Why are U playing Video games, when you should go find a Job and feed ur Family, **ohh ugh look at me im Batman i fight against the bad guys ugh**, Grow up you fking loser

source: youtube.com/watch?v=eTdgHsifK38&t

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I'm sorry are you 12 or autistic or both.


>Posting on Sup Forums
>Criticizing other people for how they spend their leisure time

Go fuck yourself.


Implying I don't have a job and play video games in my spare time.

Faggot McDickhead

No Erica Jordan nudes?

Because I'm a nihilist and your attempts to pressure me to conform to societies norms are futile.

Everything we do won't male a difference on the cosmic scale, and most likely even on a scale of 100 years. Each one of us will be forgotten, and will have done nothing with our lives even as a "productive member of society". And even if we do make some difference, someone else could have easily been your replacement, and regardless there will be another to thwart it or make it obsolete in the near future.

Everything you do on this speck of dusty floating through the endless reaches of space still ultimate be forgotten, destroyed, vaporized and return to the dust from whence it came.

Now tell me why a job is so important?

>Y O U T U B E G A M M E R


I could pick apart this arguement in a second but i just found a juicy trap thread so im gonna fap instead of arguing with the internet.

Gavin wishes he was American so bad.

i have a good job, make good money, no debt, own home.

still play lots of videa.

lol this bait is worse than my leftovers

This guy is exactly like my neurotic uncle who thinks Alex Jones is Jesus Christ.


Oh no, a Literal Who thinks I'm too old for something- and he's got the trendy beard with too much product in his hair thing going on and everything!

I'll be sure to watch you channel and click like and subscribe, shill.

Is it the facial hair that makes you think this guy is a "literal"?

Sweet boy

Oh no Gavin doesn't agree with you...Go fuck yourself. You can be an adult and do this thing called disagree.

Based Gavin

He has a point. Especially if it bothers you guys so much.

gamergate? why are adults evem playing video games? thats the real question

I thought he is a Canadian immigrant

Because they're fun.

It's the modern equivalent to reading a book, nerd.

>the guy who shoves things up his ass on camera says this

>Now tell me why a job is so important?

in context you socially inept fairy

Fuck you bitch, I'll do what I want

>sometimes we even read fiction, I don't read fiction but I get that sometimes you do that
Does gavin seriously believe reading fictional literature is a time-wasting vice

Who is this, and why should I care?

I'm 34, married, make over $100,000 USD, and I still play a couple hours of video games most nights. Still working on that Ringed City DLC for Dark Souls 3.

I'm sure as fuck not going to start watching sports so I can blab around the coffee machine about sportsball.

tell that to yourself when someone you love is dying.
try to convince a starving child in africa by that same logic that his suffering has no meaning.

protip: you can't.

a giant faggot and no, you shouldn't.

video games are no where near manly. I play em, but that's to escape a shitty reality i built for myself.

"Antisocial behavior, such as aggression and lack of empathy, has proven to be a natural byproduct of excess exposure to such material"

is that a fucking boy lovers logo??

>gavin rails against feminists and muslims
"fuk yeah, gavin speaks truth to power no matter who it offends!"

>video games are for kids
"whoa just, woah, hold up a fuckin second"

none of that is true faggit

sibiu fuck off you cunt

Oh noeeees, public intellectual Gavin McGinnis doesn't like me playing video games. Guess I will stop playing them now.
After all Gavin is one of the great thinkers of our time and I respect him greatly.

Next you'll tell me he doesn't like anime as well.

The kids going to die very soon.

The loved one would die very soon.

Why lie to them and say "we'll always remember you", when in reality life will go on 100% business as usually without them.

Nature is indifferent to the comings and goings of man. Or any of its creations for that matter. The only meaning in life is the one humans created for themselves to get through shitty moments.

of course nature dosen't give a fuck you dipshit.
meaning in life is subjective, if i'll kick you in the nuts strong enough to break a brick you won't react as if that pain has no meaning.

Doesn't this guy fuck his own asshole with dildos?

