Do you understand those people that don't want to drink ever? even tw0 beers or something?

Do you understand those people that don't want to drink ever? even tw0 beers or something?

why they do this?
what are they afraid of?

Other urls found in this thread:

They're afraid of turning out like you.


Its called self control xdddddddddD


alot of those people cant stomach alcohol and will immediately puke it up.

Those people are weak and need to be eradicated.

fuck one the persons I have met in my life that didn't want to drink alcohol also had stomach problems...

However I think that's not hte main reason. I think they are afraid because of that meme that if you taste some drug you became and addict since the beginning.

Not even other drugs works like that. To become an addict you have to be pshycologicaly weak and consume a lot of the drug.


I'm afraid of losing control.

You can drink one beer, watch the effects, then drink the next, and so on.

If you are with friends and in a safe ambient there is no problem or danger.

muslams do this
also those siccks

they just have never had a good time drinking
but to each their own

I used to be able to drink.
Then I abused it to cope with my anxiety.
Then my anxiety blew up I began having panic attacks 24/7.

Now every time I have even a single beer, I nearly throw myself into a panic episode.

I'm in therapy now, which is helping. It's weird though, all of sudden I literally can only be sober. Having anything else in the drivers seat scares the living fuck out of me. Anyone else deal with that?

I also used to drink
then aboused it to cope with my shitty life
then i got IBS and now if i drink i swell like a balloon have diarrhea for a week and feel like shit

that's why i quit drinking, cause i drank three 40oz beers every night for 2 years

Alcohol is technically poison but still, 2 beers is nothing. It's amazing how some people refuse to touch any form of substance, alcohol included considering it's the most socially acceptable and common one there is.

I wish you luck man I also have or had problems like those, panic attacks and so on..

The beer in itself or anything else is not the problem, I know you know this, it's because the brain works like that. When you have a panic attack or some bad moment like that your brain makes a mark of that moment and hen when you are in a similar situation your brain starts to remember the past moment nad you start feeling the same. I went to therapy and that was what the pshycologist told me.

1. I hate the taste of alcohol itself.
2. Because I hate the taste of alcohol wasting money purchasing it seems an even bigger waste.
3. My father and my brother are both shitbag alcoholics and I sure as hell am not going to end up like them. Can't hold down a job, having to borrow money to meet rent since they spent it all on alcohol. My brother even opened a credit card in my mothers name without telling her and maxed the card.
4. I have enough problems without using alcohol as a crutch to either feel good or stop feeling at all.

>Alcohol is technically poison
can you explain that?

>1. I hate the taste of alcohol itself.
that's because you haven't drink enough. I also didn't like the taste of beer and now is wonderful for me.

it's a poison, your liver has to process it out of your body
the process the breaks down ethanol creates hydrogen peroxide which is poisonous
it messes with your neurotransmitters that's why it makes you feel good

now I drink and all that happens is I feel pain in my liver for a bit
still completely sober

>what is alcohol poisoning
Doesn't really answer the question but alcohol is poison, and I don't feel like google searching the answers for you. Alcohol abuse causes liver damage and severe withdrawals

Having to acquire the taste doesn't mean shit to me. There are people that like the century egg and they will tell you its an acquired taste.
I'm not going to waste my time, my money, and potentially my future health trying to acquire a taste for alcohol. I say future health because my brother and father are alcoholics.

Thanks user! It's so frustrating because I do know that the booze, or the weed, or whatever it is isn't the real problem. but I can't seem to calm my body down.. maybe I do just need to spend some time in my sober mind. Society wants you to forget that it is ok to be sober, no reason to try and get fucked up when it makes you uncomfortable.

Interesting I will someday search information about that.

Every substance messes with your neurotransmitters in some way or another. Alcohol is more destructive and toxic than caffeine.
>only if abused

>I say future health because my brother and father are alcoholics.
You are like my old friend. He thought that only because he drinks some beers he would become an addict. And you think the same. Are you retarded? Your father and brother became addicts because they had problems and they used alcohol to relieve pain. The problem was they were pshycologically weak. You won't become an addcit if you know that drinking is only for having fun some weekend or maybe to relax one day in your house. In the past I thought that when you start drinking at home only because you feel bad is when you start becoming an addict. Now I have been doing that several times. I don't drink all days, only some saturday like today that I'm alone at home and want to relax. I only drink two beers and nothing else. Now I know that for doing this you don't becoem an addict either, Becoming an acloholic takes much more alcohol and drinking daily and being pshycologically weak and don't realising when is affecting your life.

