How is it to live in the tropics? Is life bearable? Aren't you sweating your ass of all day?

How is it to live in the tropics? Is life bearable? Aren't you sweating your ass of all day?

Technically not in the tropics (North of the Tropic of Cancer), but the weather is so much worse. It started going above 40°C in the last week of March suddenly.
It's because of Himalayas blocking all the cool winds from North (Siberian anticyclone system). This causes most of the Indian subcontinent to have much higher temperatures than other places at the same corresponding latitudes.

read the question again now, pajeet

No, I don't really sweat all the time. I stay indoors mostly. Indoor areas are usually air conditioned or cooled some other way.
When I'm outdoors, I don't sweat either because I live in the desert and there are always very hot winds blowing (which are very hazardous, by the way). The sun is also very intense and can burn your skin.

It's paradise. Costa Rica is 10/10, better than when I lived in Germany.

Explain. How? Just the living standard? Were you able to make a decent living there?

must be shit
anyone who says otherwise must be retarded

Depends on what makes it shit: the climate or the people that live in the tropics

It's like a vacation all year long.

I'd hate to take several showers a day and checking for dangerous animals before going to bed

Well, I only visited, so I can't say that living on the economy is easy. I don't know the job market. But the quality of life is just under Germany's, while the weather is comfy 10/10, no bugs for the most part, and the wildlife and food are much better. Obviously, there are a lot of crappy parts, too, as it's a third world country, but most Costa Ricans seem to live in modesty rather than poverty.

It's beareble if you live in a city at least 1800m above sea level, where the air isn't humid anymore and is temperate all year tound.

t. live in a high altitude city in the tropics. The average temperature is 14°C, which is lower than most cities in the southern USA

What do french and british people think about their oversea territories?
not having to leave your country for some third world shithole, while still being able to experience another continent and the tropical climate sounds p good

keep in mind that arabs are retarded trash
then imagine those jungle creatures

wtf are you talking about brown skin doesn't burn


>there are people living in the tropics and subtropics

what the fuggg :D

Do you live in Medellin?

Are the subtropics nice?

I've been to northwest argentina once to see the giant waterfalls, it feels junglish, palm trees, mosquitos, really humid so I guess that the subtropics is like a watered down rainforest.

i've never been to florida or cuba but they must be similar in weather and flora.

I spent one year in the tropics and would never go back. I sweated like I've never sweated in my life, I needed to drink all kinds of juices and sugary drinks just not to become dizzy and I once burned my scalp very badly just for not wearing a cap outside in August. Oh yeah, and the temperature doesn't go down at night or when it rains.

So its only good for vacations but not to live

Tbh Spain can already be really hot in summer. Luckily it's not that humid and you probably have air conditioning in most work places, but still

>Tbh Spain can already be really hot in summer

Where I live summer is so mild it feels like springtime but yeah medcucks have to put up with (or enjoy, depending on your viewpoint) really hot summers

All the arid region of Mexico is the subtropic. Hot during the day, cold during the night. Meat based diet. Not very densely populated so that's good for me. 355 days of sunshine a year, though.

We build the houses with high ceilings to avoid humidity, the windows never point to the east of west to avoid the dawn/twilight low sun and everyone has their own A/C.

A thread with ikibey. Can only be quality.

It does, just nowhere near as easily as white skin

You need air-conditioning to make life bearable