So. Realistically...

So. Realistically. How many years until someone/people just start killing muslims and having a lil muslim genocide in Europe?

I mean the news cant hide the truth. People know every attack is from Islam. Everyone knows they rape. Kill. Molest the most. And the people know the goverment is weak and that the police are cucked.

Crusades took years and years of abuse to get started. But it did happen. Will we not see the backlash in our lives. Or is it just a matter of time.?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Crusades were sanctioned by a presiding authority
>What your suggesting isnt
>Government will not sanction what your suggesting
>Game over
Not long

3/4 years if it happens.
Or it won't ever happen and whites/christians will be exterminated.
Retarded people say "yeah well so what they rape/murder/etc, christians did it 500 years ago so its ok if they do it now."
Since we can't rely on brainwashed millenials to do the job, we'll either have to do it ourselves or wakt for them to realise what their teachers say is bullshit.

Why can't images like this be in YLYL threads? Instead all we get are old reused memes and that retarded banana

>just a little genocide
That's like being a little pregnant.

Genocide doesn't have degrees.

>user doesn't realize he also is part of the millenial generation

Have you ever even been to Europe?

I think the "news" you're reading would be put in better perspective if you did.



No, really


Fug you yuh fig

he said brainwashed millenials
also there are some pretty old people on Sup Forums

At the moment it isn't 'bad' enough for a genocide or some kind of uprising. I know many of us are thinking of the same outcome. Unless there is a large bombing or a mall shootup where around a hundred people are killed no one will be doing anything, anytime soon.

Good luck eradicating 1 billion people from this earth - a majority of whom have done nothing.

Are they guilty for their complicity, or just by association?

If we eradicate Muslims, I vote that we also do the same with Christians, Jews, Hindus, and all those zealous faglords.


Meme Master General LePepe approves, I hope.

>if we eradicate this cancerous group who actively seeks to destroy or convert all other with force and terror, I vote that we also do the same with a bunch of groups who haven't done a fucking thing in the last 50 years because I'm an over sensitive vagina man pls dont bully mudslimes
kill yourself nigger

They need to tone their ideology down to match the level of animosity other modern day religions generate, or they need to be exterminated. those are the only options. If the """moderate""" muslims can agree to stop beheading people and making peaceful truck deliveries, they're free to live. the rest need to go. now.

They all damage society in their own ways, it doesn't matter whether one is more extreme in their zealotry.

I was serious when I said that they all need to go, not just the sand nigras. Every preacher that owns a mega church, every non-practicing heeb that hoards his wealth, and let's get rid of the Mexicanos too.

>all religions are equally bad

memes like this are what got us into this mess

personally I've never been religious and I don't particularly care for any of them, but of the list all of them are fairly tolerable. the only one I consider a gross cancer is islam, because radicalization happens so easily with that religion for a variety of reasons

almost every single list on this article has to do with islamic terrorism or political conflicts that stem from islamic ideological clashes. it's so disproportionately skewed towards this one particular group of people and we're just supposed to ignore it? we're supposed to accept "if we kil da muslims kil da christians 2 lol crusades & abortion clinic bombers!" like holy fuck dude the difference in volume and scale of violence one group conflicts isn't in the same league as the other. the world really needs to stop burying it's fucking head in the sand on this issue.

Sandnigger detected

Baby dick, sister fucked detected.

>Baby dick, sister fucked detected.
t. butthurt goatfucker

Never once did I state that they're equal in any way - save for equally stupid. I mean, Muslims/Arabs are more inbred due to their culture, but I think that's immaterial to how damaging religion is becoming.

You faggots only look at western christians when you know virtually nothing about the African Christian sects that do absolutely fucked shit as well.

Hinduism and their caste system systemically keeps people in poverty and punishes them for trying to better their lives. Buddhists in Burma are militaristic and totalitarian.

Hating Islam is just a meme now, even if it's entirely justified.

You niggers need to get some sense and realize they all need to go, even if you think one is more prevalent than the other.

>socially retarded millennials

And when society collapses and we don't have to be polite to one another, just wait til you see the radical Christian militias that'll raid and pillage just like Islamist fuckwits do.

Go on, think about it. I'll wait - but I'm not gonna wait for them to make us all convert by the sword.

This is now a YLYL crusader edition thread

>Grandparents fought war against people killing a race
>wants to kill multiple races