I have a theory on autism

I have a theory on autism.
Weird mother teaches children to have autism.
What do you think Sup Forums

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So who taught you?

Autism explained

my theory is that it might have to do with both parents eating too much artificial ingredients, like high fructose corn syrup.

Jewish folk emplant autistic genes in pregnant women's wombs.

that's the first theory ever proposed as to what causes autism


I taught myself to autism

My own theory is that it has to do with people having kids later. In the 50's women usually popped out a kid or two by 25, now people wait into their 30's. Old damaged eggs and sperm can't be good.

LMAO worthless oldfarts

Starbucks (Mom) + Facebook Addiction (Mom) + Porn (Dad) + Dairy Estrogen (Dad) = Autism.

bumping for interest

what is autism ?

it's the jews

"Autism" has always existed. We just have more names to describe the paticular ways in which people are crazy nowadays. But crazy has always been a thing. Just because we use a new word does not mean it's new. There have been socially awkward fucks all through out history. it's no conspiracy



So how do you explain autistic kids having normal siblings

highly likely,

FASD retardation is commonly accepted so why not F'HFCS'SD, they both have appropriate spectrum of 'retardaion'

hmm, does the cold mother make the autism, or does the autism make the cold mother?


is it just me or does the way they constantly hold their eyebrows up like that and talk like theyre smarter than you when everyone knows damn well theyre fucking not make anyone else just want to knock their fucking teeth in? i cant fucking stand autistic people

That fucking hurts to watch...

dang, I hate my retard cousin

No shit, its pretty disgusting how much some parents enable their "autistic" kid. Back in the day, they would just get their ass beat until they didn't act out anymore. It's literally a learned behaviour and likewise can be corrected. It's like when people that can't control their pet brush it off as the animal being freewilled or some shit like that when really they are just shitty pet owners that couldn't train their animal worth a fuck
