SWEDEN YES! Rinkeby war-zone

Nothing about this shit in the swedish media. All the reporters are from norwegian television on their own initiative.

Isn't it funny that the norwegian media are taking more interest in the fal of sweden than the swedes themselves?


Long video at the bottom of the article

Other urls found in this thread:


For years, countries sorrounding Sweden talked more about the Swedish immigration policy than the Swedes did themselves. Thankfully it has changed.

Bump for interest. Swedes must be absolutely insane since they have allowed it to come to this.

Hva kaller mann en svensk person med to hjerne celler?


Top kæk

Hvorfor bruger svenskerne snus?
Det er for at lugte ens fra begge ender.

Hvorfor leger man aldrig gemmeleg i Sverige?
Hvem fanden gider finde en svensker?

Hvad er det bedste, der nogensinde er kommet fra Sverige?
En tom færge.

Der sidder to mænd på en bænk i Helsingor. Den ene er plorefuld.
Den anden er også svensker

Cliff-note translation:

Drug dealing gangs of "masked youths" are resisting police in Rinkeby to the tune of throwing stones at cop cars. Officers need extreme numeric superiority to cope.

So-called "exclusion areas" with many uneducated migrants in them are spreading, from three of them nationwide (1990) to 180+ in 2012.


Eran kultur är helt baserade på Sverige. Fortsätt snacka skit era historielösa jävlar och ignorera faktumet att ni inte skulle existera i samma form utan Skandinaviens moderland.

En mann skulle ha hjerne transplantasjon og skulle kjope seg en ny en. Den forste hjernen var den Norske Hjernen den kostet 10 000 kr den andre hjernen var den danske den kostet 100 000 kr den tredje var den Svenske hjernen og kostet 1 000 000 kr. Da spurte mannen hvorfor den svenske hjernen var så dyr. Da sa butikk eieren '' fordi den har ikke blitt brukt'.

Ridiculous that Norway does better reporting on Swedish immigration than...Sweden.
Anyway..some "highlights":

>Swedish police point out 50 areas, "no go zones",that are inflicted with crime and where criminals have a strong influence in the local socicity. Some of these areas are described as "lawless".

>Some of these places have 80% + immigrants, mainly from Asia (aka mideast, probably) and Africa.

>Police always have to travel in force when arriving in these zones, if not they could potentially be killed. Police are commonly met with rock throwing, but has also been shot and thrown grenades at. (Keep in mind this is super peaceful scandinavia, not fucking compton or some american gehetto)

>"Police fishing": People calling and saying they need help from the police, then attack them when they arrive.

>The criminals are increasingly arming themself.

>Woman are supressed by islamists and criminals. One woman that is interviewed talk about an oranised "moral police"/ "islamic religious police".

>Most woman stays inside after eight o clock

>Economist Tino Sanandaji calls the areas previously mentioned for «ticking bombs». Swedish politicans live in their upper white class neighberhoods and are saying that «things are better than ever».

>The news segment ends with the police heading out to try and recapture an area where they've quote «lost control a long time ago». It's too dangerous for the reporters too follow.

Vi skulle existera i bättre form.

for all non scandis, here is what the swede is saying
>we were better than you at one point in history so its ok that we are destroying our country

I live in one of those 50 no-go zones. I'm white and I've lived here all my life and I don't plan to move anywhere else. AMA

I'm packed in like a sardine in a tiny commie block apartment in a concrete jungle filled to the brim with culture rich jungle people.

pic unrelated

Finland inkluderas inte i Skandinavien. Tänker inte snacka skit om Finland, ni är Nordens guldklimp.

Here's someone who didn't pass translation class.
The non-scandis are quite cabable of google translation if they feel like they need to understand my post.

Scandinavia was born from the danes sven, it will die by the swedes..


So are you able to sleep alright?

Lol that's Russia

What a shithole, you seem a very very poor boy

hvorfor fanden har du ikke tænkt dig at flytte?

>Scandinavia was born from the danes sven
og Norge :^)

Oh boy, oh boy!

Du är en värdelös liten skit vars enda undanflykt när konfronterad med sanningen är att åberopa forna bragder utförda av män som drog ut och dog i krig, efterlämnandes sådana ynkryggar som dig och dina fäder att driva deras arv ner i avgrunden.

När den etniske rensingen av de kvarvarande svennarna börjar inom det svenska kalifatet kommer jag personligen hålla vakt över att ingen av er försöker fly till östra halvan.

>dont care about crime in our backyard
>force the other countries to worry about crime on our behalf
problem norway and denmark?

Yes, nights are comfy. I get lullabied to sleep by the screams of disgusting shitskin children getting raped.

Because it will always hurt, no matter where I go. You can't escape it. The curse of being a fashy is that your mood will always be connected to the state of your country.
Also the rent here is cheap

and everytime someone brings up no go zones, Swedes literally pretend and claim they don't exist. It's utter insanity.

+ in 2012
They are fucked.

men gråt jävla mongol.

Swedish media and police have admitted that they tend to cover up or tone down things like this in order to prevent racist sentiment from growing. Essentially they don't want SD to gain more votes.

