How do i look? Im not the prettiest one but i really hope that im not the ugliest either "lol"

How do i look? Im not the prettiest one but i really hope that im not the ugliest either "lol"

Regards poland.

Can't rate without bare ass pic.

You honestly disgust me


post ass, dick and tits OP



Did you just eat a cherry lolipop? Why can your skin tone most accurately described as "piss"

you are fine


Me and my friend just found a cat outside. We gave it ham and cheese to eat but it went away ;____,;

you look like a potato wearing lipstick and an awful haircut

Thanks m8. Atleast you are honest!

You disgust me

Spreak cheeks

are you wearing a dress?

As a man you are a 4/10

As a woman you are a puke/10

Wait.... OP, are you supposed to be looking like a girl? because you don't at all, not even slightly

and yes you are ugly

Fag here
I guess Id fuck you. No beer goggles nessisary

biff tannen/10

yeah man you're pretty ugly, but you don't have to be
first of all, start wearing a normal shirt, in this picture you look like the biggest fag
fix that fucking skin of yours, get some more sunlight and don't sit inside all day. also idek what that shit around your mouth is but go rub some creme or some shit on there, or ask a doctor
get a decent haircut
and please, for the love of god, don't make that face ever. i don't know where greasy nerds got the notion of them looking good when attempting some sort of serious stare like that, but you don't. you're not david beckham, so don't bother.
practice a genuine looking smile in the mirror and start flaunting that
also, obviously, start working out

Haha. Atkeast i dont look lika a girl (like you said) Thats a positive thing :D i guess

hol up, you're a girl??
if that's the case, all that shit ( ) doesn't matter, just kill yourself or become a tranny

good luck fixing yourself, from hungary with love


Oh. I ditnt mean to do that stupid stare. Now when you pointed that out, i can see it too. I wont do it again.

Thanks m80

gun in mouth, brains on ceiling, no one finds you until the stench becomes unbearable, state cremates the corpse because nobody cared enough to claim it, ashes tossed into a dumpster / 10

Założę się, że masz na imię Jacek.

It aint
Thats not a very nice thing to say but i apreciate your opinion.