Hey guys I need help. My wife believes in evolution and wants to teach our kids...

Hey guys I need help. My wife believes in evolution and wants to teach our kids. She is a science teacher for middle schoolers I don't want my kids to think we came from monkeys. Can you guys give me evidence to support evolution can't be real.

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you exist. that should be proof enough. also is pic related?

Your bait is bad, and you should feel bad.

No bait all the info I can find is spiritual based and my wife hasn't out grown her skeptisim....

Not related I wish

On the off chance this isn't bait admin is fucking retarded. Must suck to be so dumb that no one believes you can actually be that dumb.

Sounds like you haven't out grown religion you sky daddy worshiping nut case.

Many people don't believe in evolution this doesn't make me any less intelligent.

who is in the pic?

It's just frustrating because she can't even answer simple questions like. When will a dog evolve and into what?
I told her dogs can only produce dogs she told me that I'm being narrow minded. That it takes many many years... Though she fails to tell me how long. Saying she doesn't know. If the science is settled she should know.

>monkey enough to start this thread

It's not a bad thing to believe in a higher power. It helps me get through my struggles.

You say it doesn't make any less intelligent but I will point out that your critical thinking is barely non-existent.

Evolution right in front of your eyes, nigger

Hey OP, you can take heart because humans didn't "come from monkeys." Humans and monkeys share a COMMON ANCESTOR. Meaning, some few million years ago, there was some ape like creature that had thumbs and forward facing eyes. Some of its decendants became larger and smarter, and eventually developed into the Great Apes, which includes Humans. So don't worry, we didn't come from chimps or gorillas or anything else we have a word for.


How so? How does something become a non human though evolution. When humans breed humans?? Monkeys breeds monkeys dogs breeds dogs. I'm using my brain to the fullest are you??

It's truly terrible people dumb enough not to understand a concept as simple as evolution exist on such a wide scale. They should be purged for the greater good.

What's is this and how does it explain evolution? Just bacteria???

But look OP are you EXACTLY like your father? You might be similar, but you're different. You're also different from every single one of your ancestors. After a few million years of such changes, the differences mount up to where you can say "these two directly related animals are different species"

My wife has told me this before but answer me this what ever that "creature" could it only mate with similar "creature" wouldn't it produce only that "creature" it's not like you can have a dog make a cat..

Evolution is a proven scientific fact. Why would you want your children growing up misled about facts of nature? You want them to be as dumb as you?

To put it simply evolution appear when needed but with our current way of life, it is not needed. And even if it was, it would take millions of years to become even visible. (On another note those this mean that you don't agree dinosaurs were a thing or came a second time to earth.)

So far it has taken 4 BILLION years to get to this point, However, all you have to do is look how dogs are evolving through selective breeding to answer your own question! Selective breeding is just like natural selection only on steroids, or do you think God is responsible for making Pitt Bulls and Mastiffs from Wolves? No, it was selective breeding

Check this post of mineThere are changes in each generation from their parents. Over time they change more and more. They grow taller or shorter, based on "natural selection."

Say you have 10 kids. Most are about 6 foot. But something happens which kills all your 6 foot kids, but spares the5 5'5" one. From that one survivor the rest of your line will spawn. And from then on 5'5" kids will be born with more regularly. If kids that hit 6' still die then your line will eventually be mostly comprised of 5'5" people.

How do we know it takes that long if we can't see back that far? I will be honest this does make more sense when you explain it that way. Hmm...

You're fucking dumb as fuck dude. Don't have kids.


To late I have 2 girls.

>Pics or didnt happened

Thats a good argument, ask for tits too

obvious bait, but most americunts actually are dumb fucks like you pretend to be

Okay... This is breaking me a little.

Might I suggest very late term abortion.

Did humans really affect dogs to this degree?

Sorry user, the theory of evolution is the best answer we have so far.
It's better to teach your kids science that actually has corroborating evidence for it.
Also we didn't come from monkeys, we evolved from hominids.

We CAN see that far back because we have the Geologic Record. All the dirt that ever was, still is. And all the shit that has gotten trapped in it is still trapped. We can see the remains of species that fit the bill for our common genetic ancestors. Both through their shape, thumbs, eyes, feet, and their DNA which for some ancestors we have found. When that DNA is compared with our relatives like Chimps, we can see where our three genetic codes overlap and differentiate. That allows scientists to calculate just how far back the seperation is between our species.