So stop being paranoic. I have tried almost all drugs and neither of them makes you an addict for consume one time here and there.

I agree with this guy. It's actually pretty hard to get addicted to alcohol.

found the delusional alcoholic

Some people just can't handle alcohol, my friend tried vodka for his first time while he was in a party and spent the whole night vomiting, he drank only a few sips of it.

It's that meme that if you consume a drug one time you become an instant addict. I thought that about tobacco xD. I thought thet if you smoke some ciggars then you will have to smoke them every day. I used to smoke one or tw0 ciggars when I was partying but now I just don't smoke one. They don't give me any effect, make my mouth stink and it's literrally tran for your lungs.

That's because of stomach problems or because of anxiety. It's impossible that only some sips of alcochol makes you throw up.

i drink 8x 211's a night and i don't care about other people. i also smoke weed and enjoy my life outside the bullshit other human beings cast on reality. maybe it's time you stopped giving a fuck about other people and built a reality for yourself that was more appitizing for human beings than this 'i care about thoughts of other people.' cuz you sound like a cuck summerfag. fucking move on in 10 years will you give a fuck about this shit? no. good then fucking let it go.

I got that same jpg on one of the anti trap tracks i made on soundcloud. fuck yeah.

I most of the time don't give a fuck about what other people think but I wanted to know what people thinks aout those who don't want to drink even some beers. Why they are so afraid? If it is a meme or what it is, etc.

Off topic question
Are there any other kinds of tobacco that American's consume?

it's bullshit. just fuckoff. don't spend your life wondering why people do what they do. they are this way this week, that way the next week. they are stuck in some mindset where they are like between fads and parenting. fuck that shit.
it's pathetic. drink all u want. get lit with friends and find some people you can grow old with. imagine yourself like building an army of people and invest your thoughts in keeping those friends relevant and these fad fags can go suck a no carb gluten free diet till they die of faggotry. fuck that boring cunt life shit. they do it because they have morals or had some experience where they saw someone lose control or they were hungover for the first time and couldn't handle it. nigga im hung over every day and i consider that a buzz. i ride the wave and love the shit out of my life. fuck them.

Well said.

My dad was an alcoholic and both of my grandpas died because of alcohol related problems, i have got plenty of bad examples not to go that way

if i were one of these no drink fags it'd be like how i was a no toke fag for a while. i got all heady and stupid and regretted shit i said or did, but this was decades ago when i was a summerfag. it doesn't matter right now. it's all a face full of dust on a bike ride, once you get home who cares where or why the dust hit you cuz you lit those calves and quads and are a better person. fuck the rest of it. let the answers come to you cuz only betas ask questions, alphas make the world ask questions.

My fucking beta sides split to open up for penetration. Can I bee your sub?

Alcohol is for degenerate faggots.

jesus fucking christ this thread and this summer...most fucked up yet.

And another example of: "my father or brother was/is an alcoholic and I can't drink some beers here and then because I am afraid to become like them"

They didn't become alcoholics because of the alcohol in itself. No drug makes you an instant addict just for consume it some times.

heroin is better, snort it and my favorite is meth, get it in ur veins as fast as possible. real donks shove donk into their donk holes asap

killin it

Yes, I know that drinking a beer every now and then will not make me an alcoholic. I know that being psychologically weak and abusing alcohol to either numb the pain or feel good is what will cause the addiction. But I have gone out and drank a few beers. I have seen what it does to me. I don't relax when I have a few. I get fucking paranoid. I shut up and start looking around the place like a creepy fucker. That wasn't even me drunk, I only drank a few. This happens every time I do. Does this honestly sound like a fun time to you. Is this something you would want to do in your spare time? Sit around your house wondering constantly if something is going to come crashing down around you? Would you want to hang out with a person that gets like this? The answer is no, you wouldn't. I wish people would stop trying to push alcohol onto me. Everyone makes it sound like its going to solve my problems or make me a better person if I just have a drink every now and then. I don't need alcohol and I sure as fuck don't like it so why is it a problem if I don't imbibe?

