Feminists want to normalize this

Feminists want to normalize this.

I support that 100%

>Jews want to normalize this.
Fixed for you
Feminism is just a proxy used by zionist israelis, to glamorize and normalize pedophilia.
They're doing the same with the right wing, just take a look at the homosexual, jewish nigger lover pedo, Milo Yiannopolous.

Unsure if OP is trying to sell Sup Forums on feminizim or scare them from it

When you see an underage guy with an older girl/women it's because (((they))) are trying to sell you feminism (pedophilia)
"The men are weak, so you can't complain about a boy with an older girl, or you will be called faggot"
Jewish tactics, my fellow goy

I like it, hope it happens before I graduate

This is so fucking disgusting. Little boys can't consent to groping a woman's breasts. He's going to be mentally scarred for life. I'm going to throw up.

Hurry the fuck up then. I'd have killed for this to be the norm when I was his age.

wtf I love feminism now

I like how the mods don't mind this picture of the boy fondling a womens breast, but if a young girl was pawing some guys crotch they'd be all fucking over it

I see nothing wrong there.

children cannot consent


Look in his eyes.

The pain.

The suffering.

Alright super smart, fellow Harvard guy.
Could you please tell an ignorant person like me who funded third wave feminism and why? Thanks.

nobody is asking for their consent

you kill yourself

He may be enjoying it now but when he's older he will look back on it and regret his choices.

Which feminists are you referring to?

gtfo retard theres plenty of sites for you to flex your stupidity

low quality

you need to try harder

Nah, I'm pretty sure they can.

Rape!, she is sexually abusing this young boy

Great argument, you totally prove your point!

Yet you consented to be on this website.....


not the guy youre desperate to have an intelligent conversation with im just sick of watching you struggle so much

Sorry man, i forgot that i need to reply people with insults and memes instead of arguments.
My bad

No actually, feminists want to normalize this.

as i mentioned there are plenty of sites for you to feed your incessant need for attention go to one of them and stay there

oy vey, goyim must be destroyed, starting from whites.

there was a chick that got a 12 month sentence for repeatedly raping an 8 year old boy. there were public outcry campaigns defending her. food for thought.

And this


Oyy gevalt, shut it down!

Thats the equilvent of a women enjoying sex on a one night stand then yelling rape when he leaves to go home

they don't understand the long-term consequences so no they can't

I love her front facing ass.
also, that two liter Coke seems like the half-liter one.

there are no long-term consequences, dude.

The look on that kid's face. He's clearly thinking he's got it all made

Refer to this Just because you regret it after doesnt make it rape, that makes it a dumb decicition

>So fat she has a frontbutt
>still drinking coke

Jesus christ

7/10 grill
7/10 shota

would threesome

Oyy veyy, don't juge her for buying our products! She's a healthy woman consuming just a lot of genetics, you skinny people are the problem! You need to give me more shekels goy

Jesus, I bet she made up her own "gender" too. "Front Butt Trisexual Queer".
Her belly button is her anus.

>the struggle is real
even her clothes are sick of her fat ass


That gentleman is a 'gunt'.

You twisted fuck. Do you know how many studies there are that prove that all sexual activity is permenantly traumatizing for children? This boy may seem happy now but when he's older and realizes he was taken advantage of he's going to need years and years of therapy and even that will never undo the damage.


Indeed, no wonder why also girls who fucked older men when they were pre-teens, always grow up and become junkies and whores with depression.

whoever actually thinks this way is legit autistic and retarded as fuck

well, i shoud support feminists then


>Do you know how many studies there are that prove that all sexual activity is permenantly traumatizing for children
There are studies proving the earth is flat, user.

Academia, in the recent years has turned into a joke where people pay to have studies published just so they can push their narrative.

If anything, when you try to push this idea that "studies show" it only makes your argument weaker, because instead of pointing out at a solid evidence that PROVES having sex IS harmful, you point out to a study that was funded, and reviewed, by people who already had that conclusion from the beginning.

I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to prove, but appealing to authority in order to prove a point isn't necessarily going to help you to prove your point.

Besides, you can't use the example of ONE or TWO cases to drive your point home about "all children are in danger".

Excellent...truly excellent...

You guys wanting to legalize (((pedophilia))) would allow an old guy to fuck your little daughter?
If you really do, then i don't want to live in this zionist shithole anymore.

Does that young lad look upset to you?

Damn, I don't even know what this thread is about (just glanced) and fuck this guys right

I like Milo

any source, evidence or even the whole story?

or just the common attention bullshit?

Why don't you take a seat over there?

Not an argument.

Can you answer this, please?

Oh god are people on this thread really trying to argue for pedophilia?

They're good goys, talmud is teaching them well.

Let me ask you another question instead, so you can answer mine as well: Would you allow an old guy to fuck YOUR 18 year old daughter?

If you really do, then I don't have anything to say, but if you don't then you'll realize why your logic is inconsistent.

As long as he's not some 50/60 years old, then yes.

If you're not paying attention to what is being said, there's no point in explaining it to you.

There you have it.

It doesn't really matter the age of consent if you feel you have control over the decisions they make, so there's really no point in trying to bring up the fact that they make their decisions when it comes to sex regardless of your opinions.



i can already see 50 years from now guys able to date younger girls with the consent of both the girl and her parents

From first hand experience.
It leaves really no damage as long as it was consensual.

