Are you a racist?

Are you a racist?







>*Why aren't you a racist?

only with nigs n neckbeards, fine otherwise

Image related to whatever the rest of this thread becomes, assuming it doesn't derail into discussion of biscuit recipes.

yes, i have moderate preference to others of my own race

Yes. Can't stand fat lazy white people.


Both edgy Sup Forums users and SJW should stop being racist. Judge people on their behaviour, not on their skin color/gender/whatever. Because that's retarded.

That doesn't mean you can't judge religion, culture, certain racial or religious monopoly on crime etc. BUT BASE IT ON FACTS. If you say extreme stuff, back it up with stats justifying your statement and don't get triggered when people have decent counter arguments.

That's how mature people deal with shit.

To the extent that one can be, i am not racist.

No, I hate everyone equally.

yes I am
>anyone who isn't Muslim should die
>anyone who is a cop should die
>anyone who is white should die

No I'm a race realist

Nope, I praise equalty, for me niggers and human beings are the same thing.

I don't use that term, unless someone uses it against me. So the answer is up to other people. Not that I much care (except they get nasty after they so categorize you).

Stop your bitching faggot. We could show you all kinds of facts and your bias/ego wouldn't allow you to believe it.

>race realist

No, but i am a pretty intense cultural chauvinist. If you cant behave like a civilized human being than you should be euthanized. The idea of ethnic nationalism is silly when you look at how there are people of every skin tone behaving in the jew pushed degeneracy. People will either one day come around, be dragged into their place, or destroy modern civilization.

Everyone has a certain amount of cognitive bias. But you can do your best to see through it. and try to see the other side of the argument.


Who, me?
I'm not racist.

no. however,

Of course I'm racist I've lived with nigs

Bro, they're like animals.

They just fuck, rape, eat whatever they find, poop and sleep.

and armchair self-proclaimers will never understand this

White people deserve reparations

Nah racism is a crime and crime is for niggers and chinks

He wanted to ban racism from the world

Probably, but not in the "we have to kill all niggers" sort of way.
More of a "if I see a group of young black men around, I can't fully relax until they leave."

If you´re a Goatfucker or a Monkey. Yes. Arabs and Blacks are uncivilized beings. They´re so stupid they still believe in a faggod. No science, no culture. Just plain stupidity. But yeah the white man is the reason those fuckheads don´t get their shit together. Fuck them out of Europe.


Lol yep

No, I just don't like niggers. Note that said NIGGERS, not black people as a whole. There's a difference, but I don't expect any libtard snowflakes to be able to understand the distinction.

I wasn't, until I moved into the city and spent years living around other cultures and putting up with their crap.

Sometimes racial stereotypes exist for a damn good reason.

Oh, and same applies to sandniggers (this includes Pakistanis).
However, I have no problems with hispanics, asians, and whites.

>Are you a racist?

I'm black and i can kind of see where some people are coming from.

I'm a think I should die?


No, because i dont hate them because of their darker skin colour. Its their monkey brain and shit they do that makes them subhuman trash. So technically not a racist.

I hate 2 things - racism and blacks

racism does not imply hate or require hate. it is defined by the central idea that one's race is superior to others.

No, I just hate niggers.

(Pic related: if it was opposite day)

5 year vet coin


so you like asians, mexicans, arabs, and Jews?

This is one my favorites

Then i'm racist. fine with that too.

you wouldnt feel just as weird and on edge if a group of mexican kids were all stadning around giving out dirty looks?

I believe that every race can produce good people. However it's the culture they are raised in that it is actually bad. Now, is a bad culture the product of a shitty race? Not sure. Everyday I see people of every race overcoming their problems, but everyday I remember that gypsies exist and I forget all this shit and become racist again. At least when it comes to gypsies. They are trash. Even the ones who are educated have some bad habits left. Jesus fucking Christ.

Imagine a poster with a white hand holding a chimp's hand and the word equality over it.


Smh no one ever includes native Americans, even in a racist post. Everyone forgets about my race...


i thought race was a social construct. I guess everyone just hates you for your actions and smell. Not for how much melanin you have in your skin

Yes. Im against shitheads

more like fedora pass faggot

off course im racist idiot

yes, also check them

welp told ya

shut the fuck up passfag nobody gives a shit about your input


ok thats enough for today


no because i dont consider niggers a race they are more of an animal species

living in a diverse city, its difficult to be not to.


ayyy bro

No, I'm a bodybuilder.


Racist here. I hate anyone not my own race.

My gf is a different race. I hate her.

My gf hates anyone of her own race, and only likes people of my race.

That is my relationship. You can't make this shit up.





probably because everyone has tried to wipe out you useless fuckers


fuckin nigger

I don't want to be but I find towards mexicans and blacks I feel more un easy around them.

>implying people knew about how disease works with isolated populations
Fucking idiot no one tried to wipe them out, when they did die out they just moved the rest in spots to keep them quite.

Yes. Why aren't you?

I'm not racist, but why is it that prostitutes will not sleep with black men. Not even black ones...

Are Niggers Lazy?

yes, i do think there are biological differences among races.

Nah , I only hate niggers


Racism is wrong

I'm not prejudiced. I hate everybody


If you're white then you're automatically racist. Non-whites can't be racist. Simple as that.


I try not to be a racist.

But the turks, refugees and muslims make it hard for me.

You always try to be open, try not to judge people based on their skin - but in the end i judge them based on their culture.

Turks and muslims always praise their own culture while living in another, richer country who gives them social benefits. They never see the need to adjust to the surroundings, calling everyone else weak while their grandparents at home still rape goats in a mud hut. All the while they try to fit in like a bunch of tools. same clothes, same mannerisms, fear of judgement because they dont really believe or practice the religion every other sandnigger "believes" in.

Altough i don't have anything against niggers, i had an ex who fucked a nigger years after we broke up. Suddenly, she was less than dirt in my mind now.

You know what i hate too? Handicapped wheelchair people. If you have to deal with those fucks on a day to day basis you will understand why i hate them. And all the women who fall for the "handicapped but brave" meme.

Young, smart and attractive women who could date any man they want - and they choose the guy who cant even use a spoon correctly, pisses in a bag and propably cant get his dick up properly. (thats common with people handicapped from the waist down)

They are assholes, entitled and think everyone should help em'. Instead those fuckers should be glad nobody pushed them down a cliff to save someones time

See it on backpage all of the time, can someone explain it?

People need to understand:
Black people ≠ niggers

If you are black, but are well educated, go to work, pay taxes and don't live off welfare, I don't have a problem with you. But people who do that I fucking hate. Same goes for other races tbh.

Somewhat. Not Discriminatory though. Thats is real racism when these fake pussy niggas bitch about racism.

wtf kek

I cringed at that old corny bullshit.

You are telling the truth! Can't wait until we invent something to replace oil (not that it's going to happen soon). Once the have no money, no one will give a fuck about the Middle East.