"Not your personal arm."- Sup Forums's excuse for becoming a bunch of pussies. Prove me wrong

"Not your personal arm."- Sup Forums's excuse for becoming a bunch of pussies. Prove me wrong.

you think we're stupid or something?

Sup Forums used to be fearless. Then you guys became a bunch of pussies who stopped trolling hardcore

Fuck it, I'll bite.
Unless it's worth the time and effort, I'm not going to help someone who is in need of "help", when this person can clearly do it themselves.
In example, raiding another board because OP got trolled last week by some native anons.
Why the fuck should I, or anyone else, help you get back at them. Why would I waste my precious time, helping someone, who I've never met, nor has helped me before, raiding a board? It has nothing to do with me, and I could care less. If me and OP share similar interests, or if there is a reward for all the work and time put into it, then that's different.
But gathering a group of people to do the work OP could have done by himself?
Fuck that. I got better things to do.

Now, prove me wrong.

>"Not your personal arm."
Well, how about a personal leg then?

I would prove you wrong...

But I'm not your personal army.

Nypa only applies to pussy anons who fail at life, if you have a valid reason most anons are happy to help...

pretty much this

I still can't believe they put a nigger in the new Star Wars movie, political correct faggots

You enforce my point.
It wasn't about the politics or the criteria. It was all for the lulz. Or were you not on Sup Forums back in the day?

Been here since 08 what's your point? And how exactly am I "enforcing" your point? Provide and actual counter argument.
Have you actually seen Star Wars? Do you know who Lando Calrissian is? Mace Windu? James Earl Jones?

Actually no, never seen any of the movies but I just hate how they put a nigger in it

>excuse for becoming a bunch of pussies
Because nowadays is just "this guy/girl of my HS hurt my feelings. Here's a phone number, be mean ;)". Faggots like these need to man up. I'd join any raid for anything meaningful or lulz worthy.

I can do stuff but only if result is entertaining.

Op from that thread here

anons do your job

Horrible bait. If you were here back in the day you would know that faggot OP's were told " Not your personal army" 90% or more of of the time.

Obviously a summerfag. We've never been a personal army for anyone. We've only ever done stuff if the result is funny, not just because we can.

>Have you actually seen Star Wars? Do you know who Lando Calrissian is? Mace Windu? James Earl Jones?

yeah but those guys were not just in the movies because they are niggers, you fucking dipshit.

>Lando Calrissian is?
>Mace Windu?
Jedi master.
>James Earl Jones?
Not a character.

Now, why the "literally all white men" Empire would have suddenly a black guy as stormtrooper?

Sup Forums does shit because Sup Forums wants to do shit. Anons won't do shit just because you asked they'll do it because they want to.

When people respond collectively with NYPA it's generally a sign that you're shit at making raid opportunities or it's very clearly because you can't be fucked to grow a pair and do something yourself.

Well why were slaves bred to be even more athletic? To do more free work correct? So if stormtroopers were real they'd all be Neckbeards brah, clumsy and slow. Vader would just walk up and literally choke them and they couldn't raise their arms enuf to stop it. I have no idea why they chose this black dude with no neck tho....

you're absolutely right.

It's like that whole "hold me back, bro!" thing, where a dude who can't do shit in a fight is held back by his friends and he acts all tough and like the only reason he's not doing anything is because he's being held back or whatever.

the only thing Sup Forums does collectively tyhese days is an occassional dan thread on omegle, and even that shit is weak.

>you: it's DAN!, I'm Dantastic! LOL!
>you have disconnected

then they post screenshots about how they "trolled" the other person.

as others have noted many times, Sup Forums of 2017 is not the same Sup Forums of olde.

But no-one concedes to anything. Even though it's the 88th most visited site in the US, many people who visit Sup Forums and in particular, Sup Forums, still think it's some secret club and that merely by coming here, they are all hackers and members of anonymous and edgy social outcasts when in reality, i think you'll find Sup Forums shares it's demographic with reddit, 9gag and other popular websites.

You're right. They're a bunch of lazy fucks or too busy jacking off to traps.

So, the allegedly racist Empire would use blacks as their army, right? Are you legally retarded, user?