For me its a combination of sensitive digestive track and not liking the loss of inhibition. If it wouldn't make me feel like shit then i would probably do it, but it just fucks me up so bad. Plus I'm a very wierd and gross person who has to take a lot of mental energy to hide that truth from people, so alcohol's removal of inhibition is usually results in me doing something very socially damaging. Too high risk for something that makes me feel sick

I'll smoke weed instead

u have predisposition or some other mental illness where enjoying mind altering substances change how you should enjoy them because of conditioning. its like you got busted drinking for a decade and had your life ruined. your shit is fucked. dude...

when i drink here's what's up - i get done with my job and i don't give a fuck but i slam a 211 (8% 16 oz/pint) then i slam 6 more, and all i think about is trolling and no fucks given bullshit i rek whatever shit i can in my path light that shit up and have a good time. your paranoid shit sounds like my weed career getting baked and caught by some parent because of the smell. nobody cares if you're drunk in fact they don't like you. get drunk and talk shit and become a comic, an INHIBITED badass - let your alpha shine. see the fear you are facing is the alpha in you trying to rise up, but you're afraid of others seeing that dank ass spirit within u. so you clamb up into some fetal position faggot. fuck that
get lit nigga. fuck shit up. make mistakes. fucking create children. fuckin punch a cocksucker for talking shit at your house. you are a walking bag of skin, you only live once fucking make it real. don't sit around thinking about consequences all the time and worrying, that's how you turn into that creepy faggot at parties who nobody likes and never invites. be something, do something, stop fucking thinking so much and STOP ASKING Sup Forums cuz 90% of the pieces of shit on here would suck a child dick...this place is fucked summerfag.

this is so embarassing lol

Dude stop stealing my soundcloud pics. Fuck you!

>I'll smoke weed instead
And how is that different from alcohol?

The best part is the Connor McGregor avatar. Like, do you think this represents you?

alcohol in moderation helps most people relax
just don't get totally fucking trashed, or do but don't make it a habit

okay smartfag answer me this. what i say is embarrassing* (ftfy) in 100 years who will read your post and be like 'wow these fags were so gay and embarrassing!' -------answer:

nobody. nobody fucking cares. this is all fluid. your caught up bullshit in the now holds you back from living your fucking life and honestly faggot that is embarassing. so cringe all you want. when the magical people from the future look back at your comment history they will appreciate you, but personally me? i don't give a fuck about any of that or you or what the fuck is going on. fucking move the fuck on. fucking snowflake ass faggot mindset is so waste of life.

toss me your home address and we'll find out.

xDDD Kekekekekke hehehhehe lololol jajajaaja u r a fag XDDDDDD pwnt 370 no scope owned u

I drink two max. About 4 cans of beer in a night. I don't understand why people would drink more than that

>inb4 nypa cuz i already got your IP so no lies.

On Fridays, I usually buy two tall boys and go home and chill after a long week of work.

I found the summerfag.

I don't get how people can shoot something up they know isn't pure

>I get fucking paranoid.
Yeah I understand that you don't want to drink if that happen to you but I am only saying that alcochol is not the reason of your paranoia and panic attacks. There can be a lot of other reason to make you fhave those problems. I have had panic attacks and they didn't happen because of alcohol.

ISIS is weird.
They hate pagans yet Ramadan follows a lunar cycle and they do shit like in the gif.

Holy fuck. Is that the same shopped mouth on all of them? How horrifying.

You might be the biggest faggot I've seen on Sup Forums in weeks.

no, cuz you are probably a nigger with a gun. im not telling u where my mom lives even if im in the basement. fuck you gun nigger. everyone here hates you cuz you are so alpha, Sup Forums is my safe space. im calling the police.

>people don't like what i like

grow up, pussy. who cares?


They believe they are better than you, and think that alcohol is the problem, even in small dosis..

Spoiler alert it doesn't matter.. i dont drink often or alone, and when i do i do just one or two beers... social eating/drinking is necesary to trust and be trusted..

Calories. If you all werent betas and actually went to the gym and tracked your nutrition you would know that alcohol only gives you a beer belly.

1 or 2 beers a night. When i am out of beer i go to my whiskey. Crown royal reserve

As you said, "Most people". I'm not one of them. I have no problem letting everyone around me drink. Smoke, drink, go nuts. I don't mind. I can respect others that drink. I'm never going to tell someone that its fucking stupid or talk about how alcohol is evil. Its just not for me. Y'all can have fun your way and I will just be ready with the car to make sure everyone gets home safely.