When are you going to have a meltdown and shoot 50 of these untermensch?

Not even being edgy, but Sweden, France and Britain seem to be areas with legit no-go areas for whites and the police.

Even here we have our shittted up nigger neighborhoods or mudshit (Turks and Moroccans) variation; when did you notice a definite change were it was apparently normal for these sub-humans pieces of shit to try and assault the police without provocation?

>jag kommer personligen hålla vakt över att ingen av er försöker fly till östra halvan
>östra halvan

It is confirmed

Who can you even sent this too?

How can we spread it in Sweden?

What can we do?

you people are fucking suicidal. it's amazing.

you realize fucking everyone in the surrounding city knows, right? fuck i live in rural nowhere'sville and most people here know about rinkeby and the nigger isles in the stockholm 'million programme' areas.
people are just too tired to care.

This is sad as fuck. Sweden why you bring the third world to your once beautifull country and culture.

On the other hand, thanks for being the sacrificial lamb. Feels good when you are so economically uninteresting that refugees REFUSE to come here.

I just hope the breaking point is near. If not well, i'll just retreat into this and Reconquista.

Breddy gud

When are you gonna stop this?

At this point in time can we just write off sweden from the first world?

>Rape of men, too, used to be uncommon in this part of the world. Not anymore. A 17-year-old boy reported being gang raped by several men in the town of Växjö in southern Sweden. In 2012, 132 men in Sweden reported being raped. Once more, we have to assume that quite a few people don’t file a report at all. The humiliation, shame and stigma attached to being a male rape victim are presumably at least as strong as for female victims.


>“It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl,” says Hamid, in an interview about a gang rape involving immigrant perps. “The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably f***ed before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame.”

>He claims that it is “far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean.” Hamid laughed over his own choice of words. “I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get f***ed to pieces.”

>When are you going to have a meltdown and shoot 50 of these untermensch?
Never. I'm never even going to confront any of them. I only use propaganda and subversion tactics and I only support movements that raises the white man without putting other people down. I think the best way to approach our problem is to simply let the ship sink and then lead by example while we rebuild everything and the rest will follow

>when did you notice a definite change were it was apparently normal for these sub-humans pieces of shit to try and assault the police without provocation?
In the early 90s

>Top kæk
Top kæk



Yep. Sweden has fallen. Enjoy your head while you have it.

>There is lawlessness in parts of the Stockholm region now, said police inspector Lars Alvarsjo in Stockholm police region to NRK. A police report the Swedish Rikspolisen announced in 2014, lists 55 of exclusion areas particularly vulnerable neighborhoods where criminal networks have a strong influence. They are called "no go zones."
good. burn to the fucking ground

>and still shouting for more migrants

The reason the media won't report on it is because there's simply so much of this shit. If for example the media did report everything, the right would get huge increase in support.

>say the truth

>the "devilish" right wing gets support

>spread multicult lies

>marxist left wing get's support


>implying the majority wants more
one third of our population is voting for SD, myself included. the second and third biggest parties are starting to assimilate SD's points, because they will fucking die out if they don't. up until this election, it wouldn't matter if you voted red or blue; you'd get immigrants swarming in anyway. i doubt you fully understand how things are in this country. I'd estimate that, including immigrants already here, maybe 10% of sweden wants more to come. the rest are against it.

I just hope that you learn from this. for your sake.

>fuck the country so bad niggers and sandnigger can rape and steal with impunity
>we can't report on it because SD night get more votes.

Like I said, you are fucked.

So how long until they start capturing and publicly gangraping female cops while broadcasting it live on the internet because they will eventually do that to show their superiority to the world.

The æ made me laugh out loud, user, thank you

Its this weird swedish political culture where they dont want to talk about problems. Instead they pretend that problems dont exist and just hope that problems resolve themself. But this is just building bubble because they dont do anything. I bet soon pressure is too much and they have to aknowledge it, then politicians just pretend to be surprised (or they actually are because their heads are stuck so deep in their ass) or they just blame racism for the integration problem. I doubt these politicians are going to carry any responsibility for their actions.

>Wanting to die in a fruitless war started by Jews just because they want you to die
My mindset is not that of a person who has given up

Our politicians are doing the exact same thing, not to mention the media constantly spamming that everything's ok and that there's no need to worry.


Don't fight back! That way the terrorists win!

I just hope we never get as enlightened as you cucks.


talk about stupid. how can anyone peddle this shit and have any credibility?

>f***ed to pieces

The religion of fucked to pieces, everyone.



>no go zones concentrated in the south
>people getting raped both male and female
>increasing economical problems
>people getting armed

could russia start a civil war there? give guns t the literally butthurt swedes/islamists?

they want to stop sweden from joining NATO, and it seems like sweden's ass is wide open for exploits

its not in the first article linked.

>the second and third biggest parties are starting to assimilate SD's points, because they will fucking die out if they don't
So, you now that's probably all lies? Ande after the election, they will just go on with the same politics as earlier. And you're people will take the lies in the next election too

Ok Sven. If that makes you feel better.


