Daily reminder that India is more powerful than half of you shit posters here!

Rest of the world, are you even trying!?

Other urls found in this thread:

>India 4th largest because of higher numbers
>Comparing Indian Hawkes to EU Eurofighters and USA F-22 Raptors
>Comparing trained Western Soldiers to Indians who desert at the first sign of combat

Doesn't take into account skill/conflicts won, nor cyber divisions which is a major part of modern conflict.

These numbers are meaningless since they ignore the effectiveness of the units.

>India is more powerful than

An Avrg Indian earns 1600$ per year...military numbers mean shiiiiiiiit...




>USA F-22


are you british or usda certified if bacon/meat isn't haram!

hey man, how many LOOS can you build with 46bn dollaroos
inbf 2 walls.

And the average Bangladeshi earns 900 dollars a year until he gets sliced up for not believing in allah enough.

How does average income per person come into the picture while discussing military strength, you dumb Paki? Go back to making underwear.

1858.4m toilets to be precise.

damn thats a lot of tanks

it' 1500$ actually and absolutely nothing to shout about to the world my dear 'Indian Diaspora' in every SAARC country....

why america budget is sooooooo much bigger but the army size isnt that big compared to russia ?

is it because plane cost a fortune or is it because the technology on each unit is much better?

military strength is absolutely nothing when it can't be backed up by economic strength...and econ. strength is absolute must to lay claim on being a Superpower...

I didn't know sunken boats count as submarines, thanks North Korea.

It's Midget Subs only carrying 14 men and 2 torpedo's...even Iran has 22 of those...

>spends a load of money
>military is still shit
Brazil, nooo.

Thank god that ranking only counts quantity, or else we would be much further down the list.


Even Canada could roll India.

Shitty conscripts and cold war era vehicles do not a powerful military make.

The average salary of country is not interrelated to the countries GDP, fuckin fag.


That's a lot of sitting ducks.

>belgium has 52 tank, 166 plane and 33k men > 700k men, 6600tanks and 943 plane

damn NK your technology must be fucking shit

Not an argument. Military strength is dependent upon wealth of the state rather than the poorest individual. You're redundant, and vilifying a much stronger military than your own, a much larger economy than your own, and trying to compensate for the fact that the average Bangladeshi goes through more pairs of underwear than a senile old woman.
The only person making claims of superpowers here is you, not me, and if you'd stop trying to validate your existence by tarnishing other countries, and learn your place as the doormat of the subcontinent, it'll help you.

And the best thing about an Indian invasion is that they don't produce a scorched earth, instead the create highly fertile clay because they shit all over the place

>7th place

our military is incapable of doing anything sers these days. if anybody attacked us we would be scrued

how can Belgium be in front of N. Korea when they are superior in all categories?

>Canada still solo Iran 1on1
>mudslime think they will rule the world

Shitty technology

your country's economic strength is measured and backed up by your GDP...not the salary of a Infosys exec....!

Your post had the waft of perfume called 'REKT' it new on the market...?

You dumb nigger. That's what I'm trying to say. You are the one who brought up average salary of a Indian into the matter to underrate how our military might is shit.

Do you understand English?
GDP is not a complete measure of economic activity. It accounts for final output or value added at each stage of production, but not total output or total sales along the entire production process.
The methodology of calculating GDP is different, it's not possible to infer the average salary from it, or vice versa.
But GDP is the nominal measure of economic growth and we have a high GDP, due to a large population and a low average salary because of that.
Think really hard about it and maybe you'll understand in a week or so.

Just $2.99 m8

Ah, yes the mark of the infantile.
Remember next time you don't have an argument, accept defeat and shut it, because if you claim "I'm winning" without putting out a real argument, you're not only losing, you're losing in the worst way possible.
I'll give you the mercy you don't deserve and just assume you're incompetent because you're stupid, but that seems to be a general trend in your country, so I'm not sure.
yeah no

we were not talking about GDP(ppp) to begin's the gross output GDP(nominal) that was the topic of my post...


I mean seriously, what's with the retarded silly walks?


Thanx m8 will look for it , I was thinking about switching my current fev 'Bootyblast' to a new brand...

No, the topic of your post was about assessing the economic strength the country, which you misrepresented by quoting the average annual income, which is objectively wrong and doesn't help your case anyway because India has a high GDP. Also, nominal GDP is GDP not adjusted for inflation, which means it'll only go higher than the value of stated GDP. You're wrong again.
You can't even type properly, it's not a big surprise you can't get into economics. I suggest you not strain your small brain and stick to manual Labour like dog you are.



damn north korea could fuck the aricraft carriers up

unbless they got missiles on the bottom