Hey Sup Forumsros, I'm pretty bored. Dubs decides what I do

Hey Sup Forumsros, I'm pretty bored. Dubs decides what I do.

masturbate to your mom

Live life happily.

Send a dick pick to her


sit forcefully on dog

eat a doo doo

I got oyu

Say hi





Do a roll OP!

Go for a 100 day no-fap


why you niggers wasting dubs on weak shit instead of something like cut off finger

Lmao good luck OP

if trips send a dick pic to a close family member

Highlighter up your ass

easy peasy

take a shit on your kitchen floor and leave it thier

Post you shoving up a toothbrush up your ass

It even ends with 100. Fuck I love how lucky my roll was.

Honestly tho

Hey, as long as it's not me suffering

Rape someone

Go to this discord: VhEyxqT

Well, it's not fapping.

>fuck it. It'll slide.