Trump wants to deport this

Trump wants to deport this

Only if she's illegal, ya fuckwit.

Sounds good.

a manekin?

She spotted you ya creep

if you really think this is how mannequin is spelled you need to go to bed, it's past your bed time

When did Trump say anything about deporting Koreans

Trump wants to deport Illegal immigrants just like Obama wanted to, Hillary Wanted to , slick Willy wanted to, both bushes wanted to, ect ect ect. Trump has done and said nothing that the last 3 Democratic Presidents havnt said yet you liberal fuckwits are too stupid to know what you are talking about. You are probably a fucking gender fluid vegan douche mouthed bitchmade punk.

That's an Asian not a Mexican you hick retard.

Trump deported this for $40.
Did I get ripped off?

Did I was ripped off?

No he doesn't

She's ASIAN you fuckwitt...

You're retarded u faggot liberal

nobody cares faggot.


Is she here illegally if not open your fucking eyes faggot don't jump on the bandwagons without doing your own research

>Assuming everyone who has an opinion that doesn't line up with their own hasn't done any research


this pic is almost 10 years old

yep, CVS doesn't sell cigs anymore


April 2012

if shes illegal, get her the fuck outta here

If shes illegal then I couldnt care less you twat stain

was i did get it? the rip?

Fuck you! Cute anime looking girls stay.

How about we deport you with her, you fucking creep.

Get that skank outta here before this hag takes over

Unless it's White it ain't right. Deport!

That's a man, baby.

Republicans are so easy to bait

It's not even funny