Made 80k last year have ps4 and pc, house and car? How am I a loser again?

lol. but you think your kick will reverberate throughout time and anyone will care in a week or a year or any amount of time?

hell, if you kill me, no one would care seconds after the fact! you must be confused as to what "meaning" even means.

i think you are the one that's confused; i did not say that my kick in your balls will last eternity, i'm saying that when you get kicked in the balls you sure as hell won't react as if the pain has no meaning to you - you will scream and shout while the pain lasts.
meaning and reality is what you precieve of it. the fact that everyone will eventually die dosen't mean life has no meaning.
as a matter of fact, the inevitability of death is what gives life meaning.
if you lived forever you would have no goals.
if your actions somehow had a lasting effect for all time and even nature itself will develope conciousness and command you for all time - will you be satisfied? when will you be satisfied?
eternity is not where you look for meaning in life, you look for meaning in life in the people you love, in hobbies and things that you know have a time limit. limited years on this planet should encourage you to make the most out of them, not give up on making them matter.

Sure it is, he definitely won't be standing around the coffee machine talking to anyone because his mom has to go to work.

He's the cofounder of vice.

Being this old still on Sup Forums.


>Resumes watching TV and jacking off on Sup Forums

This guy is definitely NOT a liberal.
>You didn't even watch the video


Speaking of video games. Who would like 1 month of xbox live gold?

He's right. Men who play video games, past the age of 16, are complete losers who should be ashamed of themselves.

It is. Fiction is almost always idiotic.

He's right. Adults shouldn't be playing video games. According to Gavin, we should be out there, pissing in public within feet of playground equipment and wearing diapers to bed so we don't piss on our wives.

Source: youtu.be/yKUXDedYDbc

Everyone should live in the moment. You may be dead the next.

And once you're dead that's it. All you worked for, everything you've known, and all the people you loved will cease to exist from your lack of consciousness. They may live on in their own, but they'll move on and eventually die themselves. Lose consciousness and everything they knew disappears.

After enough generations of this futile rat race that gets us no where, the sun starts to expand. The earth boils, and the star eventually goes dark. all life in our solar system ceases to exist. Humans likely long gone from nuclear war and self-destruction. Or in a million year transit on an ark to a planet we think MAY be habitable.

Do you really think you kicking me in the balls would have any affect on the ultimate course of events that will take place to our tiny corner of space?

Have fun while you can. Don't worry about legacy. Or bother trying to fix shit or make the world better. Because it will all fall apart regardless.

Trying to find meaning in existence, you forget to just exist.


One moment. Im buying someone a bf1 premium pass then ill get to you.

>Go build a table

again, missing my point about the kick in the balls but nvm
if living in the moment does good to you than that's your meaning in life
if it dosen't really matter anyway than just try to take on more responsibility in your life what do you have to lose
just for a while, a few days - a month.

Nothing to lose. Nothing to gain.

Lol don't buy that pathetic kid BF1 premium.

He already owns the game.

yeah but according to your understanding of reality "nothing to gain nothing to lose" this is the result no matter what you do; commit suicide, lay in bed all day, try to change the world whatever.
so if it really doesn't matter then try it - just for a little while.
if you don't like it - go back to whatever you were doing before.


couldn't take the time to learn English though???

dismissed, faggot.

Gavin says a lot of retarded shit but adults that play video games beyond a couple casual hours a week are pretty pathetic.

Protip: Gavin Mcinnes is a gigantic, insufferable faggot and nothing he says should ever be taken seriously.

Literally the only benefit to playing video games is the social interaction you may get online which is the most autistic form of socializing there is.

Might as well just do something less social that benefits you more in other areas. Shit even watching TV is better for you.

I mean, he had a good point about the "I'm a watch-TVer, I watch TV!".
I don't get the culture that's proud of consuming media, of pigging out on entertainment like it's difficult to do, or admirable to admit. It makes me think of fat people who keep trying to convince you that they are beautiful, and that one should be proud of being fat. But anyway, the rest was obviously just uninformed bs, yes, if you think you actually are batman, you are "special", but this guy is a bit sloppy when he thinks.

found the reasonable user!!!!

I agree, and watching or reading fiction is equally pathetic. I'm no better myself, but I at least I can admit that it's pathetic and unproductive. I know people my age who are starting to have kids already.