The evidence is in front of you at your local park! Labradoodle anyone?

Okay so you guys are saying we didn't evolve from monkeys then why in my wife's classroom do we have a picture like this?

Those things look like monkeys. They are actually ancestors of modern monkeys and humans.

Not only dogs, look at cows, sheep, pigs, horses and chickens.
The domesticated versions of these have changed so much from their original forms because of human intervention. Out of that group only horses and perhaps some chickens could survive on their own in the wild.

That's just a common illustration that people use to talk about evolution as a base concept. That animal on the far left is not a "chimp" but some other pre-human ancestor. It's not very accurate, the "chimp" should also be walking upright.

its even more evident when you look at antibiotic resistance and the flu-virus

lol monkeys. What the fuck am I talking about. They are apes.



Technically we evolved from an ancestor of the bonobo, which is an ape.

>evidence to support evolution can't be real.


I'm honestly so surprised everyone jumped my nuts... Almost all of my friends don't believe in evolution. Many of my fellow church goers don't believe in evolution. Not a single person can help me? Or am I in some time warp were I have been wrong this whole time?

TBH most the information you guys have given me is pro evolution. But to be fair... It makes sense. IDK what to do now... Should I just drop it and let my daughter believe they just came from some slime over a long long period of time?

Don't scare OP off damn it! I am educating!

Kill she and post pictures.

Just separate religion and science user. If you're dead set on believing in a god fine, but don't teach your kids bad science. The theory of evolution has overwhelming amounts of evidence to back it up and if you look up what it takes for anything within science to become a theory, you'll realize that it isn't just some idle idea Darwin had one day in the shower.

lol they didn't shower back then.

Op needs to get his head outside and look at the world God made natural selection (evolution) and all, and help his fellow church goers remove the scales from their eyes to see God's truth God made the world including EVOLUTION! crikey

If Any of this is you then... Yeah you put me in my place. I always just laugh at my wife when she tries to explain it because it seems so far out there maybe I should sit down with her and just listen to what she has.
Fuck this wasn't nearly how I thought this thread was gonna go.

The bacteria, E.Coli in this case, comes upon higher and higher concentrations of antibiotics and adapts. This is essentially a part of evolution. Adapting to your environments.

Yeah. This.

Okay, so if you really don't believe in evolution that's sad. Here's a pretty good example of visible evolution of a species in reaction to it's environment. Always liked this one.


Anyways, I can come up with at least one problem with the theory of evolution though. It's more of an unsolved plothole really:
Entirely new organs like swim bladders and shit. How does an entirely new organ form? The idea of evolution is based on series of small changes, each change being beneficial in some way. How could the partial start of an organ be beneficial? I'm sure we will answer this some day, but for now it remains a bit hard to really explain.

This...this is bait...

Here's the thing OP. Many people do not believe in evolution because of a few reasons.
>it's more complicated
>has gaps of information
>cannot be reconciled with the events of the Bible
Im not here to shit on the Bible, but it is important to remember that it is a book. How you interpret that book is up to you. Perhaps it's better to interpret it like you would for its philosophical meaning, instead of it like it's a textbook on history. God, as they say, works in ways we cannot fully understand, so why would that exclude evolution?

This bait belongs in Sup Forums they believe that christfag shit

In the bath then, you know what I mean.
Also there is no shame in coming from slime, most likely all living organisms in the universe started as slime. It's what these organisms achieve that they can pride themselves in.

Ask him how he explains Sup Forums then?

Too good I give up now

Yeah, that's mostly me. It's a tricky thing to explain because it's a tricky concept to fully grasp. I won't tell you how to marriage, but I bet if you sat down with your wife and listened to her about this she'd love it.

Just remember, believing in evolution doesn't mean not believing in God.

We already have the answer to this. The beginning of the organ is beneficial. For instance. A bit of skin that is sensitive to light would help an animal see shoadows of preditors. From there it just gets better and better at it's job.

