There are people who think this is wrong

there are people who think this is wrong

Should have dug it into the ground and made a moat filled with napalm

napalm only burns once

This isn't wrong, it's downright retarded
Mexicans can climb
Mexicans can buy ladders
This is mind-blowingly stupid


What game is that?

they can climb a ladder on the mexican side but then they have to get through the barbed wire fence. then they have to find some way to get down from the top of the wall through the hole in the barbed wire before border patrol finds them

>there are people who think this is wrong
I think the word you're looking for is "Mexicans"

I don't but it will be a challenge. I.e. an immense pain in the ass. Much of the border is barren desert, a flat expanse of sand and rocks that stretches for dozens of miles. These are regions where no one crosses because they simply don't make it. Which is why the developed areas are more important (border cities).
>Why build walls around prisons? Inmates can climb, make ladders...
See those 3 pickups in the photo? There are lot more where that came from. Every day, watching, waiting for a bean to put up that ladder.
Keep in mind that it isn't instant civilization on the other side. It may just be more desert for a long distance.

Shut the fuck up pussy



This is stupid, you act like we shouldn't even try. Ladders exist yet rich motherfuckers still live in walled communities.

I'm white and have never set foot in Mexico and I think this is wrong. Some of you should really lay off the memes. They're not good for you in the quantities in which you consume them.

mexicans will make mexico better when we have a wall

fuck you cracka

Its wrong because the fucking wall isn't tall enough

there are some really dumb ones too op

your non my real mom, you can't tell me shit you are just some whore my dad fucks ok ? My grandpa fought in the meme wars, my dad was a pussy and wouldn't meme, but I'm gonna gro up to be like my grandpa and memehard. yeah thats right u just got told

all hail the glorious "master race"

yeah they placed them the wrong way, they should rotate them by 90 degrees, then they have a chance in breaking the world record for longest distance dominoes.

I just hate your pic OP. The graphic shows a pretty reasonable wall, very robust and well built.
The actual pic looks like its shorter retarded half brother. Any dirty beaner could get over that thing with a home depot ladder.

Will it help? Yea maybe. Will it help much? Hmm nah. Mexicans will still be able to enter the US.

Is it be worth the $? Nah.

Yes, this shitpost thread sucks

>I'm white
lel, sure thing, Miguel

"Make America Great Again" is just the white version of "WE WAS KANGS"

Thing is, them mexicans will probably going to dig a few tunnels here and there just to cross the border. Just like palestinians do to get into Egypt.

Mexicans have done the same on their southern border. Why is it good for them and not us?

those numbers are way off but cartels do chop off some heads