk!
>*run away*

poor shit


*call my 15 cousins*
*remove shit-filled pants*

You do realise you are going to eat my shitted pants, blackboi?

I said go fuck your ape of a mother, you fucking nigger.

Niggers get darker with sun exposure. Like Asians they will often urge their children to stay out of the sun so they don't get darker.

i wasn't even talking to you dude

I'll say whatever I want.

>problem ?

I said your arms are smaller than mine.