It's hard for me man.. The Bible isn't ment to be separated from everything. It's supposed to be parallel with reality and life... The story of Genesis is supposed to be god's way of telling us how it all started.


In response and thanks I will sit with her. I just am scared to become a skeptic like her.

This is true, but you should rethink that God thing too. like what are the odds that the one true religion just happens to be the one your parents learned you.

And I noted that in my post. I just don't see how complex organs could form from random chance and be beneficial. I mean, I suppose mutation can do some crazy things, but a whole organ that just happened to be useful? This part always seemed lacking somehow.

Look into how the bible came to be in the form we see it today.
They actually had meetings in Rome, where they chose which texts would in the bible and which wouldn't.
It's touted as the word of god, but the editing was all human.

All apes are monkeys
Not all monkeys are apes

They are not complex in the beginning. In the beginning they are very simple. They grow to be complex.

It's a personal connection I have with our lord. I can't discrete my feelings and what god has done for my life.

Are you sure?... I'm not so sure. Too lazy to Google.

Well says who? Why can it not be a parable? Or a metaphor? Someone has told you that the Bible is a set of factual events because it's easier to interact with that way. Kids don't care for metaphors or shit like that. But when you tell them something is REAL that really captures their attention. Look at what science has uncovered as if it's God's own evidence. The rules they uncover are his rules, the evidence is his evidence put in place by his rules. Nobody wrote the geologic record besides God. The Bible on the other hand is printed in a factory run by Men.

I have heard this before but it doesn't change how I read the Bible. It may be hard for you to understand where I'm coming from but this is my everything

You're framing it wrong, it's not an entire organ that suddenly spawned. It evolved in small increments over a long period of time, like having a cell that could know dark from light, then it started perceiving colors after that it recognized shapes, all of which took ages to develop.

They shape to their environment, like a rock gets shaped by water, organs get shaped by all the factors surrounding us.

Yeah 100%

God is a dick if he is real.

>Children with bone cancer.

Just like:

All humans are apes
Not all apes are humans

But if it is... Then Adam and eve didn't exist. Which means original sin doesn't exist... Which means Jesus died for nothing? This is impossible because we live in sin. Evolution ruins all of this. How am I suppose to tell my daughter this?

Original sin not god's fault humans did this to themeself.

you didn't tell your wife you were retarded before you married her? lol poor woman

That's because yiu think in six thousand rather than five hundred million years since the Cambrian explosion. It's difficult to grasp because religion is so absurdly simple by comparison. The bible is but one book, but there are entire libraries dedicated to explaining evolution and the biological underpinnings.
The bible was written over centuries, our DNA was written over billions of years.

Think about that before you invoke complexity as the reason something is not true.
Fact is if you even had a basic science education, evolution isn't really that hard to grasp. It's like saying 1 plus 1 does not equal two because you don't know basic math.

He sends people to hell if they don't love him enough.


It is certainly very hard for me to understand, I never grew up with a belief in any god.
But I'm trying here user.
Try to see it from my perspective, for me the fact that we all came from something incredibly simple and over time became more and more sophisticated and able to question our origin is incredibly awesome.
All of the little things that had to happen, over a period of time I have a hard time even understanding, just to get us to this point where we can discuss this is a tremendous gift in my mind. Even if it all started by chance.

To that I say, look about at your Actual everything, by which I mean literally everything. The rules which govern all creation are still as far as anyone can tell "Acts of God." The laws of physics, chemistry, biology, nobody know WHY they exist or why they exist like they do, they just do. If you were to make a case for God, that's your strongest evidence. If you believe in him, why not take a closer look at his creation? We can take the cover off God's watch and see how the cogs move. The trouble is, the watch doesn't match up with the Manual for it. But why should the manual for the product be more important than the product itself?


evolution is wrong in regards to humans

No, it just makes you willfully ignorant.

Nope, sorry. Probably because there's none.

Maybe you should be more about about science and stop being a cringy fucking retard. also
>implying this isn't a bait thread.

Tell your wife if she wanted to teach her kids about evolution she shouldn't have married a retard

Bait tastes yummy sometimes.

But this though?

Dood, Evolution is a fucking fact. Are u a medieval peasant or something?

just tell your kids that only niggers come from monkeys