I'll just leave this here

I'll just leave this here

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Yes, you did leave that there.

Checks out

dubs relaed


OP is a faggot
nobody can argue with that statement because it's objectively correct in every regard

So you want us to argue semantics?
Or the fact that the object on pic is smarter than you are?

Sounds right to me. Why was this posted?

this can now be laid to rest. RIP rock

I agree, he did leave the image there.


The pioneers used to ride those babies for miles

This is a picture of a rock

That's a stone you faggot

a Boulder doesn't look like that boulders are like big balls of rock that isn't perfectly round wtf that's a rock

It's a big stone you faggots

I agree with—and respect—all of you.

It's a very small mountain to me

excuse me Sir, but did you say nigger?

are you sure its not a meteorite?

it appears to me that this is an image with a large pebble!

A rock is the hard material of the earth’s crust. It is normally exposed on the surface of the earth or sometimes underlying the soil. A stone, on the other hand, is a solid non-metallic mineral matter of which a rock is made. In fact, it can be said that stones constitute what is called a rock. This is the main difference between a rock and stone

what a bunch of marshmallows


I never understood why you faggots liked this ugly piece of shit she's hard to look at what an ugly pathetic stinky pimple faced ugly bitch.

That is one grade A sedimentary piece of geology right there

Yes, I did user.

Thats a stone if i ever saw one

But is it allocthanous or autocthanous?

Underrated post

That's a nice boulder