The thinking that my 8 year old self is drastically different is fundamentally flawed, i've the same exact thoughts and behaviors since I gained consciousness of self.

It only becomes a problem when faggots like you insist theres a problem.

>i've the same exact thoughts and behaviors since I gained consciousness of self.

I don't think you should be proud of acting like an eight year old user.

>It only becomes a problem when faggots like you insist theres a problem.
This is the idea behind therapy and shame.

The kid doesn't get traumatized by the sex in and on itself if it was consensual, but from the absurd pressure and invasion of privacy from everyone FORCING them to believe they ARE traumatized victims at all costs.

kek that kids probably had more pussy than you. Being an incel must suck. I'd seriously kill myself if I were like you faggots.

Because that's exactly what he meant, right? Fuck off.

When you were eight did were you capable of deciding things for yourself? If not, you did not have consciousness of self.

At 8 I was already going to school on my own, shopping on my own, deciding what I want to eat and cooking it myself. I realized I decided what I wanted to happen in my life and had the power to make these things happen.
In fact, i'm the one who lead the adult on because I wanted some action.

Just because you were a drooling retard at eight and still are doesn't mean everyone was.


ive been my nympho self from a very young age

I don't care how advanced of an eight year old you were buddy. The simple fact is even as an advanced eight year old, if you don't think or act any differently now you're older that's actually extremely sad. It proves you have no capacity to progress, or grow in life.

And you know what, considering you're bragging about this, it proves to me you wouldn't want to since you're proud of it. What a sad existence user.

>i'm the one who lead the adult on because I wanted some action.
They tend to say this only happens because you have internalized guilt.

Any similarities with "internalized misogyny" or any other type of "internalized" crap pushed by the left is merely coincidence.


its the parents job to guide the drooling 8 year olds while the non drooling can enjoy the perks of being able to choose to be in a sexual relationship with anyone of any age

It was already normal.

Men can not have sex too early or too much. They don't lose out on anything no matter what. It's not being a rape victim, it's being fucking alpha. If a guy ever thinks he was raped by a woman he's actually a fag. FACT. The idea of bad sex, does not apply to sex with women, when having sex with women. Period. A man can only be raped by a fag, which is why we hate fags.

Women get pregnant, and it's scientifically proven that every sexual partner takes away a little of a woman's ability to feel love. A woman can be raped by literally anything, even a tree, to unending psychological damage. This is why they want special treatment all the time - because they're set up to be weak, whiny bitches from the day two X chromosomes end up in the same egg and need something to make up for it.

there is a ~controversial~ book on this, written by woman psychiatrist..? i dont know she has some sort of title. explaining how many "molested"/whatever kids are not traumatised, live fine lives, become adults and destroy their minds through retrospect..or something. sorry i dont remember the name. its somewhere in my thousands of bookmarks. i think i found the book actually googling if kids arent traumatised by childhood sexual activity? idk i had a question/thought and googled it and found the book

Even if pedophilia is normal, kids, especially girls, can't identify prime poon before puberty so there's always the shame of realizing you fucked an uggo.

Are you gay son?

No it doesn't. Personally I'm the same as I was when I first gained awareness, about the age of 2. I work in database systems. You think a 2 year old would be able to work in databases? No, because they'd still ignorant, but that just means a lack of knowledge, not a lack of intelligence. I still understand the world the same way, but now I know more about it, so my understanding is more well informed, but I'm not a different person just because I learn and grow as I acquire new knowledge and experience. That's insane. It doesn't matter what the truck hauls; it'll always be a truck.

user, what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it

That is because they are fat and nasty and can't get guys of an appropriate age, and resort to pedophilia instead.

These sick bitches need to be locked up.


This sort of work gets persecuted and the professionals who DARE to go into that area get their careers obliterated.

When it comes to children and sexuality people just don't want to know the truth because no one sees children as people, they see children as property. It's really that simple.

you are saying this as if pedophilia is a bad thing

is this shota thread

People feel ashamed for fucking ugly people, regardless of the age, man.

I'm not saying ugly men should be allowed to fuck children, but saying they regret it because they didn't know what they were doing is just silly.

They would certainly choose someone attractive, if the only alternative they had wasn't some creepy overweight weirdo. It's a matter of what they can do with what is available to them at the time.

and that's what makes it sexy


I think you mean ARE NOT ALLOWED TO.

The ability certainly exists.

im convinced that if i were raped, i would see it only as an inconvenience. im a woman, painful sexual sensations are normal. vanilla rape cant be more painful than inserting a tampon for the first time at 13. now making girls use tampons is concerning imo. and knowing they only wear tampons in america is freaky.

>The ability certainly exists.
WRONG! They don't have the ability to comprehend WHAT it is that they are actually consenting to.

Lmao, but that girl and boy have the same age. The girl is taller than the boy.

What is this thread about? too much incoherent stuff mixed

The feminists funded themselves because they believed the bullshit they were saying? Holy shit kys faggot

Devils trips exposes your lies!

2 year old asked "Want to go to Grandma's?"


Look at that the 2 year old made a choice.

Ability is there you just don't want to acknowledge it you hypocritical dictator.

Raise your kids the way you want. Leave the other kids alone you arrogant fuck.

As long as Circumcision is a thing? AOC laws should be banned.