New thread, 'cause of popular demand

New thread, 'cause of popular demand.

Old thread

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We're still posting loli discord dot gg/886FhEh


Can someone be honest with me here. Are any of these images really "illegal"?
I should specify within U.S. Law?


....I want to click but I'm spooked.
Fuck off with your cool kids only klub.
You're fine stop being a lil faggot.

Yes, show this to your local police officer and he will gladly tell you what's legal.

No idea, not from the US here.

It's nothing special

Its not that hard to be a cool kid you know



Wow, just WOW! I can't believe this, I just can't FUCKING BELIEVE THIS!

Everyday people ask me why I let you guys live, why I allow you to post these sick images every single day. One day I tell them this, the next day I tell them that. Each time I try and make myself believe that one day you guys were going to prove them wrong, you were going to shape up, you were going to make a change. But now, today, I don't even know anymore. Your actions today have proven to everyone, and to me, that you can no longer be tolerated. It ends now, I can defend you no longer. After today you either cease or become deceased. This place is not your safe haven anymore, it's your graveyard. I hoped it wouldn't have to come to this, believe me I did. I'm in tears writing this because it means that I can no longer see you guys happy and alive. However, once this is over I will still have memories of you and only the good ones. I'll make sure that that's the only thing everyone remembers about you all, I'll make sure they will never know your-, our, dark secrets. Know that you may rest at ease and at peace.










OH MY GOD! I used to wonder why everyone hated you guys and wanted to kill you guys. I even defended you all more than a couple of times and put my own neck on the line for you. I'd always say, "Hey they aren't that bad.", "They aren't really hurting anyone., "It's just a harmless phase, they'll grow out of it.", and "It's only images.", but now after viewing this thread you guys have gone too far. I seriously can't believe you guys. It's not just images anymore, everything has a meaning you can't just post these and get away with it. It's not 'just a phase' you guys are sick and broken. You guys ARE hurting people and you really are THAT bad. I can't believe I'm saying this after all this time. In all honesty it really is nothing personal. It's just a mature and logical conclusion that had to be made. All of your actions have consequences and suffice to say, the only punishment that surmounts to your actions is, well, death.

I really wish there was some other way, if it was up to me I honestly don't mind you all, but something has to be done and this isn't my choice. This is the only way, we have to put an end to you




This is not a cringe thread, man...




/r/ feets

There you are you copy pasta piece of shit.











>cool kids only klub.
Some dude in the other thread couldn't get in, guess it's for faggots only.





Isn't loli legal in some States?
















>how is a drawing illegal
cause someone wrote a law. simple as that
>why is loli illegal
because there IS a connection between loli and actual cp. if you can't see that you are truly blind. you can debate and use logic as much as you like, but the connection is there, and normies can't always see the fine distinctions.
>should loli be illegal
probably not. all else being equal, it likely satisfies actual kiddiefuckers, and does more good than harm
>should you fap to loli
not if your tastes are at all flexible enough not to. there's plenty of other porn out there





>cause someone wrote a law. simple as that

Not where I live...


...and I don't care what laws say in your country, if it's illegal there, good for you.







There might be (or not) a social stigma associated with this kinda pictures, but I can safely jerk off to this pictures, and not to actual cp, so there's that.









Hey, I'm fucking bored, I'll take as many baits as I want.




