Bill Burr has died RIP

RIP dead boy Bill Burr. He now is a dead boy, bye bye.

Who will play him in his biopic?

I bunch of chewed up frosted flakes.

> allenpalin has stopped uploading videos

No he hasn't

what the fuck was his problem?

wasn't this guy cucked?

Old Billy Skeletonface finally did it. Too much Doctor Cahvey's easy shave butter.

He's cheated on multiple girlfriends and has had multiple girlfriends cheat on him but no as of right now there is no evidence that either he or his wife has been unfaithful. He gets along great with his wife. Pretty much everyone expects her to dump his freckled ass eventually and take all his money though.

he's alive?

noooo! he didnt call it quits, did he? those are seriously the gems of youtube

He dies on Sup Forums practically every week as an excuse to go ZIP...



>Today, I found out my girlfriend was messaging her ex boyfriend on facebook.

Done. It's over. I don't even need to read the rest of this. Break up with her. Come on, you're young - still a first round draft pick! Got a full head of hair... in reality, she did you a favor. Hey, you know what would be the greatest, if they had some kind of a breakup suit... OK, here's whatcha do. When she comes home from work, be waiting for her in your breakup suit when the helmet in your hand, and say "honey, let's go for a drive." She'll be confused because you always drive. "Don't worry honey, it's all gonna make sense in a couple of miles." Then, once you're out on the interstate, tell her "I'm breaking up with you" then boom, just open the car door and jump out, and you'll never see her again.


Hell, he literally wrote a book about cheating on women.

Who will check in on me, now???

Oh it was brutal... brutal!

it's a morbid thought, but I hope that bill dies before nia leaves him. I'd hate for him to go through an ordeal like that.

listening to those podcast episodes would be crazy. i almost want it now

he gets killed when?

This is literally all his advice it's great
>I'm 26, my girlfriend-
Break up with her dude it's over

Am I the only one who likes Nia? I really hope I find a girl with a sense of humor like that and could actually point out my flaws and laugh at me once in a while instead of being a bitch about something.

But man...She really torches Bill sometimes, jesus. It's fucking hilarious though.

HEY so ahhh, this whole internet thing has got me really stressed out. I go on the internet, and there's these FUCKIN'... I don't even know how to describe 'em. They call each other NECKBEARDS, ha ha, that's how fuckin' pathetic these people are.

But they fuckin stress me out man, cos when I'm like, tryin' to talk about some shit, you know in like a forum or whatever, these CUNTS, these fuckin ANIMALS are THERE, TYPIN AWAY, OH it's brutal.

I can take abuse, y'know, I mean look at me. Look at my red, ginger fuckin face and tell me I can't take some shit. But when RETARDS, FUCKIN... ARRGH! Some stupid CUNT is just like, he's sayin' "implying you're not a newfag," THAT'S WHAT HE SAID TO ME! IS THAT EVEN ENGLISH? And this fuckin NERD even made his, all his text go green like he's some fuckin' computer hacker! I was scared he was gonna hack ME! And MY SHIT!

All I wanted to do was talk about my Breaking Bad shit on the internet. PLEB! THAT'S IT, that's what they called me, fuckin' PLEB! THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?


Unfunniest "comedian" that ever existed.

You retard

Nia goes full SJW at times and Billy Booze Hound always takes her down
Other than that, she seems to have a good sense of humor and I can see why he loves her