ITT summer is obvious. cya in 3 months faggots.

Either canadian or a pajeet

For the same reason there are pussies too afraid to shoot many bags of heroin in a roll. Not saying this is wrong, I love heroin. Some people have a hard time accepting drugs and deliberate mind alterations through chemicals.

Can you read?
I'm not complaining about it. I'm just asking what is the reason of those who have that stupid idea that they can't drink any alcohol.

good man, we need designate drivers
but you still shouldn't knock it, it's legal for one and you I guarantee you'll have a good time under the right circumstances
maybe you just need to drink more, two drinks really is not a lot

Yeah are so alpha...alphas surely have a need to remind everyone of how badass they are.

Insecurity is not an alpha trait. Sorry to redpill you, faggot.

only if you eat while on it. you can drink vodka raw and lift all day on whey and still shred/rip but i guess you're a tom brady fag eating those dark greens and probably smoking them too. kys
you have won no awards or a free life from your perspective on life so you are still just a piece of shit like the rest of us.




Yeah I think its just being called a douche...
Or they could trade in the alcohol for better drugs....

not that guy but I'm a canadian pajeet and I don't like crown royal

>They believe they are better than you
That is exactly what I thought when I asked my old friend that didn't want to drink even a beer. They think that drinking is for degenerates and vulgar people.

this made me sober

I mean you're right but, still beer sets the mind at ease.

bringing red pill pol to Sup Forums that was your mistake. everyone here fucks waifu pillows if they are the bets that Sup Forums has to offer, the worst? are dying grandpas with heart attacks on live stream faggot dick suck movies. this place is the cancer - and contributing here only means you are dipping your dip stick into the wrong holes faggot. move the fuck on. this place is cancer don't catch it.

Because it tastes like shit, kills your organs(especially if you have pre-existing conditions), and makes people act like a bunch of asshats? What makes you people think swigging down an entire bottle of Jack Daniels makes you cool, let alone the puking that inevitably follows?

don't eat while you drink, empty calories.
whey in the morning, workout, daily life, drink in the PM and maintain 160-170lbs with enough push to lift 200-250 lbs - faggots here all over, all full of pillow humping bullshit. this place is sad.

you're not wrong but it inhibits your nervous system, it feels good
and you build tolerance, I can kill a bottle of Jack and not puke
I'm about a third of a bottle of vodka deep right now

you will go to heaven if you abstain from drinking your entire life, also stay far away from sex and drugs. if you follow the writings of the church you will live forever and go to heaven. god bless my brother, we will preach the gospel one user at a time. god is love, god is life. peace on earth as it is in heaven

nomine patri et fili et spiritu sancti

What's sadder than a life of calorie counting and sweaty gym-men, fam? Everyone who hears you will think you're a huge faggot, I promise.


Smoke weed, faggot. Feel good without literally poisoning yourself.

So getting drunk all alone in your parents basement is better than going to the gym and bettering yourself?

Um smoke weed and youll find out

this guy is right though, get /fit/ and all that jazz
it's really the right way to go
but until you decide to pursue that path alcohol is ok

saying fam like a nigger. but being a white basement dwelling faggot
>everyone who hears you will think you're a huge faggot etc.
oh boy. can't tell if you're trying to troll or justifying your big fat jiggly belly...but go ahead try some're still a fat fucking nigger loving faggot after your post. even if you ever find a woman in life you will find yourself cucked while she takes nigger seed. that's how fucked you are...KEK look how hard you try to sell some placated boring bullshit. you are so fucking great, thanks for making me and everyone here laugh. using binary this hard to try to hurt strangers...but revealing so much in your context that tells everyone you're really just a fucking diaper wearing basement dwelling faggot.

kek. tell us more faggot.

I used to in high school but I get paranoid and shit sometimes (actually every time). When they legalize it in Canada (summer 2018) I'm going to blaze my ass off and see how I feel.

Nobody said it's better, I'm just letting you know you're a huge faggot.

Someone's a little upset...fam.

I once drank so much that I gave myself taste revulsion. I can drink but it makes me vomit from how gross that one night was.

I dunno seems like dude has you check mate and you called his bluff with that shit tier reply and accepted defeat. GG.