SJWs are cancer. Worse is when their in a position of power. Well this server has a mod that's one...

SJWs are cancer. Worse is when their in a position of power. Well this server has a mod that's one. and I think he should be taught a lesson for banning those without his extremist views. cxbM78C

Thanks, to anyone raiding this server


NYPA faggot

So you're mad that a discord full of SJWs rejected you? Get a life


Being an sjw is lit my guy

They ban those with different views. They deserve to learn a lesson

I'm mad that they ban anyone with sightly different views, they think they're right and everyone is wrong. They're arrogant, they need to be taught a lesson

Don't have to be, to have some fun





look at these babby tears

Plus some people are actually invading


Sounds like you got banned for being a little bitch since you came crying to Sup Forums of all fucking places to whine about it fag.

Thanks Sup Forums, for your help

>crying =/= mad

>SJW MOD on discord
>OMG what is the world coming to

Dude. Get a fucking life. You have the right to be a retarded little prolapsed asshole, so I'm pretty sure that guy has the right to be an SJW. On his own fucking discord server for fucks sake.

You're pathetic if you think you gotta call on Sup Forums every time someone won't take your bigoted shit. What's the matter, got banned?

Hey guess what, they have that right. It's called freedom of speech.

Don't like it? Don't use their server. Make your own DISCORD SERVERS ARE FREE. why is this even a problem?
