Do African-American of slave descent have lower IQs than matched African populations...

Do African-American of slave descent have lower IQs than matched African populations? I've meet a few real African engineers and they are bro tier and hilarious. They hate being lumped in with our blacks.

Did we breed dumb into them or were just the dumb ones caught?

Coming for a customer complain this late ? Are you serious Murica ?

You asked for the strongest, not the smartest !

True. We did get some great athletes in the deal. Merci pour ca

But really, has this been studied? Did Africa send over its worst?

> boats here again
> quick, let's round up the worst and get rid of them

>slaves weren't allowed to read
>werent allowed to go to school
>did we breed dumb into them

They sold their weakest kin

My father is from Togo and my mother is from Switzerland. My father had my IQ scored when was a very young child and I tested as a genius (haven't tested it since), but i also have autism and ADHD, so... it sort of cancels itself out...
pic unrelated

True. Probably. That's what I always thought. It wasn't a uniform random sampling of the population. It had to have been biased downwards. Plus, a few hundred years of selectively breeding them had to have had an effect. So, we selected and then breed this population. How much worse would they be if they didn't have random injections of European DNA into their population?

The fuck guinea, 59 average IQ? That's below the downs kids

former german colony, i already like you and your father
>but I also have autism and ADHD
For real?

no, africoon americoons are smarter on average than proper africoons as they have about 20% White DNA

but of those from africa who get to immigrate, a large proportion is from the most talented africoons

I've really never been confident in the accuracy of IQ tests...

Yep. I got ADHD from my mother and Autism from my father.
Pic related: Me in freshman year.

Education has nothing to do with genetics. No matter how educated they are, it doesn't change their inborn capabilities. To make smarter blacks you would need to breed the smart individuals for many generations.


t. Albert von Barbosa

>posting your face in Sup Forums

Looks like you really do have autism.

Welcome afro bro

You don't look autis


'Av a fackin word wiv ya self ya cunt. Fuckin pakis comin raan 'ere givin it laarge.
Jog on yer muppet

No, ones from Africa are just as dumb, if not more so. Like yes they'll call african-americans cotton pickers and shit but they're even worse due to a life of being surrounded by only their kind. At least american ones get exposed to some level of intelligence from time to time, not that it benefits them much.

The average african? No, they score much worse.

SOME african populations? I hear the Igbos are really smart, comparable to whites and asians. Unfortunately Bantu etc. are the main races

You don't look autistic at all, however, it's not like autistic people are supposed to be stupid, just obsessive or abnormal. ADHD is just Jewry in the same basket as feminization.

Can we get CIA to fund Igbo to purge Bantu then?

Just natural selection. They have worked in cotton fields for several generations, who do you think the owner will select as a breeder ?

It doesn't make me "stupid", i just have a really hard time organizing/scheduling my work along with paying attention.

Yes they are. Read thomas Boswell 'Black rednecks and white liberals'. Igbo / yoruba from Nigeria have the highest educational attainment in the USA.

It's less the superiority of modern native Africans and more that of the who had to work their asses off to get out of that shithole.

I never said you were, but I wouldn't let it bog you down at all, y'know?

American blacks are pretty much domesticated sub-Saharan Africans. If I'm not mistaken, sub-Saharan Africans score around 70, whereas American blacks score around 80-85.