Get fucked to pieces while you think

>oh but portuguese people divorce so much !

At least you will have those sharia courts impeding that from happening.

of course it is. but if you peddle a lie long enough, it becomes truth. SD haven't lost even a percentage to this, which is even better.

Every single shitskin with a minimum wage job in my country is richer than everyone in your broken up family combined

just found this

but i need more direct info on sweden and russia

Butt-hurt sverige.

Tag Ahmeds pik ud, så bliver du mindre butt-hurt

savage! Norge-bro

>Most woman stays inside after eight o clock
This is exactly what we need. When white women stay inside, are scared of niggers and ask us for protection (and stop nagging us about muh human rights), then we can finally remove kebab and nigger from the European premises.

They have Stockholm Syndrome

wow... You really played us there..... gg wp

I just can't make myself care anymore. Sweden is such a pathetic nation and has a failing society. Their entire culture revolves around pouring gas to smother a fire.

>Oh we're getting totally fucked up by Muslim immigrants? Well clearly we need more Muslim immigrants! This will surely work because (esoteric circular logic).

Sweden's problem, and Europe's problem by extension, is that they still pretend they are homogeneous cultures. This means they will ignore any problems caused by non-whites, because the societal assumption is that non-whites will act like whites, when that's across the board blatantly false. Democrats do the same thing here, but at least we can kill their precious brown people blame-free when they attack us. I'm sure Hillary will try to end that, though. If we get European self-defense laws, America is dead.

this is what sweden's gov wanted probably

a tyranically enforced curfew


But seriously... I lost some documents, have you seen them?

Yes we also suffer marxist influences and independent womans.

>muh rich shitskins

Stay keked.

Sverige ja.



maybe. What are the documents worth to you?

They know that they are next.

>could russia start a civil war there? give guns t the literally butthurt swedes/islamists?
Albania is already supplying the Islamists, no need for Russia to send hardware.

Like 40% of all journalists in Sweden voted for miljöpartiet (retarded leftists).

And I think it was about 20% of journalists that lived in the same fancy area in Stockholm.

This is a problem. You can imagine what their reality looks like. And what a gigantic progressive circlejerk they've got going.

Säkerställa 'flyktväggar'

Håller med

>Albania is already supplying the Islamists, no need for Russia to send hardware.

damn i didn't know this
i wonder wha the fuck is sweden gonna d about this

will they have to invade the no go znes?

russia could still arm the swedes themselves tho, creating a shitstorm no?

and that's when the people are supposed to make things happens, but it seems you will happily stand by and watch your once peaceful country be flushed down the toilet thanks to sheer stupidity.

Vi snackade om skandinaviska länder. Inte mongoler/ryssmixar så du kan nog vara lugn. Kan inte tänka mig en jävel som vill fly till u-landet Finland. hahah slå ett öga på er ekonomi och fundera över vilket land som kommer att krasha först. Enda skandinaviska landet med bröder är fan Danmark

Send Hæren to liberate swedish communities forced to take migrants. Do it crimea style.

I am aunder impression that lot of that wealth is because of expensive houses/apartments. I wonder what would happen to those expenssive prices if one with money, would by couple of apartments from those expenssive areas and then would rent it for immigrants. Someone with long term plan could actually also buy more of them if prices go down. Then later boot the immigrants and wait for prices to back up again and sell for profits.


>damn i didn't know this
All the grenades and kalashnikovs the rapefugees in Sweden have are from Albania.

>russia could still arm the swedes themselves tho, creating a shitstorm no?
Literally no reason to do so. If Sweden goes up in flames then Finland will have to intervene which will leave it vulnerable to Russia. Putin wins just by sitting on the sidelines and laughing at our dumb, multi-kulti asses.

I think even if the swedish government wanted to remove all the migrants they couldnt because sweden is way too weak as a state.
In 2020 same thing in germany.
Once all the shitskins realize they are stronger than the de-militarized governments they will start demanding ridiculous shit or lynching the native population whilst the state is watching.

Swedish and soon to follow every other western europe government rather join the radical forces than opposing them.

In other words we the white people are fucked. but hey you know that already .


Swedes, please start taking your politicians and media reporters to these war zones. Get them to a car, get them drunk, take away their phone and kick them out in one of those areas at night. Repeat until they are all redpilled.

SD have made massive gains since the last election

More people are reading alternative media

The general view against immigration are getting more and more negative

Things are happening

Yes let's invest our wealth in to the refugee industry and make our lively hood and business dependent on the importation of an infinite amount of third-worlders

>In 2020
Germany is militarily weaker than poland right now.



Of course you care because when they will eventually go down...where do you think the migrants will move?
And don't be deluded that you can protect yourselves....With that tiny population and no gun acess..feels bad man.

It's already happened. The only booming sector of your economy is refugee support because the government bankrolls all expenses. We had a Swede who was in on the racked by renting out literal warehouses for living space for millions per year.


The politicians and media already know about all this stuff. They intentionally downplay non-white crime to stop SD from getting votes.