(Drugs related thread)

(Drugs related thread)
What is this mushroom
and what type of trip is expected from someone who has Bad mental health ;)

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Damn leafy tree branch area next to a stream

Don't be a retard, OP.

dont just fucking eat random shrooms thats how you die

Eat it and see what happens


So I'm sure I'm being trolled, but don't even consider it. Seriously. Death via organ failure is a bitch

You really should go to the shroomery for advice about this. These faggots on Sup Forums will have you shitting out of every orifice on your body. Grow some yourself and then you know for sure. As far as the mental health question, I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone. Start small and work your way up. You don't want to eat more than you can handle. Once it starts you have to ride it out.
t. amature mycologist

1. Yes, some mushrooms that look like that are hallucinogenic.
2. No, your's probably isn't. There are a fucking million little brown mushrooms.
3. Even if it was, you'd need to eat a lot more than one to get any effect.
4. We can't always ID mushrooms after they're picked, you need context too.
It's fine to eat tbh. It's clearly not an amanita, and if OP only eats one, he'll be fine.

Definitely not active. Wrong season for half of the world.

There are so many more species that are deadly toxic that are not Amanitas, and many of them are LBM's...

OP here got enough sense to not eat what I see, especially since they are mushrooms, it's season atm in New Zealand so just on the look out, I hit up the shroomery as well thx

if your US dont be afraid to grow shrooms. its easy as pie.

Drugs related thread?

local drug store only holds shitty DXM products because teens kept stealing anything desirable.

working my way down a 8 oz bottle of dex+guaif that has the texture of molasses and the most sickly taste imaginable.

about a third done and my stomach is in knots at this thick menthol mess. hopefully this is enough to produce a good dissociation and I can vomit without much discomfort and chug another third and repeat.

right now this is fucking worst tho. I shot myself in the foot once and that was severe magnitudes better.

If you don't know for certain what it is, don't eat it. My mother is a mycologist. Trust me, don't eat mushrooms that you don't know.

That mushroom you found is an LBM (little brown mushroom) even expert mushroom hunters and botanists can't tell individual species apart.

Buy from a drug dealer or grow some yourself.

For someone who has bad mental health I would recommend taking a large dose of mushrooms. Below threshold doses

Not active.

Liberty Caps.
Looks similar, but this is the wrong time of year for them to appear.
In the UK here, they appear around October.

Your problem is your doing shit with guaf in it. Just DXM next time.

Lel. Enjoy your guaf induced projectile vomiting

if you drink the shit with guaif you're gonna throw up. That shit is in their for that purpose. You NEED to get the one with only DXM on the active ingredient list.

that mushroom will do fuck all.
the ones you're looking for with have a blue-ish hue. pinch the stem firmly, if it bruises a blue/green colour, it's got psilocybin. otherwise, chuck it.
Mushrooms aren't as lethal as people make out, but it's still a shit idea eating anything off the ground.

who cares? eat them and hope for the best

I understand that you want an id on the shroom you picked but there's seriously wayyyy too many threads when people can just look at images of active liberty caps and see the difference.

i'm not saying you should totally eat that shit, but it does closely resemble a conocybe cyanopus

No worries, found some chicken cunt, last question where do you get the spores ?

haven't robotripped in years but when I was a teen guaf never bothered me

I went to fucking CVS and they had 0 DXM only products out. tylenol and dramamine mixes were my other options
of course I could have not been a faggot and look at another store

at this point it might be a relief

I'm sorry to hear that. Next time DXM should be the only active ingredient, and make sure the inactive ingredients don't list sucralose.

CVS usually carries the brand with only DXM.
It's made by CVS brand and there's usually only 1 row of bottles on the bottom.

fuck. i'm not even high