Do muscles make getting women easy? I heard from some neets on the internet who claim to be /fit/ says it doesnt

Do muscles make getting women easy? I heard from some neets on the internet who claim to be /fit/ says it doesnt.

Of course they don't, you pig ignorant social retard. But it's not a total waste. Being buff will get you more guys, if you're into that kind of thing. But women? Nope.

having muscles makes kidnapping women easier

it brings more attention to you.
and makes you feel confident enough to engage people

but being ripped alone wont bring in the honeys if ur an autist.

On tinder if there were two guys with the same bio, one who was avg/a little overweight, and one with muscles, I'd pick the guy who was more fit. There's a chance I'd still talk to the first guy, but I'd probably be more sexually attracted to the second one.

It makes getting women easier. But autism >>>> muscles so get buffed dont neglect to increase you social skills. Being all pumped up and mfw nogf makes you even more autist.

Been working out for 2 years. Spent prom alone. Facial asthetics ftw.

Fag here can confirm. Muscles are hot and women think so too.
However women need more than sexual attraction to pay attention to you. I.e. meeting their emotional needs.

Fairly muscular guy here, have a skinny bro. I've noticed I hook up with more chicks but my bro "dates" hotter girls. Muscles definitely attract women though.

Easy? No. Easier? Yes. Women that are looking for someone fun to hang out with and possibly take to bed are attracted to muscles, especially defined arms - "doing curls for the girls". Being sterioded-up or hyper-cut tells most women that you're too self-focused and that's a turn-off too.

Looking health, like you give a shit about yourself (but not to the point that your self-absorbed) is what turns women on the most.

It does but it's not a sole requirement.
Some guys who lift to get chicks believe there is some magical point when you suddenly start getting pussy. There is not. It's all about confidence and resourcefulness. Lifting develops healthy habbits tho and I never had a chick who said she didn't like my muscles.

Well it works both ways, i have a friend who is so fucking ripped and has insane abs, but he would lift his shirt in every picture... like we would take a pic in the living room drinking and he would lift his shirt to show his abs, Wtf?
And some girls think is retarded if they are bragging about it constantly on social media (if that's what you were aiming it for)

But of course being ripped makes girl notice you, if you are in a bar and you see a woman from behind do you check her ass or try to imagine how fun she is?

>does looking attractive make it easier to attract women

Yes obviously you tard

Number 1 thing people like is confidence

It depends. You can have a great physique but if you got a personality like pond scum, and can't carry a conversation you arent getting laid.

My old roommate was a gymfag and was shredded as fuck, but the 3 years I lived with him I never saw him get with a chick. He wasnt an actual fag, ive seen him try to hook up with chicks at parties, but he was just a dipshit

How hard is it to understand that if your ugly then your fucking ugly

You have to have a bit of each package, just being fit won't get you tons of girls.


Sup Forums don't know shit about women lol

lifting wieghts wont fix your shitty personality

if you are poor, ugly and autistic you might as well forget women, period.

> he would lift his shirt in every picture
> we would take a pic in the living room drinking and he would lift his shirt to show his abs

feelsbadman, been at it now for 2 years as well, and my crush says I'm big, but i still don't have the balls to tell her i have feelings for her.

Not really, but the self esteem that comes with being fit and the clarity that comes with being healthy makes it easier to emotionally manipulate butches into giving up the most valuable thing about them, and that's what you really want, right?

Money works better than muscles

I went to an anime convention yesterday, and saw some pretty fat/beta-type guys with gfs. I'd say it has more to do with physical assets like money and non-physical assets like being a CS or engineering major. In general, women just play the relationship game for themselves.

Still, doesn't mean you shouldn't workout or stay in shape.


Women are more into attitude and personality. If you can just charm them you're in 90% of the time. Working out and looks can help but it depends on the women.
