YLYL Thread

YLYL Thread

Other urls found in this thread:




yeah because a third thread is what we needed you dumb cunt




There are some other ylyl threads. So, I'll be posting HOSTING BLOSTIONG


i lost


13 year old's ylyl thread.










That's actually a good video


























>asshole, asshole, rose, asshole
>asshole, rose, rose, rose
>rose, asshole, rose, rose
>rose, asshole, rose, asshole

Greet me with a rare pepe

I can fap to this.















Love how they describe the T-Rex as 'lesbian loving' to bump up the click count.







'scuse me what

fukin tooon m8




This is somehow the most normie meme of all time. I'm including minion memes in that, atleast they got used ironically. This is black people twitter levels of bad.

This made me smile. Do you think he's always around black people, that's why he wore the shirt, or he wore the shirt and the black people saw a golden opportunity



i've seen literally the same fucking images on every YLYL today.. can we get some fresh shit


Goodnight anons. I'm going to sleep.


Tree climbing goats.

kek a black dad who lives with his kid is paranormal indeed, good one

That is a good question. Can he be in superposition before anyone will be know the answer?

Oh, without "be".

my brian is what


super... what? Are you saying it's a photoshop, because now you mention it the guy in the white jacket has a weird looking shoulder...


Can anyone explain?

I mean quantum superposition.

Fuck, this always gets me

Ohh nerd stuff, okay that's why I didn't get it. Too high for physics or whatever man



Like this.

Poиccя впepдe!

Этoт чeлoвeк, oкpyжённым кpacным кpyгoм, cильнo бoлeн. Cтpaннo, чтo я нe зaмeтил eгo c пepвoгo paзa.

Iron Fist Season 2 looks great