So, mansplanning means 'a man explaining to women something'. WOW does it get any more sexist than that...

So, mansplanning means 'a man explaining to women something'. WOW does it get any more sexist than that? I guess it can! I just came up with a new buzz word myself: Womextorsion (When a female demands something in order to give you the puss, ransom pretty much)
(Last gf demanded me repairing the car that her dumb ass crashed. I said no and she would't give me the puss :()
Let's see who comes up with the most clever new buzz words ;)

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>Last gf demanded me repairing the car that her dumb ass crashed. I said no and she would't give me the puss
Millennials nowadays, not you but her. This womextortion is too true.

The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place. — Robert Briffault, The Mothers, Vol. I, p. 191

Sounds like you're just a bitch with a tiny dick
Women don't do that if you satisfy them

>if you don't go along in their drama
>if they know you have other options

only way to keep a woman from getting hysterical

Mansplaining has a more negative connotation than that. It usually means that a man explains something to a woman in a condescending tone, assuming she doesn't know something because she's a woman.

It's a dumb term that should never have been created but I don't think you really get it.

I forgot to specify, I have no mechanical knoledge. She expected to pay someone else to do the repairing (no insurance, btw)

Just dump the bitch and start over with someone else. Once they treat you this way there is NO turning it around.

stop mansplanning op your gross af

I get it know. Sadly. Its worse than I thought..

Actually Op has a better grasp of the concept than you. Mansplaining is explaining something to a woman she doesn't know or even care to know about. Explaining something to her she has no interest in hearing.

when she just will not drop it and shut the fuck up

Sorry that's not true.

It is used in lots of different ways but the underlying idea is that the man is seen to be making excuses for what women see as unfair. They are wrong in 90% of cases, but that is the conceit.

Cunt + Antagonism ?

or Cunt + Something else?

Thats actually a good new term, buddy

None of you have one single thing better to do with your life than fulfill a hole addiction?


>Mansplaining is, at its core, a very specific thing. It's what occurs when a man talks condescendingly to someone (especially a woman) about something he has incomplete knowledge of, with the mistaken assumption that he knows more about it than the person he's talking to does.

Again, it's a dumb and sexist term. Women "mansplain" (womansplain?) as well, although they do it about different subjects in general (ie cooking - happens to me constantly at my workplace).

you must be a virgin or gay. Doggy a bitch while grabbing tits and licking the back of her ears is the fucking bomb, nigga!

The explanation is we man always want to explain things to them as we were better.

Well, we are. Having to explain things all the time is just proof. And IMO not being able to shut the fuck up and learn something new without point problems at it is a problem. Everyone should learn something new.

Being able to learn without complaining or thinkin is sexist makes you smart. Needless to say women arent.

when you get the divorce and the girl gets all the stuff even the childs

We usually get that tone after we had to explain it for the third time using puppets, and crayons.


>having to
The term implies that you don't *have* to, actually, but you're doing so anyways.

Also, look up the Dunning-Kruger effect. Just because you say or believe you're better doesn't mean you are.

In such a situation the term 'mansplaining' doesn't actually apply because the man actually is more informed than the woman. The term is specifically for when a man mistakenly believes that he knows more than her about the subject.

Women actually misuse the term pretty often, but it has a specific, objective meaning.

Sure there is. If she threatens to cut off the sex, tellher tthat's fine I have my hand, and jerk off in front of her. Or if she threatens to leave, ask if she needs help packing the car. It is funny how their mind changes about who is in charge.

believing in shit like horoscopes and basing major life decisions upon the stars

>implying men don't also do that

ill admit you are right. I let my inner child get out of the basement there... I was just trying that user to build on what he said, though. I was interesting, but quite cryptic

gay men perhaps

It doesn't mean explaining anything.

It means expecting that she's as dumb as a child and explaining her own life to her.

For example mansplaining is telling her how periods feel

No. The term implies the man thinks wastes his time explain something in a didactic way because she might not understand.

Also look up the Science. Usually because I have evidence I think I may be right and won't say shit if I don't have any Not always though. If I learn I'm wrong I will have not be ashamed to back off

*Thinks he should waste

women surely are empty-headed by default, except for some very few exceptions... most of them ugly... but, i can tell you for a fact, we men can also be very superstitious. Take my word for it, im from a third world shithole in which voodoo is very present

A better term would be Womplaining