Any parents here on Sup Forums wanna talk? Feeling pretty down tonight

Any parents here on Sup Forums wanna talk? Feeling pretty down tonight.

father of 7 here, sup

Sure whats on your mind

This nigga knows how to ride a lap.

How old are they? I can't imagine trying to handle more.

How many kids do you have?

Just one

Boy or girl? How old?

He's a boy. Just turned 4. do you have kids too

da fuq is wrong with your kid?

or problem with the yolk sack woman?

I got 2. One is mostly normal.

Yeah, I have a 5-year-old boy, and 3 and 1-year old girls. Been pretty on edge with them lately. Feeling like a shit dad because I yelled at them too much today.

i dont own a quarter of the denim these people are wearing

What do you mean by mostly? Nothing is wrong with mine.. as far as i can tell

For the sake of your kids, get out of this shithole while you still can

We've all been there man. I have to check myself periodically. What kind of trouble were they getting into? Mine peed on the floor next to the toilet 3 days in a row on three separate occassions and thought it was hilarious.

This. Run away from here. Trust me.

I just have too much on my plate and it's made me impatient with them. They all think they're the boss and they test their limits constantly.

Most days I can speak to them calmly, but whatever I try to teach them never sinks in and they continue to push their buttons. I just hope it gets easier one day.

I only come to Sup Forums like once every 3 months. I can't stand this board most of the time.

Oldest 23, youngest 3, hit me OP. What's up?

No one cares.

Dude i know. My son has started with an attitude from hell. Everytime he says no, i just about flip my shit. Then i remember i have to set a good example for him. I couldnt imagine 3 though. We were planning on having a second but one is sounding better and better by the day

my kid is 3 months. the other day, i was remember what a complete shitty brat i was as a kid. right around 12 or so, i decided my mother was an idiot and i knew better than her in all things. took about 10 years to realize i was wrong. on mothers day, i apologized for all the times i was a little shit to her, and she barely remembered any of them. she could only remember all the times i was nice or did something sweet.

i don't know if that means i wasn't as bad as i thought, or if she just has a rather selective memory, or maybe she just chalked that behavior up to typical kid stuff and it never really got to her like i thought it did.

i just hope my kid ends up being better than i was,

I think most kids are little shits and thats why our parents remember the good times so fondly. They are the times that make it all worth the trouble lol. I just hope my kid doesnt